Episode 40

Bloodlines and Starlines: Eclipse Season is Here

In this episode we dive into the current astrology, the 11:11 portal, the Taurus Full Moon Eclipse and a guided meditation for dissolving all that needs to be shed.


03:18 Current astrology

04:12 Venus Retrograde in Capricorn

21:50 Eleven-eleven portal

48:21 Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

01:36:06 Isis Meditation

Live and recorded virtual teachings

Dark Goddess Masterclass

Sagittarius Dark Moon Women's Council

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Ra Ma:

In this episode, bloodlines and star lines eclipse season is here we dive into our current astrology, the 11-11 portal, galactic centered teachings and the Starline signature, as well as the Taurus Full Moon micro eclipse on Venus Day, November 19. Let's dive in.

Ra Ma:

Welcome to stars, stones and stories. I am your host Rama and together we are weaving Ancient Future wisdom as we birth the New Earth. If you're into astrology, cosmology, living mythology, earth based spirituality and ancestral healing, you are home. If you've stumbled upon this podcast and are new to these topics, this is sovereignsanctuary to expand and deepen your wisdom. As a cosmic priestess, I witness many of the threshold of great transformation. I specialize in astrological divination, sacred site activations and priestess arts for the Aquarian Age. You may learn more about my work and budding Mystery School at Earthseedtemplearts.com Or follow Earthseedtemplearts on Instagram. This community is your opportunity to claim your story, your unique identity and power knowing that you are the hero of your own journey. You are a hologram for the collective and you matter. The world needs your gifts and creativity now more than ever. Crystallize your medicine.

Ra Ma:

Oh great ancient ones, great ancestors, we call to you. May you hear the voices of your descendants traversing through time and space. We humbly ask for your support your wise medicine ways and your genius solutions in these times. Dear ancestors, we wish to partner with you for we know we cannot do this alone. As we traverse the mystery we ask that you, our starry ancestors are with us each breath of the way. May we have clarity of mind and Crystaline vision to see through the dark. May we walk our paths have high holy truth as that is what is needed now more than ever. And so it is.

Ra Ma:

Welcome to Episode 40 of stars, stones and stories. I'm recording this on Venus Day, November 5 at 5:27pm Eastern Daylight Time. And today is a very significant day for us astrologically as both Venus and Mercury have engraft they've moved into new signs. And Venus has just been transiting over the galactic center at the latter degrees of Sagittarius. And as of this morning at 6:44am She shifted into earthy and Cardinal Capricorn where she will be transiting until February of 2022. She is going to go retrograde in December and we're going to talk a little bit about that in this episode and go much more in depth in an in an upcoming episode. We know Venus as the goddess of love and beauty. Ruling both signs of Taurus and Libra and Venus is all about creating harmony and elegance, in our relationships in our values and our connections and our world at large. When I think of Venus I think of culture and the social world and what are we cultivating in our lives and Venus really connects us to the earth. She is the Earth's elder sister, and wherever Venus is what sign she's transiting in, is very significant especially when we know Venus is going retrograde of Venus retrograde is immensely significant because she makes her descent into the underworld, and the ancient Babylonians, the Sumerians tracked these cycles. In fact, as we look to the roots of astrology as we know it today, we find the culture the civilization that regarded Venus, so emphatically she was literally on a throne, Queen of Heaven, and very much connected to Innana. And this is a journey I've personally been on.

Ra Ma:

For many, many years, I started to learn about Innana and her sacred texts and her story when I was an undergraduate school many years ago. And just the layers when we think of Venus, and the journey she goes through and this descent with Dumuzi and we'll connect more about this in an upcoming episode. However, I want to say for now, it's important to note she's in Capricorn, and she gets a little uptight in Capricorn, because Capricorn is like the sea of the zodiac. And Venus gets a little fixated on running the business and the show and can forget about the romance and the love and pausing and enjoying life and slowing down like in Capricorn. She's got a massive vision she wants to deliver. And it's all about how are you utilizing the energy. And Capricorn has that beautiful universal view. And as an earth sign is very connected to the material realm. And also we can never forget that Capricorn is also ruled by Saturn. And we know Saturn as Lord of Karma, Lord of time. So Venus in Capricorn is very focused on our time and our resources and, and what's our vision and are we making it towards our vision. And so this is gonna be a really significant time to think about our vision, personally and collectively. And with Venus in Capricorn, she wants to be organized and responsible, very disciplined, deliberate, she can be prudent, she can be a prude. She can be frugal, she can be very kind of tight, energetically, and she has a lot of fear. If she wants to control, she can be a little conservative, rigid and definitely cold and calculating. So it's an interesting time with Venus going retrograde in Capricorn. And as she goes retrograde, she's going to move over the degrees that we had the Saturn Pluto conjunction at the beginning of 2020, January 2020. And we had an eclipse right around that conjunction as well, January 10, and 12th of 2020.

Ra Ma:

So, Venus's journey, her retrograde journey, is going to be allowing us to reflect on so much of our journey since that potent eclipse that Saturn Pluto conjunction that really ignited the COVID pandemic and the financial crisis that many people are in the midst of now still. So this is very significant astrology, and she will go retrograde on December 19, at about 27 degrees Capricorn, and then direct on January 29 of 2022 at about 12 degrees Capricorn. And she's going to enter her shadow phase of the retrograde the front in shadow on November 17. So notes that there's a lot coming. And it's going to be really important for us to pay attention to so we can wrap up this chapter of our life in a really conscious way. Which is why we're going to speak much more in depth about out this Venus retrograde probably an episode 41. So stay tuned for that. Now, on this Venus day as I'm recording this, as I mentioned, Mercury also shifted into Scorpio. And Mercury in Scorpio is all about communicating from the depths. When we think of Mercury Retrograde, we think of the psychopomp, the one who speaks to humanity on behalf of the gods. And there's something about Mercury in Scorpio that has that kind of retrograde sensation, not in the way that pop astrology would describe Mercury Retrograde, but in the sense that mercury wants to get deep in Scorpio. Mercury wants to really master communication, and not just from the surface kind of broadcast level, but like, really like what has been said between the spaces of the words. And so Mercury in Scorpio is a regenerator transformer, uh, depth psychologist. And this activates Scorpio season on an even more profound level, because we've culminated with that Scorpio New Moon, and we have Mars and Vesta, both in Scorpio now as well. So our devotion and our ways of taking action and communicating and of course, the sun, the solar frequency is there. So we're fully in the Scorpio season, and it is a very gritty month, this is a time to get gritty, a time to really channel your parts of self that are just like ready and willing to roll up your sleeves and just get in the mud, get in the dirt. We've already been in it psychologically for over 18 months. And some of us are kind of over it. But at the same time, it's like when you're over it, it's ready to just really surrender and get in there and clean it up. Like the only way to really transform as we get so stripped. And this is really well laid out in the journey of Innana. She goes through those seven gates, we get so stripped of all that. We want to hold on to all of these power items, these tools, these talismans that we think that we need to be our most magical, potent selves.

Ra Ma:

And when we're going through a dark night of the soul, or we're going through a great transformation, we literally have to strip ourselves of all that we think is holy, that makes us who we are. And we have that opportunity to hang on the hook. Like Innana did and does every time Venus goes retrograde reminding us that actually, those talismans and tools were just that, talismans and tools. And our magic is inherent to who we are. And this month of November has some sticky gritty astrology to it. And it's really powerful because what is coming in December even knowing that yes, we're having that Venus retrograde in Capricorn. What is coming on other fronts in December is very magnetic, and potentially incredibly positive astrology, if we are engaged and prepared to shoot through our bow and arrow, and Scorpio season cleans us out like a roto rooter really getting down in the pipes where things are stuck and clogged. And if we're willing to just say, you know, fuck it, I'm gonna clean my drain now, even though it's really gross, and you clean your drain out, like oh my gosh, even though you have to look at all of that gunk that comes out of the drain and figure out what you're gonna do with it. You feel so much better or afterwards and like every time you go to brush your teeth or you know, whatever you're doing at the sink, the dream flows, it's clear, it's clean, like, like, life flows again, right. And that's what the Scorpio season wants to do for us and through us. So it's beautiful astrology. And then on Monday, November 8, we have Pallas Athene going direct. She's been in Pisces throughout most of 2021. And she's the asteroid goddess of the high mind. And where she lives in our charts is like where we're very mentally creative, where we're very cerebral, we're potent. We can vision we can, we can think outside of the box, and in Pisces. She's really artistic and mystical, and she wants to work with light and color and sound and healing vibrations. And she's been dancing around Neptune in Pisces. And the two of them coming together can create a really beautiful, mystical opportunity for us to vision and dream in new ways. So her direct energy is going to help flow that connection deeper again, as she's coming to meet up with Neptune again, and Neptune is still currently retrograde. On Wednesday, November 10, Mars squares Saturn. And this is a very tight and uncomfortable aspect that we're building up to between this Venus day and Wednesday. Normally, it is the magnetism as we're building up to the aspect that is actually stronger than the aspect itself. So if things start to feel really tight around Monday, that's probably why. Mars squaring Saturn is almost like nails on a chalkboard. And we think of Mars as our will and our source of vitality and how we move forward in the world how we take action, and it's in its home sign of Scorpio. So it's very happy there. It's also a little extra strategic and sophisticated and slinky and stealthy and

Ra Ma:

Saturn is in Aquarius both of these are fixed signs, so they can be stubborn. And then a square has that fixed kind of energy as well. It's like two people really not being able to see eye to eye. And so there's like this fixed and frustrated energy as we think of Saturn ruling time. And in Aquarius, time is also connected to technology, and how much time we spend getting sucked into technology. Now, in its higher stance, this aspect is actually a source of magic and Innovation at its best. We always have an opportunity with the astrology to collapse or to rise above. And if you know an aspect is coming, when you start to feel the energy of the aspect, like if you start to feel very tight and tense, and you're trying to get certain things done and you feel like you're hitting a dead end. Well, it's probably time to just say, You know what, I'm going to put this off for a couple of days, I'm going to clear out my schedule, and I'm going to take care of me. I'm going to go for a walk in nature. I'm going to draw some tarot cards, I'm going to sit at my altar. I'm gonna go on a run. I'm gonna bake cookies with a beloved, I'm gonna sit down and have tea with someone I care about. I'm gonna reach out to a neighbor who I know needs support. There are other ways we can work with the energy right instead of trying to force the square peg into the round hole. And this is why Astrology can be so valuable. The next day is Thursday and we've got ourselves approaching that first quarter moon so the moon is in Aquarius and also the moon is in Aquarius on the Day when Mars and Saturn are squaring, so the moon is going to kind of heighten our emotions on that day. And that's just something to note. And as we get to this first quarter moon on Thursday, we're about a week away from the Scorpio New Moon. And that gives us this opportunity where we have considered our intentions. And I hope you've written down your Scorpio new moon intentions. If you have not, there's still time and please do so. This is very important. We want to get real with ourselves, we want to be thinking about what's my five year plan? What's my one year plan? And how do I want to schedule myself in the next year and five years, so I can attain those one year goals and those five year goals. And when we're thinking about our lives, we're gonna think about our health or vitality. We're gonna think about our personal development, which can look different for all of us. Some people, it's like, mental learning, growth, you know, education, others, it can be spiritual development. We want to think about travel, if that's something that's important to you, our work our career, our business goals, our friendship and family goals, and how we want these parts of our lives to really be more buoyant. And we can also think of our finances and our resources and our value system as a whole. So with any new moon, you can use the intention, I'm easily and effortlessly finding myself. And then you want to think about what it is you're calling forth.

Ra Ma:

And the Scorpio New Moon, as I talked about in Episode 39, more in depth, it was opposing Uranus in Taurus. And so there's this portal of opportunity to really innovate and to draw forth these genius solutions. So as we arrive at November 11, this is the 11-11 portal. And we think of 11 as this number of mastery. This is a portal of spiritual illumination of connecting into the realm of metaphysics, it is through the secret sound current, the nod that we connect with this number of masteries. So if you have a practice of chanting mantra of devotional prayers, the 11-11 portal Day is a really potent time to utilize your connection, to nod to the sound current. And if not, perhaps you invoke that potential by listening to sound currents on that day, and to utilize it as a time to come back to your Scorpio new moon intentions, and to sit with them and to read them aloud and to work that energy. As we're thinking about manifesting, it's, it's not that you write these intentions down, and then you're done. And poof, like, everything appears for you exactly as you've envisioned in your life. That's that's not really how it works. And I know that, you know, certain philosophies might say it's just like, all you have to do is see it as it is, and it happens. And that's not fully how the multiverse works. In fact, we're quite often when we want to level up, we're quite often met with greater challenges. And it's not to make us collapse. It's not to make us feel like, oh, it's not meant to be like, I'm being tested. Oh, I should just give up. No, it's the multiverse saying, Okay, you want to level up? Well, if you are going to level up, you've got to hold more energy and to hold more energy. That means you're going to face greater challenges from time to time. So are you ready? Game on let's go. And when we shrink back, then we've told the multiverse you know what, I'm actually not ready for that yet. So this process of visualization and manifestation, at times, has a level of intensity to it as this This isn't natural law. This is a rhythm of nature. This is why I teach about the rhythms of the sun and the moon and our connection through our bodies with the chakra portals and the stones in Earth Seed, my foundational course to my Mystery School and we're wrapping up our fall Council right now. It's been really a beautiful journey. And if this is something you're interested in, perhaps you'll consider joining us in the spring. So make sure you're signed up for my Venusian love notes. So you're always on the pulse of these offerings. And this brings us to the astrology of Sunday, November 14, we have the asteroid goddess Juno, shifting into Capricorn. She has been following right behind Venus. And they were dancing around the galactic center together around the Scorpio New Moon. And I absolutely love the galactic center so much. I'm going to be speaking about it more in this episode. Juno, as the asteroid goddess really speaks to that which we're married to. She is the goddess of commitment. And she's a triple moon goddess. And so she's speaking to the powers of the feminine, and what happens when we are committed to something. And as she is following Venus and her footsteps, and now they're both in the sign of Capricorn. And Juno is coming to, you know, marry this goddess of love and culture and beauty.

Ra Ma:

On November 16, Tuesday, we have Vesta shifting into Sagittarius, she's been in Scorpio, and Vesta is the goddess of that which we're devoted to she connects to our Kundalini frequency. And she is in this season, preparing us for this potent Sagittarius season where we have that total solar eclipse on December 3. Vesta is leading the way. Vesta as this Goddess of devotion, coming into the wild horse archetype, and the parts of ourselves that are seeking to expand through our beliefs to be eternally the priest, the priestess, the vision quest, or the philosopher. And this brings us to the next intense alignment of November 17, we have Mars opposing Uranus. And as we know, Mars is in Scorpio, Uranus is in Taurus. And this is definitely very tight, potentially explosive, potentially volatile astrology. And this is the kind of astrology where we could see outbursts, violent outbursts in the collective, we could see the earth moving collectively with earthquakes or some sort of water explosion of some kind. Unexpected, you know, choppy seas. I mean that potentially literally, but more metaphorically, Mars, again, is our drive our aim over the divine spirit. It's the archetype of the warrior and the Daredevil and so focused on individual willpower and as I mentioned in Scorpio very stealthy and strategic, and also at times very very dark penetrating, right like the grotesque nature of Halloween how it gets like portrayed in pop culture. When we think of Freddy Krueger and Friday the 13th... then that horrible movie Chucky... Oh my gosh, when I watched that when I was 10 I used to have nightmares and I couldn't sleep for probably six months straight. That film I mean, those horror films are horrible for humanity. I mean, bless you, if you like the genre of horror, I mean, no judgment, honestly, but When we think about the psyche, and our consciousness and how hypnotic we are as humans, and how easily hypnotized we are, that portrayal of the genre of horror literally does not serve any higher frequency agenda. The only agenda that serves is to keep us in bondage in slavery as humanity. And even when we think about Halloween, I mean, Halloween and our connection to Samhain and the other world, I hope that you got a strong sense of that when you listen to episode 39. When we when we connect to these otherworldly realms, our ancestors are the gateway to this realm. And when we go into these liminal spaces, it's beautiful, it's magical. There's so much potential, there's light, and yes, there's darkness. And the darkness does not have to be grotesque in the ways that Hollywood and other aspects of the overall culture have portrayed it.

Ra Ma:

But when we think about Mars in Scorpio, it can have that grotesque nature, right, it can have that violence to it. And Uranean Energy ultimately is the key to our illumination, our super intuitive, our genius potential. And we know in in Taurus, as I've been sharing with you now, for many, many moons many, many months here in this podcast and our journey through star stones and stories. Uranus in Taurus is really to inspire us, enrich us in our connection to mother earth, to the elements to nature to that which is natural law. And when you've got this opposition between Mars and Uranus, it can get downright nasty. So we want to make sure we're prepared. We're grounded, we're taking care of ourselves, because this is building up to the eclipse on the 19th. And we're going to be speaking about this Taurus, micro Eclipse, this lunar eclipse later on in this episode, so bear with me here, stay tuned, it's coming for you. We're building up and I want to say, what do we do with these aspects, you know, we take care of ourselves. Like, that's honestly, all you're required, and you're responsible to do in this incarnation, you do you, you take care of you. So you know, an intense aspect is coming. Clear out your schedule, like don't over schedule yourself, make sure you're getting rest. If for some reason you can't sleep because the aspects are so intense. You have that spaciousness in your schedule where you can rest in bed, you can take baths, you can go walk in nature, you can just make life really simple. And that is one of the most literal radical things we can do in these times is to simplify our lives. Because the over culture is broadcasting to us that time must go faster, that technology must go faster, everything is zipping along, and you need to zip with it. And the truth is, you don't. The truth is, what we need to be doing is to anchoring to the earth to connect to the pulse of Mother Earth. She is our magnet, she is our filter, she is our place to go to time and time again. So we know as we're looking at November as a whole, both Wednesday, November 10. And Wednesday, November 17, are some peak intense days. And we want to be, you know, really well hydrated and rested and meditated. So that when that intensity comes, you can be a light for someone else. You can be that lighthouse, you can be an anchor, you can be a source of inspiration and illumination, so that when they feel like their world is collapsing around them, and it might very well be for that, that time period. You can be there to reassure them like hey, this is just a transit it's going to come and it's going to pass and we're going to breathe this through it and how can I support you?

Ra Ma:

So many of you know, in 2021, I've done this rebranding with my work. And you can find out more about my work at Earthseedtemplearts.com. And if you're enjoying this podcast, I would love it, I would be so honored if you find a way to help support this work. And one of the ways is by booking a reading with me, I meet with people, I have very in depth readings, which you'll see when you go to my website, EarthseedTemplearts.com/astrology. And then if you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you can drop in for readings that are 60 minutes, 30 minutes, 90 minutes. I also work with couples with relational readings. And so I just want to invite you, this is a really good time to check in on your astrology as we are in Eclipse Season. Eclipses always bring intense transformation. And it's helpful to know where you're being asked to apply the energy. Also, I want to share with you I've got a couple of upcoming events and they're both virtual. So you're able to join us wherever you live in the world. They're both going to be recorded and so you'll have access to the recordings if you can't come live. The dark goddess masterclass, I'm offering on Monday, November 15. And all are welcomed for this, we're going to be exploring different parts of the dark goddess archetype from the crone to the hag. And in this journey, we're going to discuss different myths and cosmology and astrology around the dark Goddess, and you will receive in addition to the live teaching that is going to be recorded, you'll also receive a guided audio meditation so that you can continue to work with the dark goddess journal prompts to meet your dark goddess frequency within, and a ritual to invoke the Dark Mother. As well as invitations on how you may celebrate these dark moon phases of your life, our lives, and how you may deepen your connection with a dark Goddess that lives within your natal chart. And so you'll be able to know like, depending on what side she's in, and what house she's in, how you can connect with her on a much more personal level. And I know that you will gain so much out of this journey. I work hand in hand with the dark goddess with Black Moon Lilith, she's conjunct my rising. And I've been initiated with her through her my entire existence here on Earth in this body in this incarnation. So I feel as if I come with not only a wealth of material, but lived experience as well. And then on November 30, Tuesday, I'm offering the Sagittarius Darkmoon women's wisdom virtual Council, it is going to be virtual, I quite often offer these in person. And I have for many, many years like eight or nine years now, every single Dark Moon. However, this one is going to be virtual as the next day I'm going to be on my way to Egypt. And I felt called to actually open this up to anyone because not only does it make my logistics a little more simple, but also the eclipse the total solar eclipse on December 3 is so potent. It is a mega wattage powerful event. And yes, I'll speak about it in Episode 41, which will be dropping in to Venus days from today, November 5.

Ra Ma:

That being said, coming into the live event, the council is a much different experience from being on these podcasts dropping in this way. And so if you're called I invite you to join us and yes, it will be recorded. But there's a caveat. This is for women, those who identify as women as these new moon, these dark moon containers for me are very sacred in holding that feminine for sequential space. So the Dark Moon is always a time I love to connect quite deeply with. And as I mentioned, we're going to really intentionally align with the solar eclipse energy. And so there will be a teaching on the energetics of this lunar cycle and how to work with it for the month to come. And in addition, you're going to receive the recording and also a downloadable PDF, so that you can really hone in on this Solar Eclipse and how to work with the energy through the month of December. And if you're interested in the dark goddess masterclass, and this Sagittarius women's wisdom Council, you can sign up for those through the show notes. Or you can also go to Earthseedtemplearts.com. And on the front page, the first page, you just scroll down a little bit, and you'll see a space to commit to both of those events. And with that, I just want to speak once more to the pilgrimage that we are about to embark upon to commit living legacy re matrixing the codes of life. I have a special conversation with my dear priestess, Sister friend, Holly Rhiannon, where we discuss the particular frequencies of living legacy. And I'd love for you to tune into that conversation. If you're interested, there is still a little bit of time left to slip in to the pilgrimage, if you're called. And as I mentioned before, we've got that potent Sagittarius total solar eclipse on December 3. And that is the day that we open up at one of my most favorite, favorite, and one of the most sacred temples in Egypt in Upper Egypt, and will be in ceremony the exact alignment of that Eclipse

Ra Ma:

That is conjunct the Great Attractor, which is the womb of all wounds through time and space. So when we're speaking about magnetism, and frequency and intentions and power and potency, and timelines, and timeline hopping and bending, an eclipse portaling. This December 3, Eclipse is a mighty fine time to be doing that work very consciously. And yes, we do live in a space now where we can travel without our bodies on some level. And there's something to be said about your hands and your feet. Being on that ancient soil. This cradle of civilization that is holy, and it is a gift and it is a privilege to be able to travel in this way. And what I have been taught in the past year and a half is that we really cannot take anything for granted right now. To be able to travel in this way, is a gift and I hope to continue to steward more pilgrimages I pray to continue to be able to do this work because it is true medicine work for me. When I say work I'm talking about from the soul. It is highest potential. Yes, it is play, it is joy. And it is also there's a great obligation in holding a sacred container for people who are going through such profound transformation. So if you're feeling called to join us, this is your message that you've been looking to receive. It is time to step forth and make a commitment. I know we can always think of so many reasons why not to do something like this. And if you know that you're meant to be there then you know, and I guarantee you when you make the commitment, the obstacles do clear away. Quite often there are allusions to keep you feeling quote safe, right. Eclipses open up new portals new dimensions in our lives. The ramifications of an eclipse leaves threads of stories that could connect and resurface. They could continue for two years or possibly even 18, 36, 54, 72 years. Eclipses occur when the dragon's head and tail, also known as the nodes of the moon, are conjunct either the sun or the moon. So we have a new moon eclipse, and that's a solar eclipse when the sun and the moon and then the node conjunct. And then a lunar eclipse is when the node is conjunct the full moon and there is a shutting or dissolving a letting go. The nodes are not physical astronomical bodies. They're points in space sensitive points, like avoid taxes. And they carry this cosmic meaning. In Vedic Astrology, the nodes are compared to a cosmic dragon. And we can think of the Dragon energy as the mother of all serpents. And just like a serpent sheds its skin. So does the dragon with many deaths and births, renewal of life regeneration. So the North Node speaks to when we are headed towards something it's like the path of dharma. It is where we learn to fly by falling. It is a place of great spiritual growth and integration. And this offers new learning experiences which really stretch us. With the North Node, we feel awkward, it's the wild unknown. And when we have a solar eclipse, generally speaking, it's a time when time itself may speed up where timelines may dramatically switch. Now, this can technically happen in a lunar eclipse as well or with the South Node doesn't always happen quite as intensely as it does with a north node.

Ra Ma:

So the south node is the descending node, the south node is connected to the path of karma, our gifts, the shadow, it is relating to the past. And so we can get stuck here. Sometimes it can feel very cozy. And the south node is like a reservoir of resources. And we can even say it as our connection to the Akashic records. So when we go through an eclipse portal, we always have a solar and a lunar eclipse. Sometimes we have three eclipses, we might have two solar eclipses and a lunar or vice versa. And when we're in the portal, it literally is a portal. This is not some like New Age speak, we're talking about. We're in a portal, we're in a vortex where things can radically shift. And this is why I speak quite a lot about time bending and timeline hopping, which is very possible for us in an eclipse portal. As the Scorpio new moon came in, on November 4, that was the lunar cycle, which set the stage for this upcoming Taurus, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that we will be experiencing. So it is important to understand that we're already in the portal right now. And this portal, in my opinion, what I'm sensing, what I'm intuiting is only going to become stronger and stronger like the Vortex, the magnetism right now... it's coming in kind of subtly, in over the next couple of weeks, we'll feel the magnetism increase. And by the time we get to December, it's going to be very, very strong. Eclipses bring the truth, the truth that we need to see no feel and despite how uncomfortable the results may be, many ancient cultures regarded eclipses with with fear, or I could say healthy respect. And they would track eclipses knowing that at times, disasters and difficulty would come with them. I personally find eclipses to be very exciting times. And yes, sometimes we do have disasters, whether it's personally or culturally that that can happen. However, it's a whole Eclipse seasons bring us people from the past or new connections. Eclipses bring us opportunities to really investigate and can dramatically shift our lives. They tend to mark major events from births to deaths in our lives, momentous beginnings and endings, quite often heralding vast, unexpected shifts. With any Eclipse portal, there is always some sort of ending and another beginning. And as I mentioned, the lunar eclipses are more focused on endings, emotions, the revelation revelation of one's true character. While a solar eclipse is more focused on new beginnings, bright possibility and hope. That being said, it's a portal, and we can have a little bit of both through the entire journey. Eclipses ask us to be very present in our lives, to be vigilant to wake up to the world that is around us. It is a time it is an opportunity to walk with compassion, to please be more grounded, to tune in to your local community, and to really trust your gut instincts. Sometimes we have to make significant decisions or take dramatic actions in an eclipse. Although if you can avoid it,

Ra Ma:

I can be better to do so. However, like I said, sometimes you just have to take the action and you have to live with the consequences. And this is something I have personally experienced. And so the best thing I can offer you is to be graceful and to always trust your intuition. Now eclipses move in a series and they disperse the pearls of wisdom in the most perfect way. Again, there are threads of time and space that you can find with eclipses strung together every 9, 18, 36 years, and so on. Now, during the actual time of an eclipse, regardless of whether it's lunar or solar, it's really ideal to be in meditation, and near or in water, if you can be, sometimes we can't, right and so you do what you're able to be but meditation is highly, highly encouraged some form of ceremony, ritual prayer devotion, as the actions that we take during that actual moment of the alignment is magnified, taught magnified for some time to come. And therefore, the positive activities that are taken will benefit all of humanity. Now in May of 2020, the eclipses moved from the Cancer and Capricorn access and moved into the Gemini and Sagittarius access where they have been and they will continue to be until about the third week of January, around January 19. The north node will go into Taurus and the south node will go into Scorpio. So we are coming to closure with this journey since May of 2020. In this eclipse portal that we're currently in. Now on November 19, we have a micro Taurus full moon eclipse, the the moon is in Taurus, but the North Node is in Gemini. And the south node is in Sagittarius. And then we have the other eclipse on December 3, it's a total solar eclipse. So that means the sun and the moon and the south node are all conjunct in Sagittarius, next to the Great Attractor. This is very, very profound astrology that we're building into. And so what we experience in this a lunar eclipse and our willingness and our ability, as I've been speaking about to be gritty, to show up to be present for the challenges to face them to do the work is going to amplify us to that which we can experience with the total solar eclipse on December 3. Now, with the North Node in Gemini, we've had a great focus around knowing our community being willing to express ourselves share ideas, put ourselves out there more social media has been super profound, right, the growth of social media and zoom platforms and all of the online connection. And the internet itself has readily increased since May of 2020, when the North Node went into Gemini. And of course, it makes sense because as we've been in this worldwide pandemic, it has been the internet that has brought us together. So the north node has also been asking us in Gemini, to be willing to switch up education, to think outside the box. And to also, as we consider the south node and Sagittarius, how can we let go of old paradigms, old beliefs and letting go of our reliance on old philosophies and gurus understanding that the age of the Guru is dead? And what can we do to teach more, share more, to use our story as medicine to be more progressive, and to use out of the box solutions.

Ra Ma:

Now we know that we've been stuck in the south node of Sagittarius, if we find ourselves, bowing down to ancient texts and gurus. And I say this in a sense of someone who's very devoted to the ancients. And I think it is important to be and we also have to understand we're moving into a new collective culture, and we're all creating it together. And we can't repeat the past. In fact, it would be impossible to repeat it identically. We are meant to be connected to the ancients, and to honor them and to take that wisdom, but also be willing to disentangle from the old ways, and to transform. So letting go of outdated authority, outdated laws, outdated medicine, outdated paradigms, that's really, really important and outdated structures as well. Now, when we're thinking of Eclipse portals in general, I really invite you to make sure you have a daily practice. I say this, so often, it's really important. And these times you can do like some cat cow for three minutes, you can do some other practices. meditations, I'm speaking of Kundalini Yoga, which I've been on sabbatical from teaching. I still have on my YouTube page, I still have some videos up where if you're looking for some meditation, and some simple movements to do, I have a number of videos available where you can get three minute ideas, and you can create a daily practice. So check out my YouTube page. And I also want to say I will be in 2022 offering some more yogic spaces and bringing community together again around yogic philosophy and movement and meditation and chanting, and sound healing. I really missed offering these spaces. And as I'm bringing my Master of Arts dissertation journey to a close, I'm writing 15,000 words in between these podcasts and getting the pilgrimage ready to Egypt and keeping up with all of my other offerings. So when this dissertation is complete, I'm going to be looking at how I would like to offer and build community again around these yogic principles because I know they're important. I know that many of you miss those spaces, and I miss it too and it's secret and it's holy. And the technology of Kundalini Yoga is very important for these times and I've been in absolutely an underworld journey with my connection to the practice. And now that I've taken time to step away and really think deeply about how I want to connect to the philosophy, I'm crystal clear that I believe in the technology for these times. And I also see where people have misused power with the technology. But I, I know how important it is to get us through what's coming, because we are in a marathon astrologically. And that being said, when things in the Eclipse portal, feel intense, just take a moment and take three long deep breaths and give gratitude for what is working because I guarantee you, there are many things that are still going your way. So when you can stop and pause and say thank you. Thank you for access to clean water. Thank you. Thank you for keeping my house warm. Thank you. Thank you great divine spirit for providing nutrient rich foods and minerals that are absorbed by my body. When we get simple, and we give gratitude, the old can fall away and the new potentials are able to come to life.

Ra Ma:

I also really love being extra hydrated in an eclipse portal. Cold showers are amazing. Hot epson salt baths are amazing. Working with adaptogenic herbs, nourishing herbal infusions. I love working with Tulsi and Oatstraw and nettle and standing barefoot on the earth daily, breathing nice long deep breaths, putting your hands to the earth saying THANK YOU MOTHER EARTH. Thank you. And just taking some time to unplug from your electronics all are very important and beautiful practices in an eclipse portal. And we have arrived at the Taurus Full Moon on Venus day. November 19, at 3:57am That's Eastern Standard Time, I'm going to pull up this chart here. So pardon me for the background. As we know with a lunar eclipse, we have the moon meeting up with one of the nodes the north or the south node. And in this lunar eclipse, the Moon is meeting up with the North Node, the moon is in Taurus, the north node is at one degrees, Gemini one to two degrees Gemini. And this Full Moon is exact with the moon at 27 degrees 14 arc minutes Taurus. Therefore the sun is at 27 degrees 14 arc minutes Scorpio. And with the full moon eclipse the past is obscured by the present so that we're able to meet experiences in a new way. This is a time to really dissolve and let go of past stories, timelines. The tape that plays in your psyche that is your mechanism of self sabotage. This is the time to let it go and to let it go in a whole new way. And because this is a moon that's ruled by Venus, we have the rising at 17 degrees Libra. So this eclipse is ruled by Venus and we've got the moon is in Taurus, which is ruled by Venus. Venus is in Capricorn widely conjunct Juno in Capricorn. They're both in the third house seeking to express themselves and they're coming into union. It's a wide conjunction. It's not really technically a conjunction. It's getting there, but it's wide and they're coming together to marry up our Our commitment to our values, and that which we're cultivating here on Earth, with that pragmatism that view that vantage point of really asking us, what are we building? And how are we going to express what we're building. And Venus is already in her retrograde shadow. She's in the front end of it during this lunar eclipse, and so it's very potent to really get in there to get deep into our psyches. And as the Moon in Taurus is conjunct to the North Node in Gemini, we have this opportunity to allow ourselves to call forth the new paradigms, to see where we block our own selves in our minds and the regions of our consciousness. And on the other side of the moon, conjunct the North Node, we also have Ceres in Gemini, and she's retrograde. And Saturn is in Gemini speaks to really nurturing others and ourselves through new concepts through new ideas, through learning through taking in information through you know, being mentally creative, mentally generative thinking outside the box.

Ra Ma:

And we also have Uranus inTaurus. Now, Uranus in Taurus is technically not conjunct the full moon but they are in the same sign. So that Uranean genius possibilities wildcard events is amplified. And all of this opposes that Scorpio sun. Now the Scorpio Sun is conjunct Mercury in Scorpio. So, the sun the stable solar force has a lot to convey from the depths deep into our psyches. This is a penetrating full moon to get really, really clear. And it's working with the second to eighth house access, which is all about what we value and what our resources are and how do we utilize them? And how do we share energy with others? And how do we work with the other world? And how do we overcome power and control dynamics and really integrate into a new way of being and that requires grittiness just as we've been speaking about this month of November, the first couple of weeks, are asking us to to roll up our sleeves and get in there. Get in the trench and just do the work because it's been vortexing around you for 18 months. And I guarantee you there's something you've been avoiding. And this eclipse is going to show you exactly what that is. So you have an opportunity to move it, to clear it, to dissolve it, to let it go, to let the lunar forces just wash it away. And also conjunct the Sun we have Vesta in Sagittarius conjunct the South Node in Sagittarius. Our devotion to the past has a beauty to it. However, don't let that hold you back from what is possible from experiencing new realities from being willing to try new things. And to do it in a way that's really conscious. That's important. We know Venus she's preparing for her descent, to strip herself to hang on that hook like Innana for her rebirth. And has the chart ruler. She's trining Uranus in Taurus. So as she's preparing for her underworld journey. She's like making magic with Uranus in Taurus for like what is to come, right like if we're willing to really do the work. What is to come is pure alchemy. It's beyond the beyond. And there's also a sextile between Venus and Mars in Scorpio. So, how we take the action forward can be quite blessed. However, what's going to hold us back is the square with Chiron in Aries. And it's where we want to get stuck in our wounding in our limiting beliefs in our fear of taking leadership of paving our own unique path forward. So the more instinctual we are, the better. The moon in this eclipse is also conjunct Algol, the fixed star and this connects to through myth through Medusas head. We're going to speak a little bit about Medusa and her connection in the dark goddess masterclass. I do want to say there is very much with this eclipse an intense shadow activation, which is why I'm really encouraging all of us, myself included in this month of November to get in the trench to consciously get in the trench. And with this eclipse, Mars is conjunct Alpha. So there's this ability to activate the mind. And we also want to beware of false friends and of loss through the law. So just making sure that we're really protected and grounded is important.

Ra Ma:

The north node in this eclipse is conjunct Alcyone of the Pleiades. So there's a real strong starseed magic happening here. And the Ascendant is conjunct both Spica and Arcturus bringing in lots of good fortune and happiness. And so as we connect consciously with our star seed nations, and for you, you might know of certain places you're connected to perhaps the Pleiades or Arcturus or Sirius or Orion. It could be other places and spaces, there are so many stars out there. But as you connect in with that star seed wisdom, your star lines, then you have this opportunity to grant yourself mega prosperity as we prepare for the Sagittarius total solar eclipse. I want to encourage you the work you're willing to do with this Taurus full moon eclipse is going to support you on so many fronts, as we prepare for the Sagittarius eclipse in December. And just thinking about this access alone of Scorpio and Taurus, it's such a rich access because it is so much about our willingness to dive into the depths. And when we have that connection to the depth that which we create in the 3 D realm. it pulsates. It has a frequency of devotion, of beauty of commitment to it. And so as we're willing to roll up our sleeves and get in the trenches with this eclipse, we're bringing that beauty so that emanates from our hands. Everything you touch becomes resonant with your magic your medicine. And as we're in the sound portal. And we stay connected, consciously committed to our ancestral journey where we weaving not magic through our bloodlines and our star lines. So the star sparks for 28 degrees Taurus is a man making candles out of beeswax. And this is about the power of creation for the sake of the mundane. Basically what I was just talking about, knowing how to tap the greater power of the worlds for whatever we need in our day to day living. The task of mediating between spirit purposes an earthly service, an esoteric understanding that we are building or forming in the earth, something which needs to be authentically born from spirit realms to be clear and steady in this commitment. And this is rooted from the Sabian symbol of 28 degrees Taurus which is a woman past her change of life experiences, new love, a person's capacity to rise in consciousness and feeling above biological limitations. This is a call to rise above our biological and our societal limitations to rise up as a human family. And with that, I was called to draw a tarot card for this eclipse for us collectively. Those of you who live in the Asheville area or are coming through, I offer readings regularly at Earthmagic, which is downtown Asheville, on Lexington Avenue. And I offer astrology readings. And I've recently started offering Tarot as well. I've been studying Tarot since I was 14. And I've worked really, personally deeply with Tarot. It's not something I've shared publicly until just recently, I felt the call that I need to be weaving the Tarot into my readings. So you can either book a strategy session with me a Tarot or combination of both.

Ra Ma:

And I love this deck by Colette Baron- Reid, it's the good tarot, it's really beautiful. So the card that I pulled for us is the seven of earth. And the image is quite magical. And I want to read to you, when we think about sevens, we can think about our ability to trust and to be open to new paths. And when we think of Earth, we think of that which connects us to the material realm. And we know Taurus as that earth sign. So this card speaks to our willingness to open up to a new strategy, as we're at a crossroads, and a decision is to be made. And I think this is so beautiful, in connection with the lunar eclipse, because we are at a crossroads. And what are you going to do about it? You know, are you going to be willing to take a leap, a leap of faith, and to learn to fly by falling? Or are you going to stay cozy and stuck and with what's familiar because it is familiar and that familiar is translating in your psyche as safety. However, when we're on the path of the Divine, we're always held, we're always held, there are no mistakes in life, there are only lessons, there are opportunities for growth and evolution. And as we really embrace that, that's when the magic of creation flows through us. So the message that comes with this card of seven of Earth is, "As I reflect on my progress to date and see where I stand, I contemplate whether I want to continue singing the same song, or change my tune. I am always free to go back to and reimagine what I might create. If what I manifested does not serve me as I thought it might. I don't have to be afraid to admit it is no longer for me. Whatever I choose to do, I'm not afraid to start over. For I feel assured the spirit will always support my highest good. "

Ra Ma:

And this is truth. Spirit will always support your highest good. Your higher self is guiding your ship in the sacred life, your DNA, your divine blueprint, your cosmic blueprints. And as we believe that we are guided and protected by the Divine, and as we give gratitude and as we give prayer and ceremony and devotional acts, we keep that bridge strong. As we give gratitude and honor our ancestors. We keep that bridge strong. And this is why we come to ceremony. This is why we come within. This is why we have our practices. We have our practices because they feed us in mutual reciprocity with the other world. And this brings us to the galactic center. As the Scorpio new moon came in Juno and Venus and Sagittarius were conjunct the galactic center. And now Juno is still on the galactic center. But Venus has moved away. And this is a powerful, powerful point. The Galactic Center is the Cosmic Womb of our great mother galaxy, where many stars were born. This is dark space, where creation is created in the dark, starry womb. Back in 2017, when Saturn was culminating in Sagittarius, Saturn was moving back and forth across the galactic center. And in December of 2017, we had that beautiful new moon, and it was right on top of the galactic center, really placing a seal on what was being distilled for us. So there's something kind of stirring in our psyches from December of 2017. And I invite you to just, you know, ponder for a moment like Where were you in December of 2017.

Ra Ma:

The Galactic Center is roughly 27 degrees Sagittarius. It's 25,000 light years away, and anchors at the center of our Milky Way galaxy. For the ancient Egyptians, the Milky Way is reflected in the golden mother Nile River. This is the river of life, one of the most ancient rivers on the planet. And many of us know of the hermetic wisdom as above so below, what gets left out quite often is as below so above, we are in conversation with the cosmos. This is why understanding the Art and Science of Astrology is so impactful, because as astrologers we are historians, we are record keepers of time and space. And we are in constant communion with Source consciousness with all that is, this life is a sacred dance, you are a creator, you are creatrix. Our solar system takes 250 million years to orbit once around the galactic center. And the galactic center is over 2000 light years wide. The Mayans describe it as the heart of the sky and the tree of life. And so we had this alchemical union, right before the Scorpio New Moon, where Juno what were committed and married to and Venus Goddess of culture and art and beauty and elegance met up on the galactic center. Now this is very important because this marks the opening in the Scorpio new moon eclipse portal. And we have that Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that I've just spoken to you about in depth. And then we're coming into the Sagittarius total solar eclipse which is conjunct the Great Attractor. Now, the Great Attractor is the Cosmic Womb of all of the cosmic wounds through time and space. So the galactic center is the cosmic room of our solar system as we know it, and then the Greek attractor is the womb of all the wombs. We can think of those Russian stacking dolls right at the source at the very center, although quite small, is the Great Attractor yet very, very magnetic and profound. So that's December 3, and then on December 19, we've got this Gemini lunar full moon. It's not an eclipse but it's still in the Eclipse portal. That's also the day Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn. Now on that full moon, the moon is opposing the Sun which is conjunct the galactic center. So this is just a couple of days before winter solstice. And this is such a powerful time we are in to shatter our limiting beliefs so that we can welcome these new paradigms that want to come forth. From December 3 onwards. We are in this profound season of building to the Golden Gate of God and the silver gate of man they're being activated. The Silver gate of man is in Gemini and the gate of God the Golden Gate of God is in Sagittarius. This is what the ancient Egyptians are speaking to with the rocket, the horizon line and the solstice points through the horns of Isis. Every human soul is incarnated into physicality after crossing through the Milky Way.

Ra Ma:

So you are a part of this Holy Family. This is something I've been threading through these podcasts since episode one, and will continue to through time and space. I invite you to allow Great Mother Isis, Iset, Auset to remind you of your inherent royalty and abilities as a creator/ Creatrix here on Earth, may the eternal marriage of Iset and Ousire, Osiris remind you of the eternal Hieros Gamos that lives within you. Through this wisdom you claim your freedom, Heru, Horus, You are free. You are free to embody new thoughts, to shed limiting beliefs. And as we consider the galactic center, I would also like to speak to you about what is happening here for humanity. Facebook has recently said they are going to change their name to Metaverse. This looks bright and shiny from the exterior right, this connection into virtual where you can like meet up with whomever and some crazy stratosphere and hang out with them in cyberspace. This is like candy coated technocratic BS, if you asked me. You're basically in a room cut off from the entire natural world, the world of elemental medicine with goggles on getting fried by the radiation. So there's that. And yes, technology is beautiful. I want to say that I'm grateful for technology. I'm able to sit here and podcast you from the liminal space at my ancestral altar, to be in the dark, as I love to speak to you from the dark in these podcasts, it's a gift. I love technology. I also love Mother Earth. I also value elemental wisdom. I also value long walks in nature, and flowers, and touching things with my hands and activating through my senses. And virtual reality is not going to do that. So we're being presented with this Metaverse that we're being asked to buy into collectively. And what is becoming more and more rebellious is to route to Mother Earth, to call upon the elemental ancestors, the great elemental mothers, to call upon your ancestors. Meanwhile, they want to put us on a social credit system where our digital identities matter more than these human bodies. So this Taurus Eclipse portal is asking us to shed our limiting beliefs and to get even more aligned with our values. how you spend your sacred time and attention is actually what you value. So ask yourself, How do you spend your days? Where are you devoting your attention? And what does that mean for the generations to come? This total solar eclipse in Sagittarius conjunct the Great Attractor, the womb of all of the wounds in the cosmos and the Full Moon in Gemini opposing the galactic center, the Cosmic Womb of our solar system, there are big shifts come in on Earth, the over culture would love nothing more than for you to stay hypnotically asleep. And so I remind you, this is a time to shed your limiting beliefs. This is a time to get gritty and to open up to the new paradigms and to the new thoughts and to the new realities. And with this we weave our bloodlines our ancestral wisdom, our elemental connection to all that is an all that ever has been an all that ever will be. And our soul lines, our soul family. And our star lines, our ancient story ancestors, we long for them, we long for our star seed nations, we long for our homes.

Ra Ma:

And we are on assignment here on Earth, to anchor that wisdom to be here for Mother Earth to be here for humanity in these times. So please know that. And it's a powerful time to be human, it is a holy time to be human. And it is radical, to weave with a Mother Earth to weave with the elements. So embrace this wisdom and own it, and be it and breathe it, and teach it and share it and love it and honor it and hold the dirt in your hands and kiss the flowers as they blossom and bask in the sunlight and allow the rain to fall on your head and taste the plumpness of the fig, and the sourness of the lemon. Enjoy your humanity. It is sacred and it is holy. It is holy to hurt, it is holy to feel, it is radical to be engaged and to be embodied. And this makes me think of I can't remember if I've shared this with you all on this podcast or not, So please forgive me if I have. I really love Rasta culture and reggae music, there was a time where I could see myself going down that path, but I did not. And there's a particular song that I fell deeply in love with when I was like 20. And it hit me so hard about the sacredness of this life and what it means to really be in gratitude. And what it means like every moment how we're behaving. And in the song, the artists speaks about how at any given moment, time and space could freeze, and what you're in, in that exact moment you would be doing for eternity. And that hit me so hard that teaching hit me so hard, right? Because when our hearts are hardened, and we're in our anger, and we can't get over something. Imagine if you were frozen in that in time and space. Yet, when we're in our pure creativity and we're in the simple pleasures of you know, baking cookies, or taking a bath and like scrubbing, scrubbing our body with sea salt, scrub, or going on a walk and feeling the the sand in your toes on the beach. Like that's, that's magic, right there. So every moment is a miracle. And I just want to thank all of you for circling around here in stars, stones and stories. It is a pleasure and it is an honor to craft these podcasts for you. To date, there have been over 7500 unique listeners and 13,000 downloads in over 73 countries around the world. So I bow to each one of you. I am so grateful. Thank you so much. Please take a moment to leave a review on iTunes. If you've got an iPhone, you just scroll and look for the podcast app and then rate the podcast write a review. It means so much because it boosts the visibility so that people who don't know about my work in this podcast will come across it and it can be of greater service. And if you've enjoyed this episode, just take a moment, share it with a few of your beloved's. Put it on Instagram, you can go into the Spotify app and you can find this episode and you can click share and put it on Instagram in your stories. It means so much to me.

Ra Ma:

I craft these podcasts for hours. I'm gonna be honest, it takes hours to do this and It's my offering to you like, I have ways that you can book with me and events. So if you want to support me financially, I would be so grateful as we all need to be supporting one another in these times in our sacred arts. So you can book a session, you can sign up for my dark goddess masterclass, you can sign up for the Sagittarius Dark Moon women's wisdom virtual Council, you can come to Egypt, there's still time. Yeah, you can also stay tuned for my upcoming classes in 2022. And I also have a Patreon page, where you can join in mutual reciprocity and also receive some beautiful offerings as well. So that's patreon.com/Rama tribe. And again, it is an honor, it is a privilege to share this wisdom with you. It is my devotion, it is my passion, and my pleasure. And so thank you so much for being here. I felt called to share the Isis meditation with the seven Scorpions so that you can do some great chakra clearing, so may that meditation be of service for you, blessed be. I invite you to go back to that anchored conscious space that we began from. And this is the embodiment of all that we have explored in this episode together. So if you're unable to settle in and be present, I suggest you pause here and come back at another time.

Ra Ma:

Take a moment and get comfortable in your space. Perhaps come lay down or find a comfortable seated position. And turn off any devices close doors as necessary. Make sure your body is warm and that you feel secure in this moment. And begin to bring your awareness deep into the breath into your body. Imagine from the soles of the feet, this Golden Wave of relaxation coming in through the soles of the feet. Circling up through the ankles, the shins, the calves, through the knees up through the backs and the fronts of the upper thighs, the quads, into the glutes and the grind and the pelvic bowl, your sex organs moving up into all of the digestive organs, the adrenals the kidneys, up through the ribs and the lungs through the four chambers of your heart up through the throat and the neck and then coming down this wave of relaxation coming down through the arms. elbows down through the wrists out through the fingertips, spiraling back up through the arms. The throat, the neck, through the back of the head and the jaw, relaxing the teeth, the root of the tongue, all of the bones that create your face. relaxing deep into your optic nerves and taking this wave of relaxation. deep deep into the center of your brain. Relaxing every bone in your cranium, the ears, every hair on your head and feeling forcefield of protection feeling the might of your ancestors your feminine and your masculine. Deep within your mother line, your father line, backing you...

Ra Ma:

feeling the guides and guardians that you work with, the saints, the angels, whatever divine forces that are truly hold leaves that you connect with inviting them in to this space consciously from the soles of the feet, the palms of the hand and the base of the spine, drying down a red cord of light, perhaps silver and gold, spiraling within this cord of light that goes down through the layers of your dwelling space down through the layers of sediment and soil, through the mineral beans, all the way down to great grandmother hematite, this lineage stone of protection where you anchor here and now. And in this space, your body just feels so heavy, so relaxed. The mind wanders free, knowing that anything of great importance you can come back and focus at the right time.

Ra Ma:

And so, from this space, you begin to journey and you find yourself journeying along the back of the most primordial bird goddess you have ever seen or felt. And she has the most magnificent wings, and feathers notice, notice what you see and you take in as you're flying through the sky up and out into the cosmos with her. Feel the wind blowing as you travel. And she takes you on this journey. And as you travel through the stars, you realize this is great mother Isis, goddess Iset and she weaves so elegantly bringing you back down to earth through the clouds. However, you're not going home, you're flying over a desert terrain. And you begin to realize that this is the land of Kemet of Egypt. You fly to this beautiful, small, little space that you're beginning to make out more and more as you come closer to landing, you see a tree and a pond. And you come down, spiraling down, and she lands you ever so gently right near this little pond that you're drawn to immediately the small body of water in a landscape that feels like you're quite far from others, although you can also feel people not too far away. And you begin to make offerings and prayers at this pond. And you find yourself drawn to the dwelling. You notice this tree. It's at least hundreds of years old and so buoyant and proud. And so you take a moment to walk over to the tree and connect in the way that you do. And then the magnetic pole to this small little temple is just too much. So you come you come up to the door, make sure that you have permission to enter. When it feels correct. You come inside

Ra Ma:

so you'll find yourself drawn to the center space, the Holy of Holies and you'll come to lie down on your back. And as you sink on to the floor of this temple you feel so much all at once you feel the presence of so many different beings human and otherworldly. Coming through and you feel great mother Isis, come to you. She comes in, she touches her hands to the soles of your feet. She invites you to close your eyes and she says, let go of all fear, I am here with you now. And from her hands emerge these little black scorpions, seven of them and they begin to crawl up your body. First, coming to the base, the Root Chakra of your body and they begin to purify, to purge all of the places and spaces where you have had fear around receiving fear around your complete connection to the earth. Primal Fear around prosperity, around money. You shed these fears, you shed judgments around past mistakes that which is ready to be dissolved, the scorpions begin to eat away the decay and you feel free. They begin to move up to the sacral chakra where this bright orange light emanates from your womb space. dissolving the stagnancy and the blocks to creativity, dissolving your past disappointments, dissolving the spaces where things didn't happen the way you wanted them to. And letting go. Letting go of the places where you are afraid to create, where you are afraid to be seen. Letting go of your fear around being in your divine feminine, passionate place. And when they've completed in the space, they begin to meander up into the solar plexus region, the seat of your will this yellow wheel of light, they dissolve all forms of Victim Consciousness forms of fear around your own power your own drive your own confidence, fears around your masculine frequency around teachers and masters

Ra Ma:

and they meander up into the heart chakra, this green pink frequency of light wheel of light and dissolve the places where there is deep grief and sorrow, where you have let go of trust. They dissolve the places that keep you from your creativity and they move up into the throat, wheel of light. This blue wheel of light beginning to dissolve the places where you have held dear to voice back you have held yourself back from speaking your truth where you have had hesitation to be your true unique self. They move up into the third eye space shutting the places and spaces where you have had lack of clarity, lack of vision where you have been afraid of your vision. You see this, these decayed outdated, paradigms being dissolved, and from there they go to the crown this violet wheel of light spinning everywhere where you feel a burden of responsibility for the planet for humanity. They dissolve these spaces, they dissolve your fears around God consciousness, creator. That which is ready to be let go of. And they begin to move now around your body around through your auric field, anywhere in the auric field where there are punctures or tears in your energetic frequency they work through and remove the poisons from you. And then they begin to the seven scorpions begin to circle around your body seven times. And then from there, they scatter. They scatter into the void just as quickly as they came. Great Mother Isis, her hands have been on your feet the whole time. And she begins to now move them to your knees, your womb space your heart, your eyes, your third eye, your crown and she stands up and begins to

Ra Ma:

create the most beautiful sounds you feel the threads of all of creation all of your lifetime all of your powers coming to you here and now.

Ra Ma:

She invites you when you're ready to come back onto her back. She has morphed into this primordial Vulture goddess once more

Ra Ma:

together you fly

Ra Ma:

you fly upon her wings out into the cosmos

Ra Ma:

you give gratitude for this journey for this healing

Ra Ma:

you give gratitude for the sacred life

Ra Ma:

The Great Mother and brings you back to your dwelling she tucks you in so cozy She blesses your feet once more. And she flies. She flies out the window

Ra Ma:

May Isis heal me as she healed her son Horus of all the pains which were brought on him. Thou great Enchantress, heal me, save me from all evil things of darkness from the epidemic, and deadly diseases and infections of all sorts that sprang upon me as thou hast saved and freed Horus. Free me from all possible evil, hurtful things of darkness from epidemic and deadly fevers of all kinds. And so it is.

About the Podcast

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Stars, Stones and Stories: Ancient Future Myth & Astrology
Crystalize Your Medicine

About your host

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Danielle Marie

Awaken Your Star Heritage through Goddess Astrology, Cosmology, and Pilgrimage within GOLDEN GATE ESOTERAKA.

Danielle Marie, also known as RaMa is the pillar of an Ancient Future Mystery School. She is an interdisciplinary artist, international woman of medicine, astrologer, cosmic high priestess, doula, childbirth educator, herbalist, gridkeeper, pilgrimage steward, sound healer and yogic scientist. She has studied the art of starkeeping for over 30 years and holds a Master of Arts in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology with Merit through The Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture at the University of Wales.

Danielle practices Goddess Astrology, her alchemical blend of Ancient and Modern Western techniques that activate the Ancient Future Feminine frequency within you. Danielle is dedicated to aligning the spiritual realms with academic intelligence. Her astrological practice leans upon yogic philosophy and an extensive practice of meditation, sound healing, ancestral healing and Daoist stone medicine.

Danielle offers Quantum Healing Hypnosis journeys as taught by Dolores Cannon, serving as a consciousness midwife. She leads pilgrimages upon the Magdalene Trail to Egypt, Avalon and the South of France.

GOLDEN GATE ESOTERAKA Ancient Future Mystery School houses a living library of courses like Danielle's signature EarthSeed and Skywalkers. A thriving private online community is woven through The Chalice. Initiates are led on a path of deep internal self-discovery with programs like Goddess Astrology and Grail Quest.

You may discover more at ancientfuturemystery.school where every offering is a living prayer for you to Cultivate Deep Roots and Make Miracles with the Cosmos.