Episode 49

Jupiter and Neptune Meet the Winged Horse

In this episode we explore the Jupiter Neptune conjunction in depth and this relationship to Pegasus. The Winged Horse was a symbol of ascension, victory, and triumph throughout the ages and this once in a lifetime conjunction offers a sensation that the gods are supporting our Earthwalk. We also explore the Libra Full Moon, and the Sun's movement into Taurus which brings us into the Beltane Eclipse Portal! We culminate with a guided meditation with Garnet as an ally to ground you in these times and assist you with dreamseeding.

Time Stamps:

19:52 Mercury shifts from Aries into Taurus

29:40 Jupiter Neptune Conjuntcion

01:42:53 Libra Full Moon

01:58:27 Garnet Meditation

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Acknowledgements to Dane Rudhyar, Elias Lonsdale, and Marina Costelloe as their wisdom was sourced in reference to the Sabian Symbols, Starsparks, and Crystal Astrology, respectively.

Ra Ma:

In this episode we will explore the current astrology particularly the Jupiter Neptune conjunction. It is here, it is arriving as it meets the winged horse, a symbol for ascension and victory and triumph. This is a sensation that the gods are supporting our Earth walk in these times. We will also touch on the Libra Full Moon, and the sun entering Taurus. Ultimately, all of these aspects and alignments are bringing us straight into eclipse season. It is potent, it is powerful. These are times where we really want to be grounded and discerning. So buckle up and tune in.

Ra Ma:

Welcome to stars, stones and stories. I am your host Rama and together we are weaving Ancient Future wisdom as we birth the New Earth. If you're into astrology, cosmology, living mythology, earth based spirituality and ancestral healing, you are home. If you've stumbled upon this podcast and are new to these topics, this is sovereign sanctuary to expand and deepen your wisdom. As a cosmic priestess, I witnessed many of the threshold of great transformation. I specialize in astrological divination, sacred site activations and priestess arts for the Aquarian Age. You may learn more about my work and budding Mystery School at Earthseedtemplearts.com Or follow Earthseedtemplearts on Instagram. This community is your opportunity to claim your story, your unique identity and power knowing that you are the hero of your own journey. You are a hologram for the collective and you matter. The world needs your gifts and creativity now more than ever. Crystallize your medicine.

Ra Ma:

Oh great ancient ones, great ancestors, we call to you. May you hear the voices of your descendants traversing through time and space. We humbly ask for your support your wise medicine ways and your genius solutions in these times. Dear ancestors, we wish to partner with you for we know we cannot do this alone. As we traverse the mystery we ask that you, our starry ancestors are with us each breath of the way. May we have clarity of mind and Crystaline vision to see through the dark. May we walk our paths of high holy truth as that is what is needed now more than ever. And so it is.

Ra Ma:

Welcome back, everyone to another episode of Stars, stones and stories. As always, I am grateful you're here. I know how sacred and holy our time is in this Aquarian Age and so that you choose to come and circle up in this way it really means a lot to me. And I've enjoyed getting to connect with more and more of you meeting you through private divination sessions and people just popping into my life through messages in my inbox or on social media. So I just really want to say I love connecting with you. Please take a moment, let me know who you are. If you're a listener and you haven't introduced yourself already, and consider joining the mighty networks platform the stars, stones and stories community. I know I said a couple of months ago we're just getting started and we are I promise you. I've been knee deep this past really couple of years in in clearing some immense, immense internal experiences and social experiences. When we're doing immense Saturn work, we have to limit where we put our energy. I'm coming out, I'm emerging out and really excited to be more and more in different public domains. And I'm excited to connect with more of you. And I'm really feeling that I have more authentic energy to do that. So bear with me, it might be a couple more months till I fully pick up steam. However, I encourage you to continue to circle up in the ways you're able to, to stay tuned to the various offerings that I wish to deliver.

Ra Ma:

This particular episode is really special because we're we finally arrived at the Jupiter Neptune conjunction, it's coming as we're preparing for it. I'm recording this on Friday, Venus day, it's April 8. Right now the moon is in cancer coming to meet up with my mercury in cancer in my 10th house. So it feels really aligned to be recording right now to be speaking to you all, because this is like my natural space and place of where I like to speak from. And I want to just take a moment to to give gratitude to my ancestors because I record this podcast in my closet, it's the most serene place in my dwelling where the sound comes through the best. And I have my ancestral altar in here. So I'm literally like at the feet of my ancestors, when I'm recording this and connecting in with my wedding me as well. And with that, I just want to honor elder Malidoma. So, many of you if you've been a listener of stars, stones and stories, you've heard me speak about him. And if you're new here, just want to say welcome. I'm so grateful you're here too. Elder Malidoma left his body in the last Eclipse portal in December of 2021. And it's been a really challenging experience for me, personally, because I learned so much from him and through him. And I've been completing a graduate program that I began in January of 2018. And that program took away so much of my quote, spare time end quote, and I had so many plans on ways I wanted to continue to work with elder Malidoma, including doing his divination course and doing more immersions and going with him to Burkina Faso, and great spirit had other plans in store, as we quite often learn that there's this

Ra Ma:

important thing about when you connect with someone who is a teacher, for you, a true teacher. And I don't throw that word around lightly. Having spent a lot of time in different lineages where it's kind of like impose that you have to find this teacher, think you know, for lucky to really meet our true teacher, it is such a blessing. But that relationship has been really distorted in a lot of spiritual communities. And a teacher is not an authority over you. That exactly is why I knew elder Malidoma was my true mentor and teacher, because he never wanted to be an authority over me in any way, shape, or form or over anyone from what I saw and witnessed in the times that I worked with him. He was an incredibly, incredibly humble medicine man, and a healer and a poet and a visionary, and so many other things, so many other titles and labels that we could give him and he was an initiated Dagara elder, and he had a very particular specific medicine in this incarnation, to bridge the indigenous world with the Western psyche, and bring healing to the Western psyche, in all the ways that the Western psyche has distorted us and confused us and bogged us down. And also, I would say his particular medicine was to bridge us as humans, to the other world to the spirit world to remind us of our ancestral ways and to to sit in his presence was so powerful and so potent, and I hope you never tire of hearing me speak of him because I cannot and I will not stop speaking of him and his medicine, for it has truly truly touched me and filled me up in so many ways. And this past Saturday, we held a memorial service. When I say we held, I cannot take any credit for holding it. I can only say that a group of us showed up and Teresa, elder Teresa who has worked diligently alongside elder Malidoma for nearly 20 years supporting his work and administering so many of the immersions. And doing so much of the behind the scenes, gritty work in all the ways she really took the lead and some other elders in the community. And it was such good medicine to arrive on the land where I had first met him and sat in many divinations with him and sat in many immersions with him, and to be on the land, and to feel his presence and to witness his burial through a film that was created in honor of that, where he was buried in his family compound in his village in Burkina. It really was powerful, it brought a lot of healing to my heart. And it also stirred up the unprocessed layers of grief as well. And elder Teresa said to me many times that what my work is, is to continue to bring my medicine out into the world. And that's the greatest gift. And that's the greatest way to honor his memory and his work and his blessing. And, you know, I'll be honest with you like being a human in 2022. It's exciting. And it's daunting, as I posted on Instagram earlier this week. These are exciting times, they're also daunting and immense. And I realized, with elder Malidomas passing and the various other initiations I've been going through that this is my like, what I'm personally being initiated into is to really fully be in my own authority and authorship. And thereby, it's something I've been speaking to you all about, and will continue to speak to you about, because

Ra Ma:

these are the times where we really need to take the mantle of our spiritual maturity, our spiritual authority, and step into our power and to stop looking to others to tell us what to do and how to do it, and just go out and do the thing. We need that from, from each one of us in these times, I need you to take whatever inspiration you receive from Stars, stones and stories and apply it in the world. The future generations need that from you, particularly. And that is my living prayer with stars, stones and stories and always has been. I've had a vision for this podcast for many, many years. And as you know, if you've been an avid listener, I started this in Beltane of 2020. Because I realized with the pandemic that it was kind of like now we're never like, in my mind, I was always going to write my book, and then I would do my podcast and, and I thought in 2020, I have published my book, but I realized like my graduate work in that program, really was taking full precedence. And I couldn't do both, while simultaneously doing deep, deep ancestral healing and clearing. It's just like you can only hold so much in a given day. And we can make our nervous systems really strong and really stretch wide and far. But we also have to be like, realistic with Saturn, about how much we're actually capable of holding. Because in these times, if we take on too much frequency, like you will get slammed. And we've seen it. I mean, you can see it out in the public. There's plenty of examples. And I love the technology of Kundalini yoga, and unfold Fortunately, some people use it to kind of like, they literally are like frying their nervous systems out with it. And I saw that, and I could see how I was on the path to that. And as many of you know, I took a sabbatical from teaching for various reasons, right, a lot of it around the just to honor the victims of Yogi Bhajan's abuse, and that whole trauma timeline. And I thought in some part of me that maybe I was completely done with the practice. And what I realized, particularly when I was in the Great Pyramid, in December of 2021, this past winter solstice, that I need this technology for these times, and it really was meant for these times, and that was something Yogi Bhajan spoke about endlessly. We can look to many of these yogic lineages that have been brought from the east to the west and find perpetrators, and abusers, and people who have mismanaged power, and we can see it. In many spiritual communities, we can see it in all communities, right? Therapists do it, doctors do it, politicians do it. There's not a single field. Artists do it. I mean, I saw it in art school, firsthand, I experienced it. And I thought I was taking refuge in the Kundalini yoga community from that sort of dance. And in 2016, I became really aware that it was actually quite the opposite. And so I purposely, like walked away from an entire Sangha.

Ra Ma:

But it was hard. I didn't want to consciously but I knew that I had to find my own path and clarity of mind. Then four years later, I found myself walking away from the practice altogether. And now I'm reclaiming that for myself. And I'm finding my way within it. And I just feel called to share a little bit about this. And if you want to know more, please stay tuned to my Venusian love notes, and to my writing on my website, Earthseedtemplearts.com. Because I am going to really write a formal statement around how I feel about Kundalini Yoga now, and how I want to be offering it to the world. And I'm still kind of figuring it out. But I just feel called to share about it because it was something I publicly claimed that I was complete with, and I was going on sabbatical from, I want to honor like, where I've been and where others have been. And also, I want to honor the fact that it does not feel aligned for me to completely throw out the practice. In fact, that feels like an abomination on some level. And I know some people would disagree with me, right. Like a lot of people burned their books, their manuals, a lot of teachers stopped teaching. And I've just really chosen to take a more kind of neutral path in the sense that I want to approach the practice much more kind of open, and not so dogmatic to the Dharma for sure, not dogmatic to the Dharma. And I'm also being very selective about the sets and meditations I will teach because I could definitely sense having spent a lot of time going into some of the much deeper, more hypnotic meditations, and I am also a trained Hypnotherapist. So I don't have problems with hypnosis. In fact, I think hypnosis is great. But I think it's important for people to understand that they're signing up for hypnosis. And yes, we're all being hypnotized all the time, which is a whole other topic. The point is, is that I'm working with this practice, and I'm actually really loving working with it again, I'm finding a lot of stability. I'm finding great confidence in my own body and really coming back to myself, so it feels good. And with that this week on Sunday, April 10 Mercury shifts from Aries into Taurus, and this is opening up Taurus season so to speak. Later on in the month of April we will find the sun shifting into Taurus and at the end of the month, we have the Taurus New Moon partial solar eclipse. So we have two new moons in the month of April, and a lot of really strong, significant astrology. And I want to help break it down for you. So when Mercury enters Taurus, our forms of communication the way we're taking information and sharing information is shifting. It's becoming more grounded, more earthy, more methodical, more Venusian. It is more about like, what are we creating? What are we building? What's our culture that we're calling forth? And so mercury in Taurus, it's a little slower than Mercury likes to generally work. And it's also an important experience to really ground in after the intensity of Aries season and mercury in Aries, where we can be very kind of like rash and almost childlike and also kind of domineering with our speech. Mercury in Taurus is a really beautiful time to like, write poetry and to journal and to reflect. And I encourage you to be journaling through this month of April, especially your dreams. Capture your dreams, write when you wake up, and I'm going to speak more to that

Ra Ma:

after the Jupiter Neptune conjunction transmission that I'm offering you in this podcast episode, because the dream state is extremely, extremely important right now. And once you hear what I have to say about Jupiter, Neptune, it's gonna land on your ears in a much different way. So again, on Sunday, April 10, at 10:09pm, Eastern Daylight Time, Mercury makes his shift. You know, Mercury is Thoth, Tahuti, as the messenger shifts into earthy Taurus. And then that following day on Monday, April 11, around 9:30am, we have Saturn, squaring the North Node and the south node, the true nodes. And Saturn is in Aquarius. And on that day, we also have the moon is moving into Leo. And so as the day progresses, the moon is also going to be squaring, it's going to be like a Grand Cross or a grand square. I'm just bumping up the time here. So I can tell you when that's going to happen. So it's around 7:40pm. And that's Eastern Daylight Time. The the moon is going to be in Leo opposing Saturn and Aquarius and they're going to be in a Grand Cross a grand square with the north and the south node the North Node in Taurus the South Node in Scorpio. So Monday evening, April 11 is probably going to feel like things are probably going to feel pretty tight and intense. The north node is speaking to our collective Dharma Destiny, our North Star where we're headed, and that north node in Taurus has a lot to teach us right now.. especially because the North Node and Uranus in Taurus are coming to this year. And they're coming into conjunction now. So as we enter this eclipse portal, which I'll speak more about the North Node, and Uranus in Taurus meeting up in Episode 50 So stay tuned for that, which episode 50 We're gonna go deep into eclipse season and how you can work with it and how you can prepare for it. So make sure you're receiving notifications that you're like subscribed to stars, stones and stories so you don't miss it when the episode drops. And you can really hone in on how to work with this eclipse season. masterfully because this eclipse season is so important.

Ra Ma:

And I want to remind you, JP Morgan's statement, "millionaires don't use astrology billionaires do". We are in the Age of Aquarius, we're all artists, we're all entrepreneurs, even if you work for someone else, I hope, I pray that you see yourself as a visionary. And as an entrepreneur, for me, like what that means is really about taking the helm the mantle of your spiritual authority of your independence. This is where we stop blaming and shaming whatever other institutions and we just like, you know, pull ourselves up by the bootstraps, as they say. And we get, we get into it, and we take leadership, like, whatever it is, you're naturally drawn into your life. Like, if you care a lot about, you know, cute little kittens, or, you know, if you're like, I just want to grow roses. Or if you're like, I care so much about the Earth's water. And I'm really concerned about the ocean, and how to protect the sacred mother ocean Yemaya, like whatever it is that you're drawn into trust that because that is part of your unique medicine path. And the reason why you feel that urge is because it is your path. It's as simple as that. Elder Malidoma spoke about how doubt is the poison of modernity.

Ra Ma:

And I want to make a bumper sticker of that, because I feel like those of us who live in the West who are like so entrenched in modernity, but the truth is, modernity has slipped like, you know, our global addiction to oil and plastic has slipped into every crack and crevice of the global culture. We're facing the ramifications of that meaning that doubt has poisoned, not just the minds of modernity, because modernity has stretched into the indigenous heart as well. And so it is up to you, those of us who come from modernity, not to rescue not to save but to take full responsibility and to get in and get gritty and do this work. So I really feel that there's something to receive with the Saturn squaring the nodes and Saturn opposing the moon and Leo on Monday, August 11, around 7:40pm. And with that, if you live in the Asheville area, you probably know I'm offering a yoga series, romance yourself and there's still time for you to join in with us if you want to drop in, especially on that Monday night the 11th I think it will be a prime time to be in meditation. And this brings us to the much anticipated Jupiter Neptune conjunction. If you traverse the 22, 22 masterclass with me, you know that I spoke about how this Jupiter Neptune conjunction is one of the most important alignments of 2022. It is a very exciting alignment, there's a lot of possibility, there's a lot of expansion, there's a lot of wisdom we can gain from this. And also it is a time where we really need to be in our discernment, where we want to be grounded, because there's so much other worldly support that we want to be able to correctly interpret the signals, and the signs and the symbols. This is a key time to be sober and to be grounded into our practices. If our energy is mismanaged, and if we're kind of splattering all over the place, and we're intoxicated or we're taking in other substances, it will most likely be very challenging to really receive the multitude of miracles that wish to come through this important significant conjunction. Something like this only happens about once every 160 years. So it is a gift. An immense, immense gift to be able to experience it in our lifetimes.

Ra Ma:

The Jupiter Neptune conjunction is exact on Tuesday, April 12 at 10:42am that is Eastern Daylight Time. And I've cast the chart from the nation's capital of the United states, as I'm living in the US, and a good amount of the listeners here are also in the US, we have people all over the world as a part of stars, stones and stories, which I am just loving our global community. I'm so grateful for it. However, I quite often cast the charts from the US because that's where I am. And when we look at this chart, we can see that there is a big call, especially for anyone living in the US to really utilize this conjunction to be of service. This is a conjunction that is really here to help us connect to our higher self, to think about what our greater work is in the world, and how we're going to offer it and what our hopes and dreams are for the future. Who's our community? Who are we networking with? Who are we interacting with? Where's our tribe? And I'm seeing that because the majority of the planets in this chart as I cast for you in Washington DC in the US are in the ninth, 10th and 11th house. So we've got this like massive stellium occurring in both Aquarius and Aries for this conjunction and a good amount of planets and Pisces. We have the Moon in Virgo opposing Venus. And that Virgo Moon is in the third house of expression and utilizing our voice and really receiving information as well. So when we consider a conjunction, it is a marriage between two or more bodies. And in astrology, we can say a conjunction is like the purest of all aspects. And these aspects are intense. They're beautiful. A conjunction itself is beautiful. It's a marriage, it's two or more beings coming together. And when we think about a marriage, or a unification of any kind, there is beauty and there's also crisis simultaneously. Because you have two individuals coming together to create unity, which means there's something that has to be dissolved within each in order to unify. And we know Jupiter as one of the social teaching planets Saturn would be the other. Jupiter really offers this principle of improvement. Jupiter wishes to expand our lives beyond the material world, to assist us in our search for meaning, truth, for our ethical real values that ground us. Jupiter is a planet of spirituality, and ultimately expands everything it touches, teaching one how to grow beyond their limitations. Jupiter teachings bring in concepts around success and wealth, creativity, how we may grow and expand and evolve the way we can bring in a greater sense of prosperity, meaning how do we really enjoy that which we have in our lives. There are many, many, many wealthy people in the world who don't even know how to enjoy their lives. And then there are many, many, many people in the world who live in what is perceived as poverty. But enjoy life take up resonance with the elements. They're grateful for everything they have. Jupiter teachings are teachings that transmit prosperity meaning to enjoy that what you have before your very eyes.

Ra Ma:

All of these archetypes also bring in shadow frequencies. And part of the shadow with Jupiter can be a sense of false hope or over optimism. And that's something we want to consider with this Jupiter Neptune conjunction and that is why I'm speaking so strongly towards grounding practices, really committing to a daily practice if you do not have a daily practice, create one in this conjunction, start a practice that can take you deeper into the Aquarian Age and can help you navigate these radical times. In astrology Jupiter rules over the signs of Sagittarius and pisces. And Jupiter rules the process of growth and preservation, governing the liver. In Kabbalah, Jupiter is connected to the ethereal absorption within a man, the power of scent within the body of humanity, the sense by means of which the developed soul perceives and partakes the finer aromatic essences of nature. We know Jupiter is the largest planet, and on some level it represents all that is truly good and charitable within human life. Nobility, taking noble actions from the kind of restraint of Saturn or the crassness, the brutality of Mars, Jupiter brings in higher moral nature and greater fortune, dignity and marking one as sincere, faithful and generous. As we consider Neptune, Neptune is a transpersonal planet, meaning that it is further away out in space. Saturn is like the bridge between the social planets and the transpersonal planets. And we could consider Neptune as a higher octave of Venus. So Neptune connects us into love as an undone conditional force, known as agape. This is spiritual love, mystical love, that travels through states of bliss dissolves ego boundaries, seeks ideals and perfection, which can never be found in physical form. Neptune rules the realm of dreams and the some subconscious, unconscious mind. And Neptune ultimately wishes to merge to dissolve boundaries and ego. The shadow of Neptune can create codependency, fantasy, illusion, delusion, deception, denial, and avoidance of reality, addiction and a complete sacrifice of the self. Neptune is a small planet, and as the higher octave of Venus really is instilling that like platonic love, that ideal love and our entry into a golden age. Neptune rules over the sign of Pisces, and therefore, Jupiter Neptune. Part of what makes this conjunction, this marriage so significant for them is that they're merging together at 23 degrees 58 arc minutes Pisces. When I cast this chart in my other software, it came out as 23 degrees 59 arc minutes. So you might see it listed as either by other astrologers. And we would round that up to 24 degrees Pisces

Ra Ma:

we know Pisces frequency as water, universal, mutable, changing, shifting. Pisces has this need to commit to a dream or an ideal. It is all about the frequency of "I imagine" how does one imagine this is a feminine yin sign of deep sensitivity, intuition, the realm of dreams and visions that feels deeply compassionate to the world at large, unconditionally loving and also simultaneously introverted. Pisces is the mystique, the artist, the seeker, the channel, the psychic, the priestess, the priest. And the downfall with Pisces energy is delusion being the martyr or the addict. Pisces people and when we're in strong Pisces energy collectively, we can struggle with escapism, avoiding reality, deep grief that is projected onto others, deception, boundary issues, being hermetic, being a psychic sponge. And as we know the ancient ruler of Pisces was and is Jupiter and the contemporary ruler of Pisces is Neptune. So Pisces brings in this real expansive, dreamy state, all about diving through, swimming through the collective consciousness and the imagination. Pisces as this pair of fish coming from the flood, clearing away the snows of winter, the feet of the grand cosmic man, the foundation of all things, patience, servitude, baptism by water, a true connection with divine purpose. Neptune entered Pisces in 2012. Since that entry into Pisces, we have seen so much transformation and the collective. We've seen a deeper immersion into the spiritual arts into entrepreneurship, more and more people have been starting their own businesses, they're expanding their consciousness, we've seen more of a global citizenry coming online, more and more people have multiple identities in the sense of they might carry multiple passports, they might call multiple places home. They're more people acknowledging their global citizens. They're not attached to one nation or one country's ideals. And we've also seen a lot of denial. We've seen a lot of misinformation. We've seen a lot of collective deception. Neptune shift into Pisces has brought many blessings and also many challenges. And that is part of the journey in the sense that the dark and the light are feeding one another. And this sacred dance of duality is part of the dance of creation on some level. So as Jupiter and Neptune meet, there are these themes we're working with, around evolutionary synthesis, expansiveness, being an our loving kindness, having generosity towards all beings, connecting in the space of the heart, and really coming from that warmth of the hearts, celebrating others with pure joy while being free from comparison. And that is really important in this Aquarian Age is like lifting others up for their accomplishments without hooking into them with jealousy, claiming our personal infinity to connect in with a greater infinity of all that is, and the shadow of this conjunction of this alignment can be spiritual pride, being egoic being kind of swayed by the glamour of spirituality. And when I say glamour, I mean, the deception the denial of various people. I mean, we can look at it just in the realm of astrology alone, you can go scroll on Instagram, it's like every other person has become an astrologer. The question is,

Ra Ma:

what are these people's credentials? How long have they been studying? Who have they studied with? Did they take a weekend workshop? And now they're calling themselves an astrologer? Did they read a book? Or like, you know, where is the concentration towards deep devotional study and practice? And that glamour piece can come through where there's also within the spiritual movement, there's a lot of people who might have a great amount of resources and so they can craft themselves to look a certain way, like they've been on a certain specific path for some time, when really, they're just kind of it's spiritual materialism, they're just buying their way in. And that brings us to this guru fetish, this fetish that so many Westerners particularly have where they're seeking that guru on a unconscious level. And it's really so they can have an authority to project their own trials and tribulations upon because when you claim that and then when the going gets tough, then it's really easy to project your stuff on to others. There can also be like a too high pie in the sky energy here, meaning we can like really kind of get outlandish. Again, this is why I'm encouraging you to stay grounded and to use your discernment, to be in your spiritual maturity and authority through this conjunction and it will serve you immensely. We have with this alignment, a human capacity for deep spiritual expansion and expression, to really and truly connect in with a global community to witness how science and the mathematics and the mystical movements may emerge, while also taking ownership of a functional and foundational need to commit, to working on our own personal traumas and dramas. And how do we lift off of that triangle of drama, trauma, rescuer meaning like the perpetrator, the victim, the rescuer, like really taking ourselves off of that triangle. And the way through is our own spiritual authority, really embodying our wisdom, calling forth our higher self, to take up full residence in our physical bodies, and to take accountability for our lives. And that's a massive call. When we heed that call, we are absolutely doing and clearing profound, profound ancestral patterns and blocks. This conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune aligns with two particular fixed stars, Al Pegasus and Mu Pegasus. Al Pegasus is also referred to as Markab. Markab is a fixed star that is known to offer a direct, practical and motivated ability to take action, how may one achieve their goals and overcome obstacles. There's actually an exaltation with this conjunction meaning you are so abundantly supported to achieve your goals and overcome obstacles. And as you're willing to face a fear and any other emotional barriers, you can also conquer those frequencies and simultaneously, like slay them. You know, it's like the little PacMan eating the ghosts, like you're eating the ghosts of your ancestral lineage meaning the ghosts aren't the actual people in your lineage. They're the unresolved traumas and dramas, the behaviors, the patterns, you're eating them, psychically eating them and clearing them and dissolving them. As you walk through with your frequency aligned. This star Markab is said to influence all spiritual and mental nature to give a good head for figures to bring in intellectual alertness to really

Ra Ma:

align mental powers. And last but not least, offering the ability to further propaganda activity. So I want you to consider that one. As I mentioned earlier, JP Morgan said millionaires do not use astrology billionaires do. I guarantee you, there are people out there who are very high in power on one level or another who understand the potency of this Jupiter Neptune conjunction. This is again why we want to be grounded why we want to be in our discernment and our practices. Because if there's any willy nilly propaganda activity happening, we have the eyes to see and the ears to hear marcab is a part of the Alpha per gosee, in the constellation of Pegasus. And we know of Pegasus as the winged horse. The name Markab is Arabic for a saddle, a ship or a vehicle. In other words, this is anything that is written upon. And when I was learning about this, it made me think, to ancient Egypt to come at as that is really, when I think of Arabic, I think of Egypt because Egypt is my second home. And I think strongly about the beautiful boats that floats through the sky, that carry Of course, we know in the mythology that carry the Pharaoh from the land of the living to the land of the dead. As a pharaoh crosses through that death portal. There's that sacred boat that sails through the sky, and we've got Isis on the boat and Nephthys and Horus. And this wasn't just for the pharaohs, these sacred boats were a symbol of so much more and also for the people. And this Pegasus constellation, with Jupiter and Neptune aligning within it as a saddle, a ship or a vehicle. This is an opportunity for your consciousness to ride through the cosmos and to be able to harness that stellar frequency of victory for you for your ancestral lineage. And in turn for humanity at large. This is a like such a blessed portal that we get to be alive to experience and how we utilize it will absolutely influence us as we move into 2032. So the next decade is essentially foundational in crafting and architecting this new Earth consciousness. In mythology, Bellerophon teamed the divine creature of Pegasus, and then rode Pegasus and slew the monster Chimera. Pegasus was said to be the offspring of the oceanic god Poseidon in his form as a horse deity. Now Poseidon, if you know through mythology, is a form of Neptune. They're one in the same. So we have Neptune, like, not only do we have Neptune and Jupiter meeting up, but we have a fixed star aligned that connects in with the mythology of Neptune. So it's like, there's this amplification that's happening here that's very specific, and raising the frequency, the potency of this alignment.

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I feel like right now, as I'm like sharing with you, because I always prepare my notes, but then so much more wants to flow through and I just allow it and you know, I'm trying to paint the picture for you. I'm sitting in my closet. I've got my ancestral altar. I've got my candle on my altar and my offerings. I'm working with some of my beloved mineral beans that have traveled with me these allies have been all over Mother Earth with me and absolutely, absolutely in these power places like the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx and Stonehenge and Cornwall and so many other spaces and places. And as I'm sharing about the story right now, with Pegasus and Bellerophon, I feel like if you're a child of the 80s like I am, you'll get this you know, I feel that the tie to the never ending story. And I'll never forget when I first watched that movie, I think I was sex or five. And, like, we were so lucky as children of the 80s, because we didn't grow up with technology in the same way that even children's of the 90s did. We had phones, but they were all landlines. And you know, we had like some like battery operated gadgets and whatnot. But like, for the most part, I think most of us in the 80s when we had TVs, but I think a lot of us spent time outdoors, and in nature. And when I saw the never ending story, I just was like, Oh, my gosh, this is life. This is what we do. We're just constantly living within these mythos. And we're traveling through time and space. And when we're in these human bodies, we feel like a lot of us feel really confined to the day to day and kind of like the mundane elements, and we can get bogged down by them. And it's easy sometimes to forget the magic that is all around us. And that's why if you're so blessed to connect in with an elder, particularly an indigenous elder, like someone like Malidoma, you realize that like all those things that you knew in your heart and felt in your heart when you were two, and three, and four and five, were absolutely true and real. And a story like the Neverending Story allows us to tap into that magic through story. And I loved how he would like take the book and he would go up, I think it was like the attic of his school. And read it by candlelight. And then sometimes, like the wind would come in or, you know, things would happen as like, the timeline started to merge, right? It was so much about timelines. And I know that you all want me to talk more about timelines. So of course, we're going to talk more about that in Episode 50, because it's an eclipse portal, and we're always working with timelines and a really intentional way through eclipses. However, right now with this Jupiter Neptune conjunction there is very much a timeline possibility here. And I just want to plant that seed in your consciousness that 2032 is going to be a vastly different time for us for sequentially, where we're going to be on the planet.

Ra Ma:

And what the seeds we plant the prayers we plant the intentions we have the dreams we write down the visions we hold in our hearts, in our hands, the ways we traverse our mundane reality, shape the architects, they build step by step, layer by layer, tear, by tear prayer by prayer, hope and heart, they take us into the future. This is that merging of the ancient and the future coming together. And I'm really excited for this conjunction, I feel it's already here. And yet it's not. And it's a massive conjunction because you've got a transpersonal planet, which ups the frequency and then you've got Jupiter which just magnifies everything it touches. So we're gonna feel this energy, I really believe all through the month of April into me. And remember the month of May is full on Eclipse Season. And then we come into summer solstice for those of us in the northern hemisphere and winter solstice in the southern hemisphere. So April, May June are so significant for really anchoring in these light codes. And these light codes are your ability to connect in with these frequencies. This is why you are encouraged to devote to a daily practice because it is the daily practice that allows you to receive to interpret and to discern what the codes are. And it doesn't become some like weird you know, New Age hip speak we're talking about an actual transmission through time and space. This is real and it is true. You are more than a physical body. You have multiple energetic bodies, and you absolutely have a light body. And we can receive the codes of light from the bodies. The Light Bodies of these archetypal beings like Jupiter and Neptune, meeting up with Markab within the Pegasus constellation. They're moving through time and space to us here on Earth for very particular reason. And so, as we consider this myth we know that horses have been long associated with the ocean and also the serpent haired Gorgon Medusa who I don't even want to call her Gorgon, but that's what she was called. Medusa very much a high priestess. Absolutely a medicine woman. Absolutely. Her true story distorted through time and space. Absolutely. And we see that time and again, right Lilith? I mean, she's known as a as a demon. I wanted to name my daughter Lilith, and my ex spouse was like, Absolutely not. We will not do that. And it was okay, because I knew my daughter wasn't really a Lilith, but yeah, it's like to reclaim these dark goddess archetypes for there's power within them. There's power within the darkness. And that's a whole other topic that we're going to table for another episode. Pegasus sprang from Medusas neck when she was beheaded by Perseus. And we know you know, Medusa had the head of snakes. And could turn men to stone by one glance. And so Pegasus came forth from her neck. Pegasus is like, like a child really of Medusa. And this winged horse is a symbol of ascension of victory and of triumph. This Jupiter Neptune conjunction is an opportunity for your own personal victory and triumph and ascension. And remember, as we're working with ascension, it is not about ascending off earth. This is about actually taking in those light codes through your body temple and grounding them into Mother Earth. That is true spiritual maturity that is true victory.

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Meanwhile, Jupiter and Neptune are also conjunct Sadalbari. This is a fixed star which brings in a self assured bold, audacious, confident, ambitious and spirited character. A time of great success of creativity of merging scientific, political, religious philosophical pursuits, our creative endeavors. And Sadalbari is also known as MuPegasi, in the constellation of Pegasus, and is derived from the Arabic phrase Saad Al-Bari meaning good luck of the excelling one. Good luck of the excelling one. There is triumph and there is ambition and there's intuition and enthusiasm that is connected with this alignment. However, we also want to be aware of our judgment. Discernment is key. And Jupiter Neptune also conjunct one particular asteroid, so I want to give out a shout out to Marcia from St. Petersburg who I met during the pillar of light workshop. She asked me when I was giving a teaching through multiplying miracles like what asteroids are Jupiter and Neptune meeting up with and I was like, thank you so much for asking that. Because I have in order to access my full list of asteroids, I have to pull out my clunky computer and it's just, you know, it takes extra effort and I forget about it because I don't use it on the regular. So I looked it up and was really excited to see that Jupiter and Neptune are conjunct the asteroid Zeus you cannot make this astrology up. I am telling you when you get into the layers, it is just phenomenal. So if you are familiar, you would know Zeus is the god of the sky in ancient mythology. He is the chief Greek deity, considered the ruler, the protector, the father of all gods and humans, and is often depicted as like an older man with a beard, represented with a lightning bolt or an eagle. So, kind of like the Western concept of what God is and the patriarchy is, is very much Zeus. That kind of that symbol has lived throughout time and space on some level, for the Western psyche, not all psyches. And in astrology, the planet that is connected to Zeus is Jupiter. Jupiter as the most large and massive planet was named Zeus by the Greeks, and Jupiter by the Romans, and was the most important deity and both pantheons. So this is so interesting because Jupiter and Neptune meet up at 24 degrees Pisces, they're conjunct the asteroid, Zeus, and they're conjunct the fixed stars, Sadalbari and Markab and Markab has the connection to Poseidon. And here we have that double reflection of Jupiter and Neptune. Again, this emphasizes the potency and the palpability of this frequency. There's some other really interesting connections with different planets and asteroids. And I'm not going to go into depth around them because I don't want to muddy the palette too much for you all like, I want to keep it kind of on point. But I do want to mention this and that is that Venus is conjunct Jupiter and Neptune in this conjunction only by sign not by degree. She's at roughly eight degrees. Jupiter and Neptune are roughly 24 degrees. That's not close enough to be an actual marriage. But by sign they're in the same. They're all in Pisces. And we know that Venus is exalted in Pisces, she loves to be in Pisces. It's like a great French romance novel.

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And in this alignment, the moment Jupiter and Neptune meet up. Venus is conjunct three and I use really tight orbs for the asteroids like a degree or less. Otherwise, I won't count it and the same with the fixed stars, I only use a degree or less. Some astrologers will use a larger orb, but I feel like it muddies the waters too much. And we want to in my opinion, we want to stay really clear and pure. It gives a stronger resonance of what are the archetypal frequencies that want to come through. And Venus in pisces at seven degrees 33 arc minutes the moment of this conjunction and she's also still widely conjunct Mars. Mars is in Aquarius conjunct Juno so there's that storyline still happening. But her and Mars are making their separation now they've you know, they've completed their Hieros Gamos dance, and they're starting to go off on their own unique paths again. And meanwhile Venus is conjunct the asteroid Reiki, the asteroid Jung, and the asteroid Sphinx. And we know of Reiki I mean, many of us have studied Reiki I got initiated into Reiki as a Reiki level one and two and Master in my early 20s. And I really infuse Reiki into all of my offerings. It's something I'm very subtle about. I don't ever speak about it. However, I use Reiki and my events, I use Reiki in everything I just see myself as like a beacon of Reiki. I believe there's a lot of healing, a lot of healing that's available. And with Jung, the asteroid Jung as we know as Carl Gustave Jung, it was named after him, the psycho analyst. There's this really kind of significant call to be willing to go deep and far and wide into the hidden into the unconscious mind. Jung spoke endlessly about how, if we want to experience true healing on the planet, we are making the dark light, we're traveling deep into our hidden, unconscious mind and shining a light there. And then we have the Sphinx also conjunct. And if you've had the great honour of being in Kemet and standing before the Sphinx, you know the power that is available. The last time I was at the Sphinx was the Gemini Full Moon that opposed the galactic center in December was December 19, of 2021. And there was that alignment between the Golden Gate of God and the silver gate of man. And I spoke about that, in my first episode of 2022, that I delivered to you all, there's something so beautiful about being in private ceremony at the Sphinx because you're outdoors, but you're also in a sacred space. And so you are like connecting with this PowerPoint, but you're also simultaneously really connected to the network through the elements, the energies in a very profound way. You're on such a particular alignment of planet Earth, with the Great Pyramid, right there as well. People have spoken about over time and space, the riddle the mystery of the sphinx like what is the right question you are to ask the Sphinx and people debate, you know, is like the Sphinx was actually built in the age of Leo and is over 40,000 years old and that the Sphinx was a woman and isn't a man and then some will say no, the Sphinx is a man, not a woman, and

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there's just so much there to unpack. There's a lot of mystery and so Venus is conjunct this realm of mystery and the psyche and our ability to bring in great great healing with this alignment. Conjunct the Ilia column that I see for when I cast this chart for the United States, we have Stereo Scopia the asteroid Stereo Scopia, conjunct the IC and this is an asteroid I feel really like at home with because I have it conjunct my Uranus. And Uranus is a place especially if you're interested in astrology, you always kind of want to see like what is your Uranus up to because Uranus really rules astrology on certain levels and and also the Aquarian Age. Uranean energy brings in liberation. Stereo Scopia is all about sound and music and DJing and voice and rhythm and tone and healing through sound. And something that I have like a deep deep resonance with and as it's conjunct the IC, I want to say to you that through this Jupiter Neptune conjunction, through the month of April and May, Be very mindful about what sounds you take in what you're listening to, the sound currents you're attuned to the music you take in because the sound currents are going to take you far and vast and wide if they're beneficial. And if they're not, they can kind of hook in and cause more distortion. So that's something we want to be consciously working with.

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This Jupiter Neptune alignment is at 24 degrees Pisces, which is a the Sabian symbol is on a small island surrounded by the vast expanse of the sea, people are seen living and close interaction. This is about the need to consciously accept one's own personal limitations in order to concentrate one's energy and live a centered and fulfilled life. We know that each one of us is a small island in the vast ocean of mankind. And our ego also fulfills a necessary function as it sets boundaries, and it gives a specific character to our consciousness. within these boundaries, a complex interplay links and integrates the various aspects of the personal life so that we can operate constructively. In time, these ego boundaries may expand into the realms beyond the inner and the outer, beyond the individual and the community, the person and the multiverse. The star Sparks is a spring festival, the participants are in a state of ecstatic frenzy. How do we manage being plunged into the deepest layers of collective ancestral and personal remembering, and restoring of everything that almost seems like it's gone, we have to work deep inside we have to cast into spaces that are hard to understand. And the call is to do this at a conscious level. Communing with source ultimately is an inward matter. It allows us to drop all appearances so fundamentally that if we allow it, we will truly awaken in the dream and find the real world. The affirmation for this conjunction of 24 degrees, Pisces Jupiter kisses Neptune, with Pegasus and Zeus, I devote time and thought to manifesting positive outcomes in my life in honor of the Jupiter Neptune conjunction, and what I believe is such a profound and essential time to be grounding.

Ra Ma:

I want to share with you just a very small snippet of the terrain we're covering within EarthSeed. And EarthSeed is a live nine week online course that I created. It launched in 2021. Thus far, I always teach it live. And in 2021, we had a spring Council and a fall Council. And I've decided that I will offer it once a year in the spring around the spring equinox. We began the spring council of 2022. This past Tuesday when Venus entered Pisces, and the portal is still open to join us. It will close on the Jupiter Neptune conjunction of April 12. I really truly believe in this course. In so many ways, it is a weaving of my experiences and the practices and the principles that have been most foundational most grounding for me. And earth seed is the foundational course to my online Mystery School Earthseedtemplearts mysterium. I consciously am beginning with earth seed as the foundation before I would branch out into realms that in some ways might be a little more exciting for others to teach about astrology and to teach about Egyptian cosmology and to teach about Reiki, the things that I know that a lot of people are wanting to learn more about. However, my prayer was to have a real solid group of people who are already embodying specific practices and principles that connect us with the elements that connect us deeply with Mother Earth. Because first and foremost, this is everything to me. And so we work in Earth seed with these gates in the body, the chakras and particular minerals that came as very important for this journey and they're all connected to the Daoists lineage.

Ra Ma:

So we open Earth seed, the First Temple is the temple of Garnet. And Garnet is such a profound stone for these times. But I think also Garnet is really important for working with this Jupiter Neptune conjunction. Garnet is very nurturing and it's stabilizing, and Garnet wishes to assist us from any entanglements to literally unbound ourselves. Garnet supports us deep within to resolve the conflicts between the self and the world at large, large, really teaching each individual that you are physically strong enough you have everything you need here. And now you have the resources to get through whatever you're experiencing. And so the Daoists refer to Garnet as the pomegranate stone. It's this very red iron rich stone. It can come in other colors like green and yellow, and pink and brown and purple and orange and gray and even black. However, typically we see it as a deep, red rich color. And this is because Garnett really works with the blood. And it helps to move the blood in the body. It really invokes this deep knowingness that you are alive. You are juicy, you're passionate in life. And as Garnet nourishes the blood, it also builds the blood. It helps the blood to move where it's been stagnant. So that if there's any space where there's been hidden, or old, or repressed emotions, where there's been like disassociation in the body, where someone is listless or not present, Garnet comes in and it moves that blood and it allows you to feel and to feel is to be human, to be human is to feel it is like what separates us from the angelic world and other realms, we feel so much as humans, and it is a gift, it is a gift to feel all the feelings. And Garnet wants to help us heal and to express our emotions. Because when we've experienced trauma, and that trauma can literally get locked, it can get coded and stored within the blood. Therefore Garnet works to heal trauma, it works to heal depression, it wishes to help us enjoy the juiciness of our lives and what is right before our very eyes. And because of that Garnet has this ability to extract negative energy from all of the chakras and to transmute the energy to a beneficial state of well being. Therefore, it is very grounding and strengthening mineral and crystal. Garnet also helps to stimulate the rise of Kundalini from both the base and the crown chakras to allow for this free flow of energetic movement. Garnet offers a stable connection between the physical and the etheric nervous system and assists one with letting go dissolving old obsolete ideas and to really bring forth emotional and intellectual regeneration. The Daoists believe that Garnet actually carries a flash of lightning within it, and therefore acts with great speed, allowing one to change one's world by producing both expansive pneus and awareness and the ability to manifest. It enhances one's internal fire, allowing creativity to rise. Therefore, this is a stone of commitment to purpose to others, and most importantly to oneself. For many cultures, it is seen as a powerful talisman that ward's off danger, bringing in prosperity, as well. And where I live in Appalachia, it is known that we have Garnet throughout these mountains of western North Carolina particularly, and the garnet that is found is over 450 million years old. Can you wrap your mind around that? When we think about the power and the potency of the mineral world and Malidoma would talk about how the minerals carry the stories, they are the literal story keepers, the storytellers and the minerals of the earth correlate to the bones in our body. The minerals are the stones of the earth and our bones are like the stones of our bodies and if you can imagine holding a piece of Garnet that has witnessed over 450 million years of life on Earth, that stone carries a wisdom that goes beyond what we can't even imagine. And that stone that ally, when you properly pair yourself with a stone as an ally, you cultivate a relationship like you would with any other being, like you would with taking care of a dog or a cat, or even a child on some level, right? I mean, it's not completely equivalent. But Jeffrey Yuen, who I've studied with in a number of courses, who is a at Taoist Master talks about how it's really important to care for your stones, care for your crystals, treat them well. Love on them. And if you want to make strong allies, this is really important with any being, whether it's a plant, or of the mineral kingdom, or a particular animal totem. We want to treat that being with respect, and with appreciation for its wisdom and its medicine. And if you felt called to work with Garnet in this Jupiter Neptune conjunction portal that we are in the midst of it is a really powerful time because Jupiter and Neptune coming together in Pisces at roughly 25 degrees is really connecting us with our dreams.

Ra Ma:

And I've spoken with many, many people in the past few weeks that are having wild dreams, crazy dreams. And I've been having a lot of dreams myself and I write my dreams down I have a little journal that I have underneath my pillow. And I'll be honest, I go through phases where I may not write down a dream for like three months. But I was having some pretty wild dreams and I wasn't keeping up with writing about them. And just this week, I was like, Okay, enough, like you need to get back into this. And it was actually the beginning of Earth seed that encouraged me because part of what we're working with within the temple of Garnet is this concept of dream seeding. And as Garnet is so potent with working with the dream time. It helps us to really anchor in with our ancestors, as our ancestors move through our bodies, through our blood. And we can literally invite Garnet into our dreams to clear trauma, to manifest and to build anew. And Garnet pairs with the red root chakra which is foundational to connect to the earth and our ability to smell, to work with matter and survival and form. The root chakra is the beginning where we ground, where we honor the body, consort as the body temple. And one of the ways we ground to Earth is with food, taking in the literal fruits of the earth. And when we consume with consciousness, we are activating this earth medicine and with this strong connected root chakra, we can feel the reality that it is safe to be here now. And on a deeper level, we can say it is safe to be here now in my body. Grounding is a limitation much like the planet Saturn. Limitation is necessary for structure and our ability to manifest in the world. And grounding helps us to be present in the body. It offers a willingness to be honest to be real, because the truth is we are these infinite souls and in this time and space we are also our bodies and no matter how multi dimensional we are as beings, part of our medicine path is to be present in this body temple. While simultaneously knowing we are so much more, we are so vast. However, the reality is that as we honor this Now moment and where we are in this time and space, we create an anchor point. And that anchor point is literally like a key to our liberation. Therefore, I invite you to consider working with Garnet with us in Earth seed, and perhaps you'll feel so inspired, you're going to decide you want to sign up for Earth seed as well. And there's an opportunity to do that in the show notes. You can also go to my website, Earthseedtemplearts.com and click on Mystery School and you will see where you can join us. If you choose to work with Garnet, I invite you you can sleep with it, you can place a small piece in your navel and your belly button. If you do not have any Garnet. That's okay, you have received a part of the transmission of garnets wisdom through this episode. And so I invite you to really call forth the frequency of Garnet to call forth the sentient wisdom of Garnet.

Ra Ma:

And honor your dream time as a sacred time for healing and reclaiming what has been forgotten. And as you drift off to sleep, you can ask aloud or to yourself, What does my ancestral lineage long for me to remember?

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to travel with the sacred stone into the rich cave, within Mother Earth will assist you in remembering your ancient wisdom. And Garnet imprints the message that you have the resources to get through this, this Now moment. These exact times we are alive in, you have everything you need, you are enough. I would love to encourage you to make sure you're receiving my weekly Venusian love notes. I do have a free complimentary gift coming. At some point in the near future. I am a busy busy person these days. And there's so much I want to create. And it is sometimes honestly hard to keep up with myself. And in turn, I am also calling forth I am seeking to manifest an amazing, amazing administrative assistant, someone who either lives in the Asheville area or who is very capable of working virtually, who is savvy with tech and wanting to help support me in keeping up with the backend of my website and my podcasting platforms. So that I have more time to create my magic out in the world. And I'm also calling in an amazing, amazing social media manager, I have so much content, I just don't have enough time to compile it all and post in the ways that I want to. And so if you are that person, please email support at Earthseedtemplearts.com. I am seeking high caliber people who want to grow over time who want to help me grow and my work and who are dedicated and devoted. So I'm putting that official call and prayer out. Because for many years, I have been the mistress of many arts wearing many hats in my business. I create my graphics, I update my website. I do all the tech for my podcast. I do all the back end administrative work for all of my offerings. And I'm really good at it. And at the same time. It's not my zone of genius. My zone of genius is creating content and hosting events and creating ceremonies and facilitating sacred space for people and bringing people on pilgrimage. And I want to do more of that. And I'm so grateful you're here with me on this podcasting journey. Many of you know my work. And I want to say that I've been studying the stars now for over 25 years, nearly going on 30 years. And I just completed my dissertation to receive a master of arts and cultural and astronomy and astrology through the Sophia center, based out of the University of Wales. And in my dissertation, I discussed the great conjunctions of 2020. I also just found out last Friday that I received merit on my dissertation. So I'm feeling pretty proud of that. And I would love for you to know I utilize Western tropical astrology techniques, melding traditional, psychological, evolutionary, mundane and intuitive methods.

Ra Ma:

And as of now, in my podcasting journey, there have been almost 22,000 downloads over the course of this journey. My goal is to double that within the next year. And I so encourage you, if you have not already to leave a review on iTunes, for this podcast. to rate it, to like it on whatever platform you listen to the podcast, to share it with three friends who you feel will benefit or three Beloved's. And, yeah, just to help spread the good word, I placed so much energy and intention into preparing these podcasts and recording them, and editing them and getting them out. And so I need your help and sharing the good word. Also, I want to again invite you to consider joining us in the spring 2022 Council of Earth seed, I will not be offering this again until 2023.

Ra Ma:

Earth seed was created exactly for these times, to help you navigate them to help you ground to the elements to work with the chakra as the portals in your body by grounding to the stones, to really understand this Wheel of the Year, the solar gates and the lunar rhythms and how when we can harness those frequencies, we are really sovereign and authority in our physical bodies. With that, I also want to encourage you to come to some of my live offerings if you live in the Asheville area or you're going to be passing through on Saturday, the 23rd of April at West Asheville yoga, I'm offering a Beltane Eclipse portal promise workshop that will meld yogic technology, meditation, astrology, Mantra, sound healing, it's going to be beautiful. And that's open to all people. And then on Sunday, the 24th of April, we're hosting the women's wisdom circle for the Taurus New Moon Beltaine Eclipse portal. It is going to be super beautiful and also very profound for all of us, for some of us deeply, deeply intense. I'm posting that circle a little bit before the new moon because I will be away on the Eclipse. I will be gathering with a number of professional astrologers for a conference and I'm so excited to be out there in the world. rubbing elbows with many, many professional astrologers and geeking out and soaking up so much wisdom that I can in turn offer you all on the 15th of May Sunday, I am offering a Scorpio Full flower Moon workshop. This is open to all beings but will be very limited in the amount of people that can join in. Seven is my maximum I might even bring it down to five and we're going to work with astrology, yogic technology, meditation, mantra, long gong to prepare you for that full lunar eclipse that will be in the wee hours of Monday the 16th of May. Finally on the 29th of May, which is a Sunday there will be the Gemini Dark Moon women's wisdom council. And that will be the final opportunity to gather with me in person until the middle of July, as I have extensive travel plans, including a summer solstice pilgrimage planned for June of 2022.

Ra Ma:

I just like to take a moment to invite you to a benefit called 'Blossom and become' that is hosted by Earth path education. This is a memorial benefit for Courtney Brooke, dear sister in our Asheville community, she's not a person that I knew deeply. However, I know she touched many, many lives in this community. And I know she touched my daughter's life as well because my daughter got to work with her. She left the earth plane in a tragic car accident that was also part of that Super Magnetic Eclipse portal that many people left the planet within. And so Earth path education, which is a phenomenal organization, spearheaded by my sister, Lena is creating this scholarship fund. And so this is a benefit to raise funds for these scholarships. And it's going to be on Saturday the 16th of April at Willow Moon farm Creek in Jupiter, Florida. The tickets to join in our 25 to $100 sliding scale, the performances and all of the beautiful offerings for this blossom and become, extend from the hours of 11am to 9pm. And I know that it is a benefit to raise money for these really important scholarships to open up more opportunities for the rites of passage program. However, if you do want to join in and money is an issue, I know that no one will be turned away so you can check out more information at Earthpatheducation.com And I really hope that event thrives. I wish I could be out there for it. I have plans that have been in place for that day. But if you're in the Asheville area please support the good work of Earth path education in the name of Courtney Brooke.

Ra Ma:

And this brings us to Thursday, April 14, Mars will enter Pisces and Mars in Pisces is sometimes like really caught up in the dreamworld very intuitive, very psychic, wanting to create and flow but not always so action oriented. So that's going to kind of slow down some of our energy but honestly, I think it's going to be good considering how we're coming out of on a slow slow level that Jupiter Neptune conjunction and as we're preparing for the Libra Full Moon I just feel like it's going to help us be a little more reflective. On the 16th of April is when we meet the Libra Full Moon. Some call this a wind full moon as it initiates spring here for us in the northern hemisphere. And I'm just taking a moment to pull the chart up so I can look at this as I speak to you. The full moon is exact at 2:54pm Eastern Daylight Time. And with any full moon the sun and the moon oppose meaning they sit directly across the wheel. The sun is at 26 degrees 45 arc minutes Aries and is conjunct Eris and Pallas Athene in Aries so there's this real strong warrior, feminine, high minded very creative, very justice focused frequency that is also bringing in some discord, you know... not having a problem with like shaking things up as they need to be. And this energy opposes the Libra Moon at 26 degrees 45 arc minutes. The Moon trines Mars in Pisces, at one degrees 15 arc minutes. And Juno in Aquarius, at 20 degrees 36 arc minutes.

Ra Ma:

Saturn is also in that mix at 23 degrees 21 arc minutes. And then we have Black Moon Lilith at zero degrees 12 arc minutes cancer. And so these bodies create this Trine of free flowing beneficial gifts, so to speak. And so the call is to really like notice how we're moving through our relationships and where are we giving our power away through the feminine frequency? Where are we potentially like smothering? Or where are we holding back our emotions and almost like kind of like brooding or being clannish? And as these limitations are being set forth, like really taking awareness around, like, what are we committed to in our lives right now? How are we working the Saturn and Aquarius energy where we have less than a year to go of Saturn in Aquarius, and it's a really good time, especially with Juno in the final degrees of Aquarius to be asking, like, how are we committed to doing the Saturn work? What are we standing for? Where are we being of service of real true service in our lives? Where are we seen kind of like that dark side of the Age of Aquarius? And how what are we doing about it? Like, how are we protecting our identities and our sovereignty? And how are we working consciously with technology but also staying human within that. That's really important, this concept around staying human, and it is why I am so passionate about Earthseed. Because the truth is, is technology is not going anywhere right now.

Ra Ma:

And we, for many of us, are, like a number of people remember life without cell phones. And then there's now generations that have grown up with cell phones. And those of us who remember life before cell phones, and before holding computers in the palm of our hands. We are really well aware that no one taught us about the right use of technology. No one taught us healthy boundaries around using an iPhone or a smartphone. We've seen really poor boundaries around this. And these devices are portals, their literal portals into other realms and other dimensions. And now they're portals into every aspect of other people's lives. And what does this mean? Like? How do we feel about this? How do we allow this technology to just come through in our lives? And what do we want to do better and differently? And I think that there's something really available to be receiving in regards to those topics, in our awareness around this full moon, and as we get into the belta Eclipse portal, which I'm really excited about this eclipse portal. I hope I'm not eating those words later, because a couple of years ago, I was so excited about the Eclipse portal in May of 2020. And, wow, that Eclipse Portal had so much to teach me if I had known what was coming. Well, for one, I would not have launched a podcast around then, because there's been a lot of a lot of death that I've been experiencing

Ra Ma:

through the duration of this podcast and sometimes when we go through really intense times. It can be hard to put ourselves out here in these ways because we we live in an age that is so transparent. In the age of Aquarius, you can't hide anything. And it can be hard to be vulnerable when you're really going through things. However, one of the many things I've learned in sitting with elder Malidoma is that vulnerability is so beautiful and such a gift to offer others. I don't regret any of my choices. And I've hope and pray that the spaces in places I'm vulnerable, make others feel safe in that as well. And as we look to this Libra Full Moon opposing the sun in Aries, there is this dance around identity and who we are and our inner child and our core wounds and traumas, and then how we're relating to others. And what that means and how we show up in the world. And the sun and moon are squaring Pluto. And Pluto is at 20 degrees 33 arc minutes Capricorn.

Ra Ma:

As we know, the Pluto return for the United States is underway full on force. And so on a collective level. We want to be kind of watching to see what's happening in the current events, the global events around this Full Moon to get a sense of what is going on with the United States through this return. It's a good kind of check in moment. And the moon is also parallel Venus in this Full Moon and Venus rules the Libra moon and she is in Pisces in her exalted state. And she's coming to meet Neptune and Jupiter at 25 degrees Pisces, she's at 12 degrees, eight arc minutes. And so she's coming to like really apply like she's asking each one of us to apply our love and our values around this massive spiritual vision. This Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces is like an opportunity to multiply these miracles in your life, particularly whatever house is being affected. It's so potent and such a gift to be able to live through this. So we have Venus ruling the moon and she's exalted and then the sun is the ruler of the chart when I cast it for Asheville, so it's going to change depending on the location. But I found this really interesting because the sun is a ruler when I cast the chart for Asheville, and then the sun is in Aries where it is exalted as well. And as I mentioned is conjunct both Eris and Pallas Athene. Meanwhile, the sun is approaching conjunction, a marriage with mercury and Uranus and the North Node in Taurus. So this Libra Full Moon is, I rarely say this, I normally say the new moon opens up the Eclipse portal. But I feel like there's something real particular with this Libra Full Moon that's opening up eclipse season for us, for this Beltanetime.

Ra Ma:

And the Sabian symbol for 27 degrees Libra is an airplane sails high in the clear sky. This is about a consciousness that is able to transcend the conflicts and pressures of personal life. The capacity that is latent in every individual how to contemplate the stress of existence in our world of duality, from a higher level. With the backing of our ancestors, one may gain a new perspective on human problems and reach freedom and peace and a super natural realm of being. And the star sparks for this 27 degrees. Libra is a black leopard beneath a full moon. Speaking to how our instincts are a gift to track the subtle senses, empowering one to tap into the subtle layers in all that is said and done. To claim the resilient spirit to harness the Lost instincts of your ancestors, to trust the inward experience, as there are so many reasons not to. And when we utilize meditation, we may find that miracles will arise. I found this so beautiful and so connected to all the threads we've talked about. We've explored in this episode 49 around the Jupiter Neptune conjunction and the dream seeding with Garnet. The affirmation for this Libra Full Moon is "I accept that I am made in the image of the Divine."

Ra Ma:

As we come to Tuesday, the 19th of April, the sun shifts into Taurus. And we are coming into that earthy, stable fixed frequency that is ruled by Venus just wanting us to like slow down, enjoy the dew of the grass as the sun rises, and to hear the sound of the Bumblebee and to smell the scent of the rose. And to feel what it means to be alive, to be in our complete sensuality, to work with that frequency of the courtesan and the artists and the lover and the dancer and the builder, to work with our hands to put them in the earth to feel the soil to feel the temperature of cold, fresh spring water, to drink that water, like it's liquid gold and feel it move through the body to really be in our embodiment. And this Taurus season has so much to teach us as we close out the month with the second new moon and the partial solar eclipse. When we come to the 20th of April on that Wednesday, Juno, that which we are married to shifts into Pisces. And with that, we're going to close our circle through episode 49. We have traveled far and wide. And my prayer for you is that this entry this reception of the miracle frequency of Jupiter and Neptune coming together in Pisces, at this 24 degrees, that it fills your well from deep, deep deep down within. And that that well opens your ability to really extend out through your nervous system, and to feel as if you belong here on the planet for these times, that you are enough that you are so full and that your medicine is meant to move through you and that you are truly meant to thrive in these times.

Ra Ma:

And I invite you to continue forth to experience the garnet meditation that I crafted for the Temple of Garnet for Earth seed as a hope and a prayer that this meditation will really ground and anchor you with this Jupiter Neptune journey. A part of me was called to create a water Earth meditation for rebirth and renewal. However, when I was holding the temple gate open for the Temple of Garnet for EarthSeed I got the real strong message that this needed to be shared with many, many people. Because as we look to some of the special frequencies of this Jupiter Neptune conjunction, we can see that it is so powerful and it's going to take us into the year of 2032. And the more grounded and present we can show up for this medicine and this encounter with these benefic, beautiful planets that want to support our vast spiritual growth. We are really able to consciously architect this new earth. As we take sacred steps forward in our lives to create practical embodiment.

Ra Ma:

May there be peace to the east, may there be peace in the south, may there be peace in the West, may there be peace in the north. May there be peace deep, deep into the heart of Mother Earth. May there be peace that extends up and out through the cosmos, so vast, so far so wide. And May there be peace deep within your heart. And so it is, and so it is, and so it is. Ashe. Blessed be.

Ra Ma:

Welcome, welcome. Welcome to seating the dream. Please come make yourself comfortable, either seated or lying down. And if you are lying down, make sure your legs are uncrossed make sure your body is warm, and that your biological needs have been tended to and that all electronics are silenced and the door of the space you're in is closed, if that's possible for you. I'm just really becoming present to this Now moment. And I'm going to invite you to place your hands into a mudra. An earth mudra which is called Prithvi Mudra, you're going to place the tips of the thumb and the ring finger. So they touch one another using a light pressure. And you're going to do this with both hands extending all of the other fingers. And this is a very grounding mudra you can do it up to 15 minutes three times a day. It's going to assist you with anchoring into your root chakra. And it's also really great for the senses for your ability to smell. It can prevent colds and flus. It's good for the nails, the skin, the hair, the bones.

Ra Ma:

And it helps us to restore our equilibrium and our trust and activates our root chakra which is where our elemental forces reside. Our roots sprout to give stability and allow us to absorb the nutrients that we need to thrive in this lifetime. We need stability and nourishment to grow and to be efficient in our purpose here on Earth. So this Mudra can give you so much for a meaningful life. And if you're feeling insecure and need some inner stability and self assurance, or if you want to warm the body up or stimulate the liver or the stomach is very beneficial. So your hands are here in this Mudra the thumb and the ring fingers pressing on each hand the other fingers extended and you're breathing some nice long deep breaths, your eyes are closed, and you're just anchoring deeper deeper in. Imagine that you're absorbing the earth energy through the soles of your feet and guided up through your legs and your back. And allow that to travel all the way up your spine into your head all the way out into the cosmos. And hold your breath and then exhale. Like a golden rain. This energy sinks back to earth as a renewing force. And you're going to inhale again. Imagine you're absorbing the beautiful energy from Mother Earth up through the soles of your feet, up through your legs and your back. Trailing up your spine into your head out into the cosmos. And then exhale, bring that down like a golden rain. And now we're gonna wake up our awareness to our Earth Starchakra. So imagine your earth star which is about a foot below your two feet. Imagine it opening like the petals of a water lily or a lotus flower or a very large rose and these beautiful roots emerge from the soles of your feet. And the palms of your hands and the base of your spine to travel down to your earth star. And they intertwine. And they pass down through the earth star deep into Mother Earth, all the way down through the layers of sediment and soil. All the way down, down, down, deep, deep down.

Ra Ma:

Sinking all the way down to great grandmother hematite. And she welcomes you. She welcomes you to anchor into her, into her womb, into her iron rich, molten space, where you feel that warmth, you feel nourishment, you feel radiance, you feel complete, and utter support. For all that you have here on Earth, you feel nourished and fed and all the spaces in places that perhaps you've most suffered in this incarnation, great grandmother hematite really wishes to feed you and love on you in those spaces. Until you begin to draw this protective, nourishing energy up, and you feel it pass up through those layers of sediment and soil. traveling all the way up through your earth star chakra. Up through your feet, your knees, into your hips, these roots sprouting from the hips to the base of your spine and your red root chakra. And you notice this wheel of light that sits at the base of your spine, just taking a moment to notice to be curious to bring your awareness here. And with that you feel the force of gravity bringing you back down through your legs, your knees, your ankles, through the soles of your feet back down, down through the foundation of where you live down into Earth, down through the layers of sediment and soil.

Ra Ma:

And you find yourself entering within this beautiful temple of Garnet. You enter in through the gates. And you come into this most exquisite cave with running water. And so many Garnets, the pomegranate stone everywhere and so many different colors. However, that which sticks out to you as the red, deep, rich blood color, just as if you were cutting open a pomegranate, and holding one of those seeds in your hand. And the color, the juice bursts on your fingers. And you feel that, you feel that passion and that joy in the space. And you also feel so full and nourished. And so you come into this temple and you find a space and a place for your body to rest and reside here. Perhaps you're seated or you're lying down. Whatever you're called to do, trust that in this Now moment. And you allow yourself to really anchor in here. As you do, you begin to notice your connection to all of life. Notice your ability to manifest and how you feel about it. Notice your prosperity, your connection, to abundance, to vitality, to money to resources and your health. Your ability to be present, to have presence and your ability to enjoy to enjoy that which surrounds you that what you do have a stream of life running through you. There's a constant exchange with the earth. You give and you receive the earth gives and the earth receives. And this is the way it goes through nature through the elements. Your body is the foundation, the journey where you begin. And Garnet in all of her colors red, green, yellow, orange, brown, pink, purple, gray, black. She carries iron. She carries manganese. And these come together, to create this deep nurturance. And stability, helping to free you from any entanglements, to be unbounded, to resort resort to coming up with solutions to resolve conflicts between the self and the world. Garnet teaches you that you are strong enough to endure that which is before you, her red ironrich blood loves to be on your navel, or below your navel, touching your body. Garnet invokes the reality that you are alive. You are juicy, you're passionate you are luscious. You have blood pulsing through you. And that blood is life. It is a literal life. And within that blood, there are so many codes of information, ancient codes that go all the way back to your ancient indigenous ancestors. And many other codes, from those who have come before you that you've known. And most likely you've known many of these codes that have been distorted through time and space. And Garnet imprints the message that you are enough that you are full, and that you have all the resources to transcend, to transform, that which is before you that which you feel that instinctual desire to shift. This is the medicine of Garnet. Garnet moves blood, allowing you to express feelings that have been bound that have been hidden, that have been repressed.

Ra Ma:

Garnet moves the blood, where we have been listless where we have been disassociated, where we have been stagnant, where we feel stagnant, where there's been trauma and depression. Garnet moves, moves these channels, opening the blood, opening our liver, our heart and our kidneys. Garnon assists with healing hormonal imbalances and bringing in so much beautiful passion into our lives. This is very much a grounding and strengthening stone and crystal. It's also very stimulating, stimulating to our root and our crown so we can have a free flow of energetic movement. Garnet allows us to regenerate our emotions and our intellect.

Ra Ma:

Garnet allows you to let go of the obsolete ideas, rebalancing and instilling leadership. And it is believed that Garnet carries this flash of lightning, acting with speed allowing you to expand and manifest to awaken your internal fire to allow your creativity to rise. This is a stone of commitment to purpose to others, and most importantly to yourself. And as a powerful talisman, Garnet wards off danger, bringing in great prosperity. Garnet may be invited into your dreams not only to clear trauma, however to manifest to build a new with the force of the Kundalini frequency impact imprinting your blood with the message that yes you have the resources to get through this.

Ra Ma:

You are enough. You are full. And so I invite you to draw this beautiful anchoring wisdom of Garnet up, up from her temple, up from her temple bringing your awareness back up through the layers of sediment and soil, up through your earth star chakra. Up through the soles of your feet, up through your knees, and the rest of your legs, up into the hips, and up to the base of the spine where that red root chakra Muladhara sits, the chakra of matter, survival and form and see this wheel of light. See this wheel of light, the beginning where we ground where we honor the body consort as the body temple, grounding to the earth with food, literally taking in the fruits of the earth, consuming with that consciousness, sensing that ability to smell, to be present, a willingness to be honest and real to what is here and now. Anchoring into your security, your ability to survive and thrive, the foundations of self.

Ra Ma:

So noticing the space right at the bottom, the base of your spine, in between the anus and the sex organs. Notice the space of security and loyalty, stability and healthy elimination and feel the awakening, the frequency of the Kundalini being integrated here and balanced in the red root chakra, where the two frequencies of prana and apana come together. Prana that lifeforce that we take in. And Apana and our ability to gracefully and elegantly let go. Mutual reciprocity, we give and we receive, we give and we receive. And so anchor into the space of one, of manifestation, of purity and sovereignty. With a sound current of love, feel that frequency of love at your red root.

Ra Ma:

Lam, Lam, Lam. And notice the four red petals open. Like a beautiful rose, open an anchor into Mother Earth even greater with the assistance of Garnet just like a beautiful new moon, beginning a new cycle. Just as we sit in the frequency of Yule, the seed being planted...What are you seeding with Garnet?

Ra Ma:

Where is your Self Mastery wishing to come alive? And how can you anchor even deeper into your body as your holy sacred temple? Knowing that the power of Mother Earth, the subterranean vast landscape is always here for you, rooting you, connecting you and feeling how when we start, when we start in a sacred way, we start with structure and we start with purpose. Just like that frequency of Capricorn, that frequency of self mastery and vision being able to manifest and build we start from a place where we may thrive. So as you are seeding the dream I invite you to speak this affirmation into the space.

Ra Ma:

The power of the earth gives me secure stability, staying power, and assertiveness self assurance and self confidence. The power of the earth gives me secure stability, staying power, and assertiveness self assurance and self confidence. The power of the earth gives me secure stability, staying power, and assertiveness self assurance and self confidence. And so it is, and so it is, and so it is. Ashe. Blessed be.

rcle, 'prayer for stability':

"I stand today and for all times as a wise and loving adult in this world. I trust myself and I trust in the goodness in all hearts. I hold love and stability in this world and fashion my life accordingly. I honor and respect those who may be fearful and recognize that many are still young. I will live with my eyes, ears and heart open. I will build the life I came to build and so it is."

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Stars, Stones and Stories: Ancient Future Myth & Astrology
Stars, Stones and Stories: Ancient Future Myth & Astrology
Crystalize Your Medicine

About your host

Profile picture for Danielle Marie

Danielle Marie

Awaken Your Star Heritage through Goddess Astrology, Cosmology, and Pilgrimage within GOLDEN GATE ESOTERAKA.

Danielle Marie, also known as RaMa is the pillar of an Ancient Future Mystery School. She is an interdisciplinary artist, international woman of medicine, astrologer, cosmic high priestess, doula, childbirth educator, herbalist, gridkeeper, pilgrimage steward, sound healer and yogic scientist. She has studied the art of starkeeping for over 30 years and holds a Master of Arts in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology with Merit through The Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture at the University of Wales.

Danielle practices Goddess Astrology, her alchemical blend of Ancient and Modern Western techniques that activate the Ancient Future Feminine frequency within you. Danielle is dedicated to aligning the spiritual realms with academic intelligence. Her astrological practice leans upon yogic philosophy and an extensive practice of meditation, sound healing, ancestral healing and Daoist stone medicine.

Danielle offers Quantum Healing Hypnosis journeys as taught by Dolores Cannon, serving as a consciousness midwife. She leads pilgrimages upon the Magdalene Trail to Egypt, Avalon and the South of France.

GOLDEN GATE ESOTERAKA Ancient Future Mystery School houses a living library of courses like Danielle's signature EarthSeed and Skywalkers. A thriving private online community is woven through The Chalice. Initiates are led on a path of deep internal self-discovery with programs like Goddess Astrology and Grail Quest.

You may discover more at ancientfuturemystery.school where every offering is a living prayer for you to Cultivate Deep Roots and Make Miracles with the Cosmos.