Episode 44

Limitless Possibility

In this episode we explore the Aquarius New Moon and the direct motion of both Venus and Mercury. My prayer is that you witness how this astrology is weaving to assist us in our most precise visioning on how to be really strategic with this year ahead. . .as we emerge from the liminal spaces to collaborate together.


09:21 Venus stations direct

20:00 Aquarius New Moon

35:13 Imbolc

44:16 Mercury stations direct

53:17 Meditation

Secure Your Space for the 2022 Masterclass

Book Your Divination Session with Ra Ma


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Ra Ma:

In this episode we explore the astrology of the Aquarius New Moon which really opens up the frequency of 2022. We also have both Venus and Mercury stationing direct as we enter into this seasonal, the solar gate of Imbolc. And we honor the Celtic goddess Brigid.

Ra Ma:

Welcome to stars, stones and stories. I am your host Rama and together we are weaving Ancient Future wisdom as we birth the New Earth. If you're into astrology, cosmology, living mythology, earth based spirituality and ancestral healing, you are home. If you've stumbled upon this podcast and are new to these topics, this is sovereign sanctuary to expand and deepen your wisdom. As a cosmic priestess, I witness many at the threshold of great transformation. I specialize in astrological divination, sacred site activations and priestess arts for the Aquarian Age. You may learn more about my work and budding Mystery School at Earthseedtemplearts.com Or follow Earthseedtemplearts on Instagram. This community is your opportunity to claim your story, your unique identity and power knowing that you are the hero of your own journey. You are a hologram for the collective and you matter. The world needs your gifts and creativity now more than ever. Crystallize your medicine.

Ra Ma:

Oh great ancient ones, great ancestors, we call to you. May you hear the voices of your descendants traversing through time and space. We humbly ask for your support your wise medicine ways and your genius solutions in these times. Dear ancestors, we wish to partner with you for we know we cannot do this alone. As we traverse the mystery we ask that you, our starry ancestors are with us each breath of the way. May we have clarity of mind and Crystaline vision to see through the dark. May we walk our paths of high holy truth as that is what is needed now more than ever. And so it is.

Ra Ma:

Welcome to Episode 44 of stars, stones and stories. I'm so grateful that you're here and that your ancestors are here with you whether you're consciously aware of that or not. We are all gathered here together in this liminal space since episode 43, which is titled meet me in the liminal. I have absolutely been deep, deep down in the liminal really for the most part off of social media, only responding to very important emails. And it has felt incredibly nourishing. I wish I could say I was in the experience for my own true quiet and stillness and self care. However, I have been completing some acts of self care as I am wrapping up a four year journey through the Sophia Center, which is connected to the University of Wales, a four year journey to get a Master of Arts in cultural astronomy and astrology. So I've been offline in massive weighs for the month of January. And as many of you know, I was offline for most of December as well. In January, I've just been really focused on bringing my 15,000 word dissertation to a close. I've been tightening up the edits and the references and yeah, just so so excited to be so close to being done and I'll be submitting that this weekend. So much focus is going to really culminating this journey of the master's program, in a good way. And I think that that's something really important to talk about, because this is episode 44. And when I think of the number 44, it's such a sacred number. It is double fours. This frequency of four is all about stability and process and how do we gain firmness in the material world, strong foundations are important when we're building a vision. The number four really wants to assist with the process. So it's done in a good way. And it's interesting because right now we have both Venus and Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn. Capricorn being very much a visionary sign that is all about the foundations and what we're building for the long haul. I like to see Capricorn like the the mastermind of the Zodiac, we're in a period right now, where we can really deeply truly mastermind, when we have two fours that comes to make an eight, which eight turned on its side is the symbol of infinity. Eight is about power and depth, and this like richness that comes through the journey. But also, if you divide 44, by four, you have 11, part of the foundation of 44 is 11, which is a master number, very much connected to light codes and the frequency of activation, so much possibility and this limitlessness. So we're gathered here in this episode 44 of stars, stones and stories to come together. And to continue to build for the long haul through this community. I'll be honest with you, we're just getting started here. So if you have not yet joined through the mighty networks platform, the stars, stones and stories community that is a complementary offering, please join us as I'm coming out of the graduate school wormhole, I'm going to be able to be much more present and really help shape this community alongside you. Because we live in such phenomenal times. These are uncharted territory,

Ra Ma:

experiential opportunities, that are totally new for all of us in human form. And it's very exciting. And part of this Aquarian Age is how do we utilize the platform's of technology to support us in our connection with the earth and our ancestors and the elements, because our cutting edge technologies can absolutely feed our connection to the other world, this theme of closure. Quite often, we don't really know how to celebrate and close things in a sacred way. It's sort of like finishing it. And then on to the next thing, and I'm really good at that. I'm thinking about this a lot as I'm bringing this four year journey to a closure. I'm bringing this dissertation journey to closure. I've been working on this dissertation since the beginning of 2021. And I came to near completion in the end of November of 2021. And then just let the dissertation kind of sit on the backburner for December. And in January, I've been really tightening up the conclusion and in doing the final polishing, this is a process that we can all apply to the big moments in our lives where we're coming to a culmination of something we're really proud of something that we've committed to for quite some time. I believe that the astrology right now wants us to look at this in some way because as I'm recording this on Venus day, Friday the 28th of January, tomorrow on the 29th depending on what time zone you are in, Venus will station direct at 11 degrees five arc minutes Capricorn. So we are culminating this Venus retrograde journey, although she won't clear the shadow until March 1. And that's going to be at 26 degrees 29 arc minutes. So the story is not really over, right, like until that Pisces New Moon at the beginning of March. However, there is a layer of closure coming in these next two weeks with Venus going direct and also Mercury direct. And they're both right now in Capricorn. And when we think about Capricorn, we can conjure up our focus around structure and organization and our accomplishments and how successful we are, how pragmatic, how practical, industrious, how mentally creative and determined we are. And that energy sometimes can be very controlling or conservative or fearful, sometimes calculated, or to self seeking. So there's been this journey with Venus and Capricorn, where that part of our chart from 12 degrees to 27 degrees, Capricorn has really gotten accentuated around what we love, what we value. What is really important for us, as Venus stations Direct tomorrow, which does create a liminal space, and accentuation. In the liminal, we could say. It is an opportunity to honor our journey with Venus, and pause and reflect and as we consider Venus we can consider our connection to the divine feminine to, of course, our relationships, but even on a deeper level, our relationship with Mother Earth, our connection to the elements to nature, and how do we feel about our relationship? How do we show our adoration to Earth to the elements themselves, and if that's something that we feel like is lacking in our lives that true integral adoration to the Earth, Venus stationing direct would love for you to activate your devotional qualities to honor her. And as she stations Direct, it is at 12 degrees Capricorn, which is the sabian symbol connected to this is an illustrated lecture on natural science reveals a little known aspects of life. This is about the ability to explore unfamiliar realms and discover the laws underlying the complex processes of nature. This is about how we become fully conscious to all of life and the processes of Earth herself, how we become conscious to the consciousness of Earth, of Gaia, of mother nature of Sophia, of however you want to relate to Mother Earth. There's many, many ways one can do that. And it is an opportunity for ritual enactment, to honor beauty to honor the life pattern, and how to really harness greater consciousness. In turn, believing in your intelligence, your ability to be organized, your ability to express as Venus stations, forward motion, we have mercury retrograde directly conjunct Pluto. So these two are speaking Mercury's like we could say in in Mercury's liminal retrograde fashion Mercury is getting the download from Pluto. Mercury as the psycho Pomp is down in the underworld, literally, with Pluto. So there's a lot of symbolism here and conjunct these two are Juno in Capricorn. So Juno really showing what we're committed to and where we can sometimes have to sacrifice for the death process for that which needs to be shed, dissolved. Let go of these points that Mercury and Venus have been traveling over these late degrees of Capricorn. I would love to circle back around to emphasize that these are the points that got very much triggered in the Saturn Pluto conjunction, in the different other conjunctions that happened in 2020. We had so many conjunctions.

Ra Ma:

And this is part of what I've been writing about in my dissertation, but from a very academic space, very different from, from how we journey in these podcasts. And it's just the themes that we've experienced, that have really shaken us to our core are still here, they're still present, we're still dealing with them in the collective mind. And therefore, for dealing with them in the collective mind, we're dealing with them in our personal minds as well, there's no exception, there's no way to separate from the collective psyche. As much as we might like to do that, and attempt to do that. It is sort of part of the agreement to live on Earth is to work in this collective journey together. And what we are experiencing on the whole right now is a dismantling of outdated systems, particularly systems of oppression that no longer serve, right because of the systems of oppression never serve. We are at a time where we have to strip away all of the old foundations systematically, and then also simultaneously, we're building up new foundations. And there is a frequency with this year of 2022, where there is a lot of new growth and new potential and this Aquarius New Moon absolutely wants to highlight that. And

Ra Ma:

at the same time, as we have the potential, we also are still clearing out. So this year of 2022 is very, it's a very important year. It's it's an intense year, and it's also a deeply, deeply spiritual year. And each one of us can grow so much in this year to come, especially when we study in ways that are very true and real to us pure ways where we can connect to Source consciousness. And for each one of us that could look different, right? Like for a physicist, that is going deep into the realms of science, for an artist, who's an oil painter, that is like getting the purest pigmented oil paint and creating your own unique palette on the daily. For a chef that is like acquiring the best, most fresh, local ingredients that speak the language of the land where they reside. So it's gonna look different for each one of us this year is it so so significant in what we're building towards as we are really starting to build new foundations.

Ra Ma:

And so I'd love to invite you to the 2022 masterclass, it's going to be Tuesday night on February 1, and it is a live streamed event with a recording that you'll have access to. So if you can't come live, you'll still receive the recording. And there will also be a PDF that will be sent out as well with a guide to help you through the astrology for the year. But we're going to go deep into the different Retrogrades the eclipses and some of the significant unique astrology like the Pluto return in the United States, which will absolutely impact everyone on the planet, the Jupiter Neptune conjunction. Join us because it's a important year we're going to talk about the water Tiger year and the fire quality from the Dagara cosmology. And how you can weave these different elements and be conscious of the different energies so you know how to how to move with the frequency because as Jupiter goes into Aries in some ways, it's gonna get kind of wild in the world, so to speak. I'd love for you to join us for the 2022 masterclass and you can sign up for that by going to Earthseedtemplearts.com And scrolling down or you can also go to the show notes of this podcast and click on the link to do so if you scroll into the notes you'll see the 2022 master class.

Ra Ma:

This brings us to the Aquarius New Moon, which as we gather for the masterclass, we're also going to honor this lunar Imbolc entry. And we're going to really honor the frequency of the new moon and what wants to come through particularly on that evening so we can align and we can set the stage we can really vision for all of 2022 to come. And as we have the new moon on February 1, it's at 12:45am. That's Eastern Standard Time. It's a Tuesday. The sun and the moon meet up at 12 degrees 19 arc minutes Aquarius. So every time we have a new moon, the sun and the moon are conjunct, they marry, they become one, they take up the same space and time. And this new moon also has a Saturn in Aquarius conjunct. So Saturn is at 15 degrees 30 arc minutes, Aquarius, so only about three degrees away. And therefore there is a strong Saturnian desire with this new moon to really vision for the whole year. I mean, this is why I've been seeing the Capricorn New Moon of 2022 was a great way to open up the year but it's really this Aquarius New Moon that begins 2022 energetically. And when we have the new moon, we have Venus already direct mercury will be stationing direct in two days. And so the energy is really beginning to pick up the pace with Saturn conjunct the Sun and Moon. We know of Saturn to be that planet of self mastery that brings in limitation into our lives. Saturn in Aquarius is very much focused on science and medicine and technology, and our uniqueness and our individuality and our desire to have sovereignty to have independence to have freedom to be avant garde to be futuristic ahead of our times. And so with Saturn in Aquarius, in the collective energy, we of course are seeing this friction in the collective, because people are using platforms around science and health and medicine for and against others. And we're seeing it in a myriad of ways. And I'm speaking to this not coming from one side versus the other because I really see this as extremely multifaceted, and nuanced. And I hope that you can begin to see it that way as well. And that we can all remember the age old saying the whole divide and conquer technique tactic that has been used on humanity again and again and again. And so how, at this time, this really important time on earth, How can we avoid repeating that same mistake of the divide and conquer and just sort of collapsing? Collectively, as we're building this new earth? How do we come together in councils all over the earth to honor diversity, not just diversity around gender or occupation, or our lineage where we come from our ethnicity, what race we would fit in? What class? I'm speaking about, like, true diversity in ways that we think ways that we see authority ways that we connect with authority and establishment and governments. Because this is part of the medicine of these times is to really evolve together and to outgrow, falling into alignment with the divide and conquer methodology that has been used on humanity through eons and eons and eons so this Aquarius New Moon is helping us navigate this territory on some level and the sun and moon in Saturn square Uranus in Taurus and we know we've had this square between Saturn and Uranus in Taurus since for February of 2021. And that was very particular astrology very intense astrology many of us felt that Saturn Aquarius with the Uranus in Taurus square.

Ra Ma:

It peaked in February and then later on July and August and closed out in December of 2021. However, the energy will just continue to linger in 2022 We're still dealing with the square, and the effects and the ramifications. We know Uranus inTaurus really connects us to our resources to food supply, to financial stability, economic exchange. And as we look right in the world around us with Uranus in Taurus since 2018, there's been a lot of shift, there's been more cryptocurrency, more digital currencies showing up. Different governments and banking institutions are also tightening their holds on digital exchange of currency. And we're also seeing a lot of food shortages popping up in areas as well as heightened climate change climate shifts, right. And this is all making so much sense knowing we have Uranus in Taurus because the Uranean Energy is liberating us from the old ways, the old ways of doing business, the old ways of plowing and tilling the earth. And when I say that, I don't mean we shouldn't garden or farm in our local communities. I'm talking about like the the massive agricultural systems and these like corporate chains that we've become dependent on for our food, and that those establishments are not going to take us into the New Earth in a good way. And so, of course, there has to be some sort of crumbling because we have to really align our values to what we stand behind. And this is the year to put the pedal to the metal when it comes to that. I've been speaking in these podcasts and in astrological teachings and readings and in yoga classes for years about what are your values? And how are you living them in the world? Because it is what we actually do with our sacred time and attention, and our money and our energy. That's what our value system is philosophically we might believe in so many different things.

Ra Ma:

How we apply those beliefs through our actions is what matters. It's what makes an impact. So this Aquarius New Moon is profound. It's opening up the frequency for 2022. And I know I've already invited you to the 2022 masterclass. But once more I'm going to drop the seed of potential that you will come circle up with us there because this astrology is really profound. And I want to see you succeed this year and really claim your visions and your dreams. Now as we look at the chart, when I cast it in Asheville for the exact alignment, Scorpio is the ascendant, so Mars is ruling this chart and we have Mars in Capricorn, which is very beneficial because Mars does really well in Capricorn, Mars wants to get things done and take action. And in the collective second house of finances, this can be a really great time to grow your vision, grow your dreams, there is so much happening in the world around us so much rapid change. And remember this age old seed we talk about is that the powers that be the over culture would love nothing more, than for you to believe that you're out of time, that you're too late, that you're running out of time. However you are right on time. And Saturn as that wisdom keeper as that gatekeeper, that time keeper, is assisting you so that you can strategize where to focus in this entire year to come. So Mars in Capricorn is working on behalf of Saturn as well and is close to both Venus and Vesta which are fully merged in this Aquarius New Moon and Venus has just turned direct. Like I said she's merged with Vesta. So the goddess of love and beauty is merged with the goddess of our devotion. And there is so much focus to really honing in on your visions, not just for this Aquarius New Moon and the moons to come for all of 2022... this is your month to like vision the year out and really get finessed and clear with your intentions. And Juno will just shift into Aquarius after the exact alignment of the new moon. So the goddess of what we are married to is coming out of that Capricorn frequency and really wanting to innovate with the Aquarian frequency. Now the sun and the moon align on the new moon at 13 degrees Aquarius, which is a barometer, the ability to discover basic natural facts that allow us to plan in advance for action. This is just exemplifying how significant this New Moon is for visioning your entire 2022. So come with me to the masterclass so you know how to strategize the months ahead, because we have Mars going retrograde, we have a series of mercury Retrogrades we have really potent eclipses, and Jupiter in Aries. So it's like, it's going to be bumpy at times and you want to know when to move forward, and when to take a moment and rest. Because we are still in that long haul marathon collectively. So the degree of Aquarius, the barometer, this is all about natural law, our relationships. And when we think of a barometer, it registers air pressure. And if we have a change of pressure, that can be a gauge to see what the weather might be tomorrow. So on some level, it's like interpreting omens, planning for a near future. The potential or seed of the future is actually already here. It's at the core, it sits within you, it sits within me It sits within all of us. And so harnessing that potential frequency from deep within and coming from that depth as you create your intentions in the outer world, so they come and take form and they come to life.

Ra Ma:

Now the star sparks for 13 degrees Aquarius is a lidless granite sarcophagus, it is empty. And I love how these Egyptian themed frequencies keep coming through the astrology right now. As just a month ago, I was in Kemet in Egypt, and definitely spent some time in lidless granite sarcophagi and they were empty on some level. This frequency of the sarcophagus. What Ellias Lonsdale had to say is that it's about how do you operate in this world? How do you attempt to operate free of karma and the fixed world and deadlike routines. You have to check yourself endlessly and constantly refine, constantly elevate. It's like you're closer to fine, you're closer to freedom. And then the collective keeps snarling and snagging you back to another example of limitation and struggle. And the answer is to this quandary is to be limitless, to be boundless, to believe in yourself and to believe you're right on time. And as I have spent some decent time in different sarcophagi throughout Egypt, there is a vastness when you enter that space, there is a limitlessness within a sarcophagus. And it brings you to a zero point, to a now moment. As you come to that now moment. You can imagine all the various lifetimes you've lived, the different identities you've been and you can harness all of those frequencies into the here and now into your physical body. This is powerful astrology this Aquarius New Moon. The affirmation that aligns with this is "I sense the divine in everything." And may this be so for you.

Ra Ma:

And this brings us to Imbolc which we experience lunar Imbolc with the Aquarius New Moon, and it is also calendar Imbolc. And solar Imbulc is when we have the sun coming to 15 degrees Aquarius, so it's just a few days after lunar Imbolc this year, and Imbolc is known also as Candlemass. It is the winter cross quarter that sits between your winter solstice and Spring Equinox for those of us who live in the northern hemisphere. So in the southern hemisphere, this is sitting between the summer solstice and fall equinox. And so we have the beautiful festival of Lammas. And these cross quarter holidays are truly fiery celebrations. Imbolc is a beautiful time to light lots of candles in your home in the warmth. And Lammas is a beautiful time to be out on the land and honor nature by creating a bonfire and spending time a lengthy amount of time outdoors. For us in the northern hemisphere. This is the festival of Earth awakening. This cross quarter time of year as the festival of awakening is when we are seeing that first stirring of the earth come back to life from the quiet in the stillness of the deep heart of winter.

Ra Ma:

And therefore this time of the year, we are working with our abilities to manifest while remembering our intuitive wisdom. And all we have learned in this descent in this journey into the underworld and our play with the other world. And it's been very much amplified. This winter's journey as we have had both Venus and Mercury Retrograde so there has been a lot coming to the surface from the depths of our psyches. With this Imbolc gateway, we light candles in honor of the returning of the light of the sun's rays as the sun's rays increase each day. Lighting candles is a sign of our intentional focus, our divine spark, our unique gifts, our creativity, our intuition, and this deep stir within the cauldron of the belly of the mother is us. It is our dreams awakening coming to life, our creative potential pulsating as the growth emerges more and more day by day, the days are lengthening. Although it is cold, there are buds beginning to form on the trees. And we're hearing the bird song again. As this gate, this threshold between the winter and the spring comes to life. It is a time for us to really do those inner preparations for that which we will be giving and doing more in the outer world as spring equinox comes our way. And therefore, this is a season of working with divination, of candle gazing, of scrying, of activating our clairvoyance and our Clairsentience and our Claire audience, planting ideas and giving them space to germinate with deep meditation and yoga, with poetry, song and art. Calling upon your guides, your spirit protectors, your healthy ancestors for support, as they can only assist if you ask in turn with the Aquarius New Moon lining our collective destiny and dharma with the North Node in Taurus conjunct the asteroid goddess Ceres in Taurus. There is this collective need to care take right now, to honor the abundance of the cultivated soil and the seasons. And it's important that we're getting our hands in the earth and we're really giving gratitude for our food and for The Earth herself who provides for us who knows your name and my name and your dreams and my dreams. And how this beautiful earth mother rules over all major life cycles, as the goddess of womb and tomb, she rolls over the womb from which we are born. And our journey through life as we come to these important life passages, eventually coming to that closure that completion, and we receive our journey and we give our offering of our life back to the earth. These cycles of nature, of time itself are deeply nourishing cycles to contemplate with the North Node, and Taurus this year, and with the eclipses this year, our journey asks of us to take even greater self care and to take greater care of one another, and to take greater care of our Earth mother. As we know, there are many here on earth that are still so far from freedom. Many live daily within the old paradigms of oppression. And we know that there's still much work to do on the planet. And there's also a necessity to celebrate, to have joy and to live with gratitude. And to call in that now moment, as if you are in that limitless space of the granite sarcophagus to create from that limitless space, to cast away all doubt and to spread the seeds of joy and pure potential. This is the time to call upon your sacred art, your sacred creativity and lunar Imbolc this Aquarius New Moon is so deeply held by the Celtic triple fire Goddess Brigid. And her magic which wishes to come forth for us all. And she is honored very much through Celtic, England, and Scotland and Ireland and France and Wales and other parts of the world as well. And she has many, many different names Bridie, Bridget, Brigid, Birgidita, Bridgitana. And the Brigid, the first Bridgit ever worshipped in ancient times was said to be the daughter of the great Irish God Dagda the good father, and she had two sisters who are also named Bridget. They were called by some the three sisters or the three mothers. Therefore these three Brigid's are three different aspects of fire and creation and passion and creativity. Bridgit, the fire of the hearth, the goddess of fertility, of family, life, of childbirth, of great healing, bridgid, the fire of the forge, the patroness of all of the crafts and creativity from weaving and Metalsmithing and embroidery and pottery. A goddess very much concerned with that which is just, an that which brings order and harmony. And Brigitte the fire of inspiration, the muse of poetry, Song history, the Bard, the protector of all cultural learning and cultural weaving. And it was very much of our time that bridgid was made into a saint. However, this is part of her journey.

Ra Ma:

Just two days after the Aquarius New Moon we have mercury stationing direct on Wednesday, which is mercury Day, February 3 at 24 degrees 23 arc minutes Capricorn and that's going to occur at 11:13pm. Eastern Standard Time. Mercury went into the shadow of retrograde at the end of December, and then retro graded on January 14 at 11 degrees Aquarius and we covered this terrain in depth in Episode 43 If you haven't taken a listen so as Mercury does station direct. Mercury has gone back into Capricorn and the 25 degrees Capricorn is the degree of the Jupiter Pluto conjunction that happened in 2020. I was speaking about this earlier in this episode, and I've been speaking about it in other episodes as well. This is a very significant degree that we've been passing over throughout time and has much to teach us. So this mercury direct is bringing in information from that Jupiter Pluto conjunction back in 2020, which was threaded to the Saturn Pluto conjunction in January of 2020. So there's the string of pearls that is forming here. We are understanding we are digesting the journey more and more the sabian symbol for 25 degrees Capricorn is a store filled with precious oriental rugs. This is about the use of cultural and artistic processes as a means to enhance personal comfort and appreciation. This is about the transcendence of a material, realizing how beauty is the tapestry that weaves culture and peoples together.

Ra Ma:

Yes, a rug is something that someone may sit upon or stand upon. In some cultures, there's a sacred rug for prayer. A prayer rug of any kind is inherently magical. And so the question is, what are the intentions woven into the cloth? As we are in this process of dismantling so many layers of systems, systems within our outer governmental worlds systems within our own inner hearths, systems within our own deep, entrenched psyches, that anchor back into that collective psyche, that collective stratosphere, that deep, deep, deep, liminal space that is beyond the spoken word that is deep into the world of symbols and sensory sensibilities. And this brings us to the star sparks. For 25 degrees Capricorn, a woman wearing a mask made out of butterfly wings. We are visible creatures everywhere we go there is someone who sees us, someone witnesses us, assesses who you are based upon how we may seem, the impressions we give in an outer way. How do we pierce our own disguise, a different world may dawn when that diverges, that transforms to become an archetypal embodiment of a greater way of being, to be disguised, veiled with structures for an everlasting purpose. To do the world, to evolve from here, a charm that is metamorphosiized into self composed parts of an authentic kind, to be boundless, to be limitless to be one who serves all again this weaves the limitless space of the granite sarcophagus there are these themes that are coming online for each one of us.

Ra Ma:

And I hope that you can see how the astrology of Venus and Mercury direct in this Aquarius New Moon are weaving together to assist us in our most precise visioning of 2022 and how to be really strategic with our year ahead. As we come to Tuesday, the eighth of February we come to the first quarter moon the first kind of challenge from that new moon, it's a moon that aligns with Ceres. Entering Gemini she wishes to really nourish new thoughts, new mental creativity, higher intelligence, with the Aquarian New Moon and the movement of various asteroid goddesses and Imbolc. This is a powerful time to sharpen our minds, and really focus get very aligned with the words we are weaving. We are speaking, we are spelling, the ways we are operating in the world as we come out of these liminal spaces and begin to collaborate together.

Ra Ma:

If you live in the Asheville area. There's a couple of spaces available for the Aquarian Dark Moon women's wisdom gathering, which will be on moon day, Monday, January 31. And I'd also like to invite you to The medicine people conference. There's a link in the show notes. And this is a conference that Shadia, a sister of mine who has also studied with elder Malidoma Some is organizing. Her organization is called Black girl magic and a group of us will be presenting in different ways to honor the life the work of elder Malidoma Some and so there will be layers of medicine that will be woven and available to each one of you. And begins this Sunday at 12:55pm. And we'll go on until roughly 3pm in that's Eastern Standard Time, so I hope you will join us. The link is in the show notes. I'm so grateful that you take the time to circle up in this way. Please share this podcast. Consider having an astrological divination session. I'm also offering Tarot as well. You can have Tarot added on to any astrology reading or we can also dive into Tarot as a stand alone divination session, I have so many different events and classes that want to be birthed. And I am really looking forward to this year 2022 and unveiling these offerings to you. However, my dissertation is calling me so stay tuned to what is brewing, make sure you are receiving my Venusian love notes in your inbox every single Friday they're delivered. So you can go to my website Earthseedtemplearts.com and sign up if you're not getting them. Also make sure you've whitelisted the email address support@Earthseedtemplearts.com so that those messages, those love notes land in your inbox, avoiding your spam. And for those of you who live in the Asheville area, I am going to be offering Kundalini yoga a series that will begin on February 14, and I really hope you will join us so if you're interested in the invitation for that you can email me direct support@Earthseedtemplearts.com.

Ra Ma:

This new moon really does feel like a whole new year and for those who follow the Chinese system, we are literally leaving one year and coming into the water Tiger year there's so much potential available and May we all be prosperous, May we all be limitless, May we all be protected and guided by our ancestors and nourished by the elements and in turn and this beautiful mutual reciprocity, may we give back in pure devotion to Mother Earth. And so it is, and so it is, and so it is. Ashe.

Ra Ma:

Going to invite you to prepare for meditation, and so come seated or lie down. And if you're operating heavy machinery or you can't be present now, feel free to pause this recording and check out the timestamp. And they're also in the show notes so you can come back to this whenever it feels most aligned for you. So as you're finding your seat or your center, just bringing the body into deep, deep presence and awareness making sure all devices are turned off and you're in a space where you cannot be disturbed. You've taken care of all of your biological needs. And allow your body to come into this moment with the breath inhaling and exhaling nice long deep breaths allowing yourself to become more present more were just noticing how your body is feeling in this Now moment.

Ra Ma:

And allowing whatever's present to be there, allowing With the breath, and breathe into any tight, heavy hard spaces, breathe the breath into those spaces. Not in a way to force any shift but just to breathe Consciousness Light transformation into those denser spaces. And allow your awareness to come to the base of the spine, the palms of your hands, the soles of your feet. And imagine these grounding cords of silver, gold, red light, coming out through these spaces, and beginning to drop down, down down through the layers of sediment and soil deep into Mother Earth. And any buildings you may be in just the light lines, the cords of light are able to move through the concrete through the structures deep into the earth. Where you come and you ground and you anchor into great grandmother hematite. Into this Now moment, finding your center here, grounding and anchoring, all of who you are, all of who you've ever been, all who you ever will be. And breathe that grounded recognition, this knowingness, this awareness that you are enough, you are full, you have a right to be here on earth now at this time, and that you matter. There is so much love and support available for you in these times. Even when it feels the most isolated and dark. You have support. You have the backing of your ancestors, your guides your guardians, your star family, your soul tribe. Even when we feel most lonely, we have the support always.

Ra Ma:

And so, in the space of grounding, I invite you to draw the support in from deep within Mother Earth back up through the layers of sediment and soil back up for those of you who know of the earth star chakra through your earth star chakra through the soles of your feet grounding and anchoring that energy up into your body. And begin to feel these waves of relaxation as you breathe a longer, deeper breaths, more conscious breaths. Feel this wave of relaxation enter in through the soles of the feet up through the ankles swirling around the calves and the shins up through the knees up into the thighs. Up through the glutes and into the pelvic bowl swirling around your inner cave of creation. Regardless of gender, this is a space all beings have of creative energy and this energy swirls up through the spine up through all of your digestive organs into the lungs up and into your heart and your thymus up into your thyroid up through the shoulders and the neck and moving down the arms all the way down through the elbows and the wrists into the hands all the way out to the fingertips. Breathing that energy back up the arms back into the shoulders and the neck and the throat up into the jaw. Allow your jaw to soften and open into the teeth. allow the tongue to relax all the way to the roots of the tongue, the upper and the lower palates. Feel this wave of relaxation moving into the back of the head into the ears, deep into the eardrums into the center of your brain. deep into the space of the pituitary gland and the pineal gland and the hypothalamus and this wave of relaxation moves up through the cheeks and the nose in the sinuses. is deep into the eyes, all the way back into the optic nerves swirling up through the crown of your head. So that every hair on the top of your head and throughout your body just completely relaxes. And your bones and your joints soften these bones that are the medicine of who you are, they carry these Crystaline codes of light, that are passed down generation to generation, just like the blood line through the blood, the vitality of who we are the essence of who we are, we have this ability to re matrix all of these codes of light and life through our very consciousness, our psyche, our thoughts, all of whom and who we are. And so now I invite you to imagine from the crown of your head, this beautiful white light that comes into the shape of a pyramid. And that begins to envelop and enclose your entire physical body, your emotional body, your spiritual body, your mental body, your Ka body, the energy double of who you are, all of your energetic layers are fully encapsulated in this pyramid of white light, and an inkers all the way from the cosmos, from the sun of all suns, the great cosmic central sun of all of creation. And this pyramid of light beams down through your high high high chakras all the way down through the crown, rooting you all the way down into the earth, the base of the pyramid roots down the structure. And you notice as you watch the light begins to shift from white, to violet, to Golden, and it is saturated with this golden essence. And you begin to see this beautiful golden nectar of light pouring from the great cosmic Central Sun all the way down through earth, all the way through this pyramid of light that fully embodies and anchors you.

Ra Ma:

And as it is doing so you feel the sensation of the super conscious of who you are. You feel the divine showing you everything you need to know, it is encased within the codes of light of this pyramid that are surrounding and protecting all of your body's you as a Lightkeeper as a wayshower, breathe in this multi dimensional awakening through these codes of light, breathe them into all the cells of your being so that all the cells of your beam take on a holographic mirror of these codes of light. And as your DNA receives these energetic upgrades these imprints feel how your DNA connects to the DNA of Mother Earth, Terra Gaia, which connects to the DNA of the cosmos.

Ra Ma:

Feel how your Akasha weaves with the Akasha of Mother Earth and the Akasha of all that is, this great weaving of light begins to move through you in these delicate, elegant codes that bring you even closer to the heart of Mother Earth. And in this beautiful season of honoring the earth, of the celebration of the fertility of all of life, of that weaving of your inner feminine and your inner masculine coming together to co create this inner unification, this inner unity consciousness. You breathe us in even deeper so that you have great support and anchoring in these delicate and most potent and powerful times and you allow yourself to continue to breathe long deep breaths in this no moment. And any parts of your physical body that need your focus your attention that need extra healing, allow them to receive that through your breath through your awareness here and now.

Ra Ma:

And you find yourself feeling more and more relaxed and a complete peace in this moment Enjoy, enjoy. Enjoy this truth to be fully present, grounded and relaxed.

Ra Ma:

May Isis heal me as she healed her son Horus of all the pains which were brought on him. Thou great Enchantress, heal me, save me from all evil things of darkness from the epidemic, and deadly diseases and infections of all sorts that sprang upon me as thou hast saved and freed Horus. Free me from all possible evil, hurtful things of darkness from epidemic and deadly fevers of all kinds. And so it is.

About the Podcast

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Stars, Stones and Stories: Ancient Future Myth & Astrology
Crystalize Your Medicine

About your host

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Danielle Marie

Awaken Your Star Heritage through Goddess Astrology, Cosmology, and Pilgrimage within GOLDEN GATE ESOTERAKA.

Danielle Marie, also known as RaMa is the pillar of an Ancient Future Mystery School. She is an interdisciplinary artist, international woman of medicine, astrologer, cosmic high priestess, doula, childbirth educator, herbalist, gridkeeper, pilgrimage steward, sound healer and yogic scientist. She has studied the art of starkeeping for over 30 years and holds a Master of Arts in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology with Merit through The Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture at the University of Wales.

Danielle practices Goddess Astrology, her alchemical blend of Ancient and Modern Western techniques that activate the Ancient Future Feminine frequency within you. Danielle is dedicated to aligning the spiritual realms with academic intelligence. Her astrological practice leans upon yogic philosophy and an extensive practice of meditation, sound healing, ancestral healing and Daoist stone medicine.

Danielle offers Quantum Healing Hypnosis journeys as taught by Dolores Cannon, serving as a consciousness midwife. She leads pilgrimages upon the Magdalene Trail to Egypt, Avalon and the South of France.

GOLDEN GATE ESOTERAKA Ancient Future Mystery School houses a living library of courses like Danielle's signature EarthSeed and Skywalkers. A thriving private online community is woven through The Chalice. Initiates are led on a path of deep internal self-discovery with programs like Goddess Astrology and Grail Quest.

You may discover more at ancientfuturemystery.school where every offering is a living prayer for you to Cultivate Deep Roots and Make Miracles with the Cosmos.