Episode 42


In this episode we explore the current astrology including Venus retrograde, Jupiter's transition into Pisces, the super Capricorn New Moon. And we also take time to reflect on the potent Astrology of December weaving in the total solar Sagittarius Eclipse conjunct to the Great Attractor and the Gemini Full Moon opposing the galactic center.


06:48 Current Astrology

50:51 Solar Saggitarius Eclipse

01:52:18 Meditation

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Ra Ma:

In this episode we explore the current astrology including Venus retrograde, Jupiter's transition into Pisces, the super Capricorn New Moon. And we also take time to reflect on the potent Astrology of December weaving in the total solar Sagittarius Eclipse conjunct to the Great Attractor and the Gemini Full Moon opposing the galactic center.

Ra Ma:

Welcome to stars, stones, and stories. I am your host Rama and together we are weaving Ancient Future wisdom as we birth the New Earth. If you're into astrology, cosmology, living mythology, earth based spirituality and ancestral healing, you are home. If you've stumbled upon this podcast and are new to these topics, this is sovereign sanctuary to expand and deepen your wisdom. As a cosmic priestess, I witness many of the threshold of great transformation. I specialize in astrological divination, sacred site activations and priestess arts for the Aquarian Age. You may learn more about my work and budding Mystery School at Earthseedtemplearts.com Or follow Earthseedtemplearts on Instagram. This community is your opportunity to claim your story, your unique identity and power knowing that you are the hero of your own journey. You are a hologram for the collective and you matter. The world needs your gifts and creativity now more than ever. Crystallize your medicine.

Ra Ma:

Oh great ancient ones, great ancestors, we call to you. May you hear the voices of your descendants traversing through time and space. We humbly ask for your support your wise medicine ways and your genius solutions in these times. Dear ancestors, we wish to partner with you for we know we cannot do this alone. As we traverse the mystery we ask that you, our starry ancestors are with us each breath of the way. May we have clarity of mind and Crystaline vision to see through the dark. May we walk our paths of high holy truth as that is what is needed now more than ever. And so it is.

Ra Ma:

Welcome back to another episode of Stars, stones and stories. We're finally gathering here for episode 42. And many of these episodes are a true birthing experience. I say this as someone who has been a birth and a postpartum doula, who has given birth herself. Any creative project goes through an entire birth, death rebirth cycle. And delivering episode 42 has definitely been the most unique experience. It has taken many weeks. As the avid listeners out there know, I work really diligently to deliver these episodes to you every other Friday. This episode was due to come out on December 2, and here we are in December 31. And it is coming to your ears. So again, thank you for your patience. Thank you to all of the amazing listeners. The faithful ones, the new ones. I'm so grateful we can gather in this way in these times. And I've been meeting more of you through divination sessions or other ways and it's really lovely to hear the feedback to hear how so many of you listen to these episodes, not once, not twice, sometimes three or four times. I'm really grateful because there's a lot of layers that go into the way that I've share astrology. And it's part of the reason why this podcast is called Stars, stones and stories because we are working with the layers that get involved in stories. And also, I am a storyteller and I haven't fully activated that modality within this podcast, but it will be unveiled more over time when it's ready to be revealed. In this episode, we're gonna definitely talk about the current astrology, we're going to do a little review. So much happened in December, and I was really excited to share it with you before the astrology was coming. However, it seems the divine had another plan. And I'm trusting that because the astrology was so mighty. I think it's important that with astrology, as we're learning more and more about the art and the science, this ancient art and science that we learn, to not only look ahead to see what's coming, that we're also willing to look behind to see what has happened. Astrology is a series of waves, just like our lives ebb and flow just like the moon waxes and wanes. And we can learn a lot about where we're going and where we are currently, by looking to where we've come from and what we've gone through.

Ra Ma:

We're gonna do a bit of a review with that, in this episode, we're gonna start by going into some of the current astrology we're living through, the Venus retrograde, the third and final Saturn Uranus Square, Jupiter's transit into Pisces, the shadow of Mercury Retrograde that is already upon us, and this super Capricorn New Moon, that opens up the year of 2022. Then later on in the journey, I'm going to share with you about my pilgrimage in Egypt, my own personal experience with it, my journey with that total Sagittarius solar eclipse conjunct the Great Attractor, and how I went into this deep, deep void space. And what I've gained through that and can hopefully impart to you as well, I definitely want to speak about that Gemini Full Moon that was a power moon for me. And I was so excited to share with you about that astrology. And I had the great honour of being at the Sphinx and within the Great Pyramid on that full moon. So there's much to deliver around that I want to share with you again about the galactic center, I speak about this and different episodes as we hit this very sensitive point. And there's so much to share about that, ultimately, what I hope to impart to you in this episode as that, as we're closing out, 2021, which I think for many of us has been a brutal and a gnarly year. So many of us definitely went through a lot in 2020 and 2021 was just like, heightened challenge, after challenge, after challenge. And we've been really tested, we've been really stretched. And hopefully we can see things much more clearly than we ever could before. And so as we're closing out this year, and we're looking to 2022, my prayer for you is that you know, you are limitless and that you've done this great work in 2019, 2020, 2021. And you've gotten more clarified and purified than ever before, and you're really ready to show up. As I share quite often in these episodes. The astrology that we're in the midst of It's potent and it's powerful, and it's like a marathon. So I'm not saying 2022 is going to be easy. We're still definitely in the thick of great, great transformation.

Ra Ma:

However I feel a lot of us are able to see and hear and taste and feel more than ever before, we're showing up more present where we've really stripped away the facade. And this whole new foundation is being implemented and we're building upon a foundation we can be really proud of for many, many years to come, a foundation that we can pass on as a legacy to our descendants. So let's go ahead and dive in with this Venus retrograde, Venus entered her shadow of retrograde on November 17, at 11 degrees five arc minutes Capricorn. And she stationed retrograde in Capricorn on December 19, at 5:35am. That is Eastern Standard Time. Now, when we think about Venus, we think about our love, our relationships, our values, how we relate to art, to culture, to beauty, to elegance, how we connect to our money. And Venus, as a planet is this elder sister to Earth. Some would say she's more evolved in consciousness. And the consciousness of Venus is teaching the inhabitants of earth about what it is we love, what we value, how we create art and culture, how we cultivate our lives. How do we connect to, ultimately, the nature nature of planet Earth. And Venus is taking a really important stage center stage in 2022. Because the nodes of fate are transiting out of the North Node being in Gemini, the South Node being in Sagittarius, with the North Node being in Taurus, and the South Node being in Scorpio. And that happens in the month of January of 2022. Taurus is ruled by Venus, and we've had Uranus inTaurus since 2018. Uranean Energy is here to really liberate us from our perceived bondage. And knowing that, and what we have at hand with climate change, and how we use resources. And this whole like concept of greenwashing. So many companies are now you know, backing solar and backing wind. And these are companies that have really held on to the old ways for so long. And so we have to be very alert and selective and astute to how we invest in the world at large. And Venus is always asking us, what do you value?

Ra Ma:

Because we can often say, like, I value spending time with my children, or I value traveling. However, if we don't put that as a priority in our lives, and actually do it, then that's not our true value system. If one spends a total of eight hours a day on a technological device, whether it's a computer, a tablet, a phone, a smartphone, then that's actually what their value system is. It's based on technology. Whereas if one spends their life, you know, really bookmarked each day with being out in nature connecting to the earth..even, we can do that in urban environments. Then, yeah, their value system is very much connected to the earth. And so whenever Venus goes retrograde, she's giving us this opportunity at roughly every 18 months, she goes into this descent and she's giving us this opportunity to really ask us like, how is your value system keeping up with your life? Like, are you proud of what you have to offer? Are you in alignment? Are you in integrity? And Venus in Capricorn really emphasizes this because Capricorn it's an earth sign. It's Cardinal, it initiates that season of winter. It's like the entrepreneur, the CEO of the zodiac. very visionary. Capricorn wants to build, it wants to help us build our vision for many years to come. And Capricorn is so focused on the foundation and the structure and also the long term goal. Venus and Capricorn. This retrograde season is giving us quite an extended time, because the retrograde really started in November, and Venus won't clear her shadow until the beginning of March of 2022. So it's a long stretch for us to come into 2022. Really asking ourselves, what's our vision?

Ra Ma:

What are we building? What's our one year plan? Our five year or 10 year, our 25 year plan. So in this retrograde Venus is giving us this opportunity to really demark. Where are we going long term? Are we on the right course? Are we on the right track? What do we need to edit and revise, review, renew in this opportunity. This is a great window to really begin the new year. And simultaneously as we begin 2022, We're in the shadow of mercury retrograde. So the first new moon of the year has both Venus and Mercury retrograde and it's really going to be that Aquarius New Moon that opens up the season of Imbolc and brings in the Chinese New Year of the Tiger. That is going to be the forward motion, first New Moon of 2022. As we consider this Venus retrograde in Capricorn, it's all about giving us a foundation of time, to revise, to renew, to review to be very clear about how we want to utilize our 2022. As we begin the year with Venus retrograde, in the shadow of mercury retrograde and Venus will station direct on January 29 at 3:47am that is Eastern Standard Time. However, she doesn't clear the shadow until March 1 And that is at 26 degrees 29 arc minutes of Capricorn. So this Venus retrograde is very important because in her journey, she is also going to go over all of the degrees of the Saturn Pluto conjunction that opened up 2020 on January 12. And it was really that conjunction that laid the terrain we could say for the COVID pandemic. And so this Venus retrograde, as she stations Retrograde, she is a degree away from Pluto so she's conjunct, she's married with Pluto, Pluto planet of transformation, and really, really stripping away anything that is not real and pure and true in our lives. And Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008. It's been a massive journey for us collectively, financially, globally, on so many different levels. And in this Venus retrograde she's a degree away. So there's this particular dance with Pluto that's very much highlighted in this retrograde and at the time of the retrograde we also had the asteroid goddess Juno conjunct Mercury in Capricorn at earlier degrees. And Juno is about what we're married to. Mercury is how we communicate. And so and there's also a call to really be committed to speaking our values to speaking from that vision. Collectively, we want to work with this Venus energy consciously in our work environments. And personally, we want to work with this Venus retrograde wherever we have 27 to 11 degrees of Capricorn, that's where we're really getting activated in our own charts. Wherever house that falls into.

Ra Ma:

And again, I want to highlight in this Venus retrograde, she is going back over the degrees of the Saturn Pluto conjunction that happened on January 12, of 2020. And we had a major stellium. With that conjunction, we had the South Node Jupiter, the sun, Ceres, Pluto, Saturn, and Mercury all in Capricorn, really ripping up the foundations of our collective global culture. And asking us to look at wherever government structures, our systems around health, law, medicine, justice, wherever the foundations are not true and real and pure, that is beginning to be exposed. And we've seen that in many ways, collectively, personally, it's a big journey. I think a lot of us, especially in the United States are seeing where our healthcare system is failing us. Given the amount of paperwork and technology that nurses alone have to operate with, right, they're spending more and more time, on paperwork, and in utilizing technology instead of actually being able to connect with patients. And this is just one small example of the ramifications of our world at large and what we're facing. A lot of systems are collapsing. And this is important. It's not easy to live through. But it's important, because we know we're we're in the process of shifting from one age to the next. And so we're really here to witness that transformation and the crumbling of what no longer serves. So this Venus retrograde is also going to give opportunities to highlight that on a global scale. And the moment Venus stationed retrograde it was the day of that Gemini Full Moon, which opposed the Sagittarius Sun, which was on the galactic center, and I'm going to speak more about the galactic center in this episode. We know of the galactic center as like the Cosmic Womb of this galaxy. It's a very potent creative space. And when Venus station retrograde the moon had just moved into cancer, so we have this oppositional energy with Venus in Capricorn and the moon in cancer, and this is that access of the home life and our families and our culture, our roots, everything that really connects us to the land, with our public selves, our public persona, the legacy we leave to the collective. So there's a lot that is stirred up within this retrograde journey and And at the same time when Venus station retrograde she was trying the North Node in Gemini, and also Ceres in Gemini. And so there's a call on some level to continue to stay open, open in our consciousness open to new ideas, new new modalities, new techniques.

Ra Ma:

As we shift, as we change as we're going from one age to the other, it's really important we stay flexible and available, I pulled the Sabian symbol for 27 degrees Capricorn, and that is pilgrims climbing the steep steps, leading to a mountain shrine. This is about the ascent of the individualized consciousness to the highest realizations reached by the spiritual leaders of its culture. This journey of Venus is really giving us a profound opportunity for spiritual growth. With our 3D world, how do we relate to the world at large? How do we relate to our money? How do we relate to our work? How do we relate to the foundations of our day to day lives, and the star sparks for 27 degrees Capricorn is a long, mirrored hallway lit with candles. This is about how in the liminal space, you're able to see where you're coming from and why, being granted sight to accompany your journey through the world. Knowing there are a myriad of influences at work, how can you differentiate between those which are offering a progressive greater path through and beyond, or those which keep you in the old karmic spaces, the ancient leases are lit up afresh, and provide the key to the journey until they are worked through completely these two illuminations around 27 degrees. Capricorn really hit strongly with me, as I was researching these back when I was beginning to plan the December pilgrimage, living legacy to come at and I knew something profound was going to happen. And being now back home, and at this other end of the journey, it's very subtle. One thing I can say is that, for the most part, I usually record this podcast in my closet. I light a candle, it's very much me coming to you from this liminal space. And with this total solar eclipse, I've had a deep, deep journey into the void and really understanding the the beauty of working within the liminal realms. And it's helped me to surrender to what that means. I believe for the past five or six years, I've really known how deeply I work within the liminal realms. And I've been consciously trying to figure out how to honor that more and more in my day to day work, because it's not always easy to put it into words when you work in liminal realms, nor is it always easy for others to understand it. You have to have like a subtlety to who you are, to even really be able to understand that right? Like if you spend all of your time kind of hustling, scrolling on your phone, drinking lots of caffeine in this gogogo mentality that is so farly removed from the liminal. So it's not for everyone. And there's something about this Venus retrograde that beyond everything I've shared there's a real deep liminal potential with it. And I also want to invite you, as we consider the mythos of Innana and Ereshkigal. And the Sumerian culture, it was literally built into their culture as Innana was this

t Saturn Pluto conjunction of:

what have I learned in the past two years? Have I applied that which I've learned into my life? Or am I still resisting it? Because if you're still resisting it, now's a good time to anchor in those applications. It's going to make your 2024 and your 2026 and your 2032 much more bright and expansive, right, like one where when we're really willing to like get into the grit, and to face it. There's so many more gifts that are available to us. Because we've allowed ourselves to really be purified in the most humble of ways. And right before Venus went retrograde we had Chiron stationing direct actually knows later on in the day so Chiron station direct, and Chiron is that rainbow bridge, the wounded healer that actually brings us to our greatest gifts that we can offer others ourselves humanity at large. Chirons journey in Aries is teaching us collectively to be willing to be our true selves, no matter what, to put our gifts out there in the world, to express our own unique path, to be courageous in that. And now that Chiron energy is direct, it takes that pressure off of the deep internal work on some level on Tuesday, December 28 at 11:10pm That's Eastern Standard Time. Jupiter transited into Pisces. And this is one of Jupiter's home signs.

t Saturn Pluto conjunction of:

Back in In May, June and July of 2021, Jupiter slipped into Pisces for a brief time. So we got a preview of how this energy is going to show up in our lives. And Jupiter will stay in Pisces until May 10, where it will shift into the sign of Aries. And then later on in the year of 2022, in July, Jupiter towards the end of the month will go retrograde, and then will re enter Pisces on October 28 of 2022 and then in December, settle back into Aries. So Jupiter we know is very important for impacting our collective culture. It is one of the social teaching planets Saturn being the other one and that's how these two really demarcate changes in culture and ages. Jupiter is all about expansion about making things really big, goes beyond the material realm and wants to assist us in our search for truth, for our ethical values. For the deeper meaning, our connection to spirituality, to religion, to cosmic consciousness, Jupiter expands and grows everything it touches that whole concept of like the Midas touch, that's a very Jupiter kind of sentiment. And Jupiter helps us grow beyond our limitations, to draw in more success and wealth, new concepts to expand through our creativity. And absolutely all signs, all planets, all of these frequencies have shadow and light energy. So there can also be false hope with Jupiter, there can be too much optimism. Pisces is traditionally ruled by Jupiter. So we are all going to benefit from this transit of Jupiter inPisces. And you want to check out the Pisces part of your chart because that is where you're going to be the most activated. And Pisces connects in with that imaginal realm. The channel, the artists, the psychic, the poet, the priestess, the priest, it's a sign of sensitivity, and really connecting in with a collective frequency. So Jupiter in Pisces is going to expand our boundaries, our intuition, our spiritual connections. It is a really beautiful time to go through layers of awakening, to learn to practice, whatever it is you're called to do, to step into these other realms. This transit brings in a lot of expansiveness, a lot of benefits for so many of us, the first part of the year, when Jupiter is in Pisces really brings in more of a spiritual momentum for us collectively.

t Saturn Pluto conjunction of:

Now, when Jupiter goes into Aries, that's going to be an interesting time because we can get kind of rash, we can get headstrong, we can sometimes be too fearless, too courageous, like just kind of go for the thing without even checking in to see if the foundation is stable. So this is where we want to apply the Venus retrograde and Capricorn frequency now, so that we can kind of plan ahead to when Jupiter is in Aries and get ourselves really anchored so that we can use that Jupiter in Aries transit consciously and to our benefit. As I'm looking at the chart when Jupiter went into Pisces, also in Pisces we've got Pallas Athene conjunct Neptune and that's going to be also increasing some spiritual emphasis throughout the month, throughout the year of 2022. Especially March has a really kind of beautiful spiritual resonance as Jupiter and Neptune are gonna conjunct in Pisces and we enter 2022 within the shadow of Mercury Retrograde. Mercury will be stationing retrograde on January 14 at 10 degrees 20 arc minutes Aquarius and will be retrograde until February 3 at 24 degrees 23 arc minutes of Capricorn. And mercury will officially leave that shadow on February 24. So this retrograde brings in earth and air energy, it's going to absolutely be a time where we really want to back up our technology, where we want to be mindful about our material realm and paperwork and just all of the detail oriented aspects that quite often get associated with Mercury Retrograde, we want to be aware of those Mercury is in Capricorn also tracing over the spaces and places of that Saturn Pluto conjunction. And so Mercury is relaying information about what has happened since January of 2020. Through now in conjunction with that Venus retrograde and our values. So it's an interesting time to really watch your words, to listen deeply to what others are saying, in your friendships and your other relationships in your business connections in the world at large in the media particularly. There is a lot of information coming out. So it's just that time to really have your eyes wide open so to speak, and and to be curious. On Sunday, January 2 at 1:34pm Eastern Time, we have the Capricorn Super New Moon The first new moon of 2022 Definitely every Capricorn New Moon is a powerful moon to vision with. This one is an interesting one because we have Venus retrograde, we have mercury in the shadow of retrograde in this new moon Mercury is conjunct Saturn. It's a wide conjunction by sign. But they're both in Aquarius everything we've been through with the journey of since the Jupiter Saturn conjunction of December 21 2020 is being relayed on some level as Jupiter has just made his transit into Pisces.

t Saturn Pluto conjunction of:

And the sun and the moon are conjunct. Also, Juno in Capricorn, Venus retrograde in Capricorn. And then, we also have further away at 26 degrees, we have Pluto in Capricorn. So a lot of visioning energy, a lot of energy focused on the material realm and what we're growing, what we're building, we are in that retrograde frequency. So we're being asked to reflect within. And it's honestly I think, a beautiful way to begin the new year because the more we can start this year, consciously reflecting deep within getting aligned with our values coming from that space of rebirth and renewal as we are in the season of winter solstice of you'll those of us who live in the northern hemisphere. It's a great time to just really like, you know, get out your calendar, write down lists of everything you want to accomplish in the next one year, make a list for five years, for 10 years, for 25 years, and also take some time to reflect what have you accomplished in 2021? What are you proud of? What did you learn? What do you want to learn that you haven't learned yet? Perhaps even look back at 2020 as well, because they are such significant years and take a moment to celebrate where you've come from. And from that celebratory please consider where am I going? What do I want to create? What am I visioning? What am I building. And again, that Capricorn energy, we're building foundations for many, many years to come. So we want to be really conscious about how we do that we want to be anchored, we want to do it in a good way, we want to do it with consideration of our growth of our values and our truth. So this is a great new moon, to also do some shadow work and look at where are you afraid? What are you afraid of, particularly when it comes to your prosperity, your finances, things that you can control and that you cannot control. There's actually in reality, very little we have control over in this world. And Capricorn energy can get very fearful and rigid and have a desire to control. So this new moon also gives us an opportunity to consider where is it that we seek to hold on too tightly and why? And to get to some of the roots of that, so that you can free yourself further, when we go through the experience through the eye of the needle, we're actually able to come out the other side and say, You know what, even if all of this happens, I'm gonna be okay. I'm creative, I'm resourceful. And there's an opportunity with this new moon to shed some of those outdated viewpoints around fear and control. And,

t Saturn Pluto conjunction of:

most significantly, your connection into the material world. And collectively, we're just on unstable ground. There's a lot we don't know about our collective future and finances and our world governmental systems. There's a lot that's really kind of up in the air, and unclear and dicey and it doesn't feel very secure in the world at large on some levels. And that's okay, right? Like, it is what it is, there's only so much each one of us can do about that individually. And what we can do is what is in our immediate world, and that begins with ourselves, and our connection to the earth, and our daily practices and our connection to our ancestors. So that's where we want to take our prayers and our intentions and our clarity of mind.

t Saturn Pluto conjunction of:

And this brings us to my journey in Egypt. My intention was to get episode 42 delivered to each one of you on December 2, and I thought I would have everything ready. Before I left for Egypt. I had all of my notes compiled, I had all the research done for episode 42 and 43, which I thought would be delivered to you and that would have made this episode coming out on the 31st, episode 44. Anyways, I landed in Egypt. And every time I sat down to record it, just it didn't feel right. And before I knew it, the pilgrimage was beginning. And I was immersed in that total solar eclipse, and I could feel the magnetism of that great attractor. I was like this being that was just completely compressed like a magnet to the Great Attractor herself. So it was very intense, very potent. And in the midst of that I also got very, very sick in Egypt. I believe it was a form of bronchitis. I'm not totally sure what I had. Who knows? It was not COVID I tested myself twice. But that being said, very fortunately, no one else on the pilgrimage got sick. Honestly, it was like a deep kind of spiritual illness that had some physical symptoms. There were times where, when I wasn't facilitating parts of the pilgrimage, I was just completely resting deep in that void frequency. I've never quite experienced anything to that degree in my life. And it has absolutely marked me on so many levels.

t Saturn Pluto conjunction of:

Depending on where you live in the world, the Eclipse came in exactly on Saturday, December 4, or Friday, December 3. And as I was in Egypt, I was experiencing it in the morning around 9:40 In the morning, on December 4. We know eclipses open up new portals, new dimensions and our lives. And we officially entered the eclipse season with the Scorpio New Moon in November of 2021. And it will be with this Capricorn super new moon that's coming up on January 2, where we'll close that Eclipse portal. We had a lunar eclipse in November, and December's total Sagittarius solar eclipse completed the Eclipse activations that we began when the nodes of fate change in May of 2020. And it was that Gemini Full Moon that like really kept the whole Eclipse journey, and I'm going to speak about that, as well. So we want to think about this as a cycle that began in May of 2020. And if you've been following my podcast, you know this about astrology already. Eclipses come in cycles of 18 years, 36 years, 52, 74... And so on, right? It really, it's...they're quite phenomenal. I'm not sure. From our human experience and the amount of our lifetime, the longevity of how long we live. I'm not sure we can fully understand the profoundness of eclipses, I think we're really just scratching the surface of it. So that being said, this eclipse was very important because one it was a total solar eclipse. So that is when the sun and the moon meet one another. And it's like the present is blotted out by the past forces of the past that live buried in the collective consciousness come to light. And we always know there's like radical change coming with eclipses, we're being asked to clear karmic ghosts to make the impossible I am possible to be the solution in the world. Eclipses in general also bring truth Truth that we need to see, to know to feel. Despite how uncomfortable the results may be, they really bring a force of reckoning into our lives. And in turn many ancient cultures regarded eclipses with deep respect so in in history, we can see where eclipses might bring in disasters difficulty war famine, eclipses tend to mark major events from birth to death, and other momentous beginnings and endings.

t Saturn Pluto conjunction of:

And with every Eclipse, whether it's a solar or lunar eclipse, there's an aspect of both ending eand beginning however, lunar eclipses are usually more focused on endings, solar eclipses, more focused on new beginnings and bright possibilities and hope. Now, this solar eclipse, what was so significant and unique about it was that it was conjunct what we call the Great Attractor, which sits at roughly 14 degrees. Sagittarius 13 to 14 degrees. And also Mercury was at 15 degrees 12 arc minutes. So also conjunct the Great Attractor, the Sun and Moon for the solar eclipse met up at 12 degrees 21 arc minutes. And in Sagittarius we had a whole stellium of the South Node, Vesta, the sun, the moon and mercury. Now Vesta is all about our devotion. And what we're just really able to pour our truth into and the Sagittarian energy it is fire energy, it's mutable, it's changing. It's the archetype of the seeker of the pilgrim, someone who is on a sacred journey. Someone who is in pursuit of finding their truth based off of a myriad of beliefs and philosophy and devotion to this path. And the Sabian symbol for the alignment of the Sun in the moon is a widow's past is brought to light the karma of past actions as it affects opportunities presented by a new cycle. Even as a past cycle, as close to the karma of the past still somehow lays the groundwork for the future. There must be clear consciousness of mind. The star sparks for 13 degrees Sagittarius is an embalmer at work on a mummy, old thought forms ancient and fresh, ancient wisdoms. Fresh experiences all show the same picture from different sides. Death is the intimate companion of our lives, we are being asked to let go of every fixed idea and to free our ghosts of every kind, we are being ushered into an astounding miracle, we will never believe until we're right there, in that super clarity that comes at death's door. And this hit me so strong, because that is exactly the kind of journey that I had with this eclipse. And on top of that, being in the land of Egypt, being in this land of Ancient Future wisdom, opening with this eclipse in one of my most favorite temples in all of Egypt, this temple that's dedicated to the primordial form of Isis. In her vulture form, it's a small temple in the desert. Very few people go there and to be able to begin in this way. And as we think of the vulture herself, right, you know, vultures are guardians of death, they pick away, they eat that, which really nothing else wants and then they transform it into something else, right, into a form of magic, and Isis herself...In seeking the 14 pieces of Osiris that Set had cut up of his body and then scattered all throughout the land. Isis herself had to transform into the vulture to be able to smell to get into that animalistic space to find her beloved and all parts of him in time, so that his flesh would still be fresh enough to bring back together. And we think of the culture of ancient Egypt, which I personally believe we don't really understand from our contemporary modern lens. I absolutely believe Egyptology in that field does not understand Ancient Egypt. I believe there's a lot of distortions that are systematically in place and I believe to really get into the truth of this phenomenal civilization requires Being on the land and being in the elements, and listening and softening. And this eclipse absolutely put me in such a state of surrender of pushing me past my limits, in all regards, because I got to a place where I had no other choice, given the fact that I was not feeling well, and that my body really literally went through a death portal while holding space for group, and it was very, very apropos. As I look back knowing that that was my sixth journey to Egypt. And there have been many other ways I've held space and pilgrimage for others. And we all go through these different layers in our evolution and our growth. But what was part of this story that was coinciding was that one of my beloved mentors and teachers was literally in a death portal. And I didn't know it until December 9, when he fully crossed over. And it was the day before that I was at the peak of my illness, it was the one day I had to step away from the pilgrimage and I was in bed, and I couldn't get out of bed, I wanted so bad to just put some clothes on and go sit in the sun by the Nile. And just be in the beauty of the the nature of Luxor, and I was not able to make it out of my bed. These journeys we go through in life, we don't always understand them. Until we ourselves come to death's door. And that's what this Sabian Symbol star sparks frequency of 13 degrees Sagittarius is speaking to. And this is where the beauty of astrology comes to life for me, because, as I stated earlier, I prepared the notes for this. Probably back in June, when I was really honing in on these dates for this December living legacy pilgrimage. And I remember thinking, wow, that that's going to be profound, that's going to be intense. I had no idea what I was in store for. And this is the way when we really tune into the divine, we can see the hand print of the Divine, guiding our lives each and every day in such beautiful ways. But

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as it said, We're ushered into an astounding miracle. We never will believe until we're right there and that super clarity that comes at death's door. And there is we could say, this hand guiding us I believe it really is our higher self, on some level, our highest wisdom, because I believe each one of us has our own unique soul journey and we're not meant to compare and contrast. Every one of us is living a sacred beautiful life and when we really surrender and embrace that, so much more magic becomes available for us. Now it's interesting as I wanted to look up for the lookup the Sabian symbol for 14 degrees Sagittarius which is the degree of the Great Attractor, and it it is the pyramids and the Sphinx. It's all about certification and how to raise your vibration, align yourself with your higher purpose. The Great Attractor is at 14 degrees Sagittarius and it's connected to the Hydra-Centaurus supercluster, which includes our group cluster and 30 other galactic companions. So the Great Attractor is a space where we could say these as we know of 31 galactic companions are coming together. And it consists of these massive movements, this true warping of time and space while bending light with massive gravity. It is a large Cosmic Womb. And Philip Sedgwick said it beautifully when he said it's mysterious, its captivating. It might even be the personification of the Creator. it magnetizes you to it like none other. He says the Great Attractor reminds us all that knowledge must evolve, in order for us to be aligned in any moment with full consciousness. The Great Attractor notes that we cannot forget the past, clear perception of the now sets the stage, we cannot ignore the forthcoming equally, maybe even more significantly, the view of the moment and its perception of in front and behind remains the most important view to hold clearly. Is this view clear and accurately insightful? Could the view be distorted? Only the Great Attractor knows. And the Great Attractor reveals the present state in full, unlimited and wide ranging attention. Where should the view be placed, can that view be upheld, while understanding that all points of view simultaneously exist. This eclipse absolutely opened this whole new book of consciousness for every single one of us on planet Earth. It offered this massively powerful time to clear any and all distortions in our field, and our lineage in our soul family, our star family and to call forth pure light codes of divine source. As this whole new book is opening, it's bringing in expansion. veils are dissolving distortion timelines on Earth are dissolving upgrades coming through light and sound frequencies. This is about sovereignty, and being in a deep well of self respect, allowing the old conditioning to leave our psyches as a snake sheds her skin. true prosperity frequency is available as one passes through the void as one passes through with deep wisdom with this ability to truly let go of that which no longer serves.

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And so as I mentioned, I found out when I was in Kemet, on my way from Luxor to Siwa, that my mentor Elder Malidoma mela Some had left his body and began his journey home to the other world, to the ancestral realm. And I did not know that he was so close to death store, it came as an utter shock and surprise. And I found out, as I myself was in a very tender, almost like tenderized space from my illness. And given the profoundness of this eclipse, it was a massive journey into the void. And so I took a moment to look at his chart. And his north node is conjunct the Great Attractor. And he really, in my opinion, something with this eclipse, it was like the warping of time and space brought him to another frequency literally. And so I just want to take a moment to honor elder Malidoma and give such gratitude for him. I felt really blessed to be in Kemet, when he made his transition as I was on the motherland of Africa, which was his homeland within Burkina Faso in West Africa, and it's such a massive loss for him to have left our physical realm and it's also a massive gain for him to have entered the ancestral realm to support us. I will give him a proper honoring in a future episode because I really want to take some time to sit with his work and really hone in on the ways he's helped me and the ways I feel comfortable sharing with you. But what I can say is that I wouldn't be where I am right now without him. I met him on May... I can't remember the exact day if it was the 15th or 18th. That was the Taurus New Moon in May of 2018. It was the day that Uranus first went into Taurus. And I knew when I met him for that first divination that my life was gonna be forever marked by meeting him.

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Sitting with elder Malidoma opened a gateway into my own medicine, and into looking within the cosmic mirror of my own self. I've been blessed, so very blessed to have had many amazing teachers in my life thus far. And being as young as I am, I know that I will be blessed with many more. It's rare in this world to have a teacher that is so humble, and that really is teaching you to see yourself and that is part of the profoundness of elder Malidoma Somes medicine. I urge you, I encourage you to read his books, if you feel called and you've not already. And to honor him, I think the best way is to make a pact to come into deeper connection with the elements themselves. Elder Malidoma has opened my consciousness and my psyche, to trust in the innate medicine that is already within my bones. And the innate connection I already had with the elements themselves. And it was through different initiations with him that I just realized that it was always there all along. And we forget, especially those of us who have been weighed raised in Western culture, we have been systematically taught how to forget. Because when we are as humans, so connected to Mother Earth and the elements themselves, we are truly unstoppable. We are truly limitless. I feel so blessed as I've already said to have studied with elder Malidoma. And my time was so short, only three years I had many other ideas and trainings and... there was so much more I wanted to do with him. And when we lose someone of this magnitude, the gift of elder Malidoma was that his work brought together people of all ages, genders, classes, race, socio economic status, all the pieces and parts and we were able to come together and be vulnerable, tender, open, come into ritual space, coexist harmonize, be elegant, witness each other in our prayers. It was phenomenal, the spaces he anchored. And so if you've been touched in any way, by my work, and you feel touched by Elder Malidomas, I'm going to provide some links in the show notes, where if you want to make a donation, his two daughters are left with different medical costs and the cost of getting his body back home to Burkina Faso, so it can be properly ancestralized. There's an opportunity for you to donate if you feel called. And again, I will share in at least one, if not many more future episodes about more about his work because I want to honor him in a good way. And I want to say that the beauty of the Egyptian cosmology is that it teaches us how to die. And in this Western world, we're so afraid of death, we avoid death, many people won't even say the word die. They say he passed away, they won't say he's died. Death is very much hidden from us. We we like to keep things very kind of pristine and tidy and separate.

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When you go to Egypt, you see where life and death are everywhere. And as we understand the wheel of life and death, and we really understand the beauty of death, knowing that we are limitless, and that we are infinite. We can trust that death only comes to us in due time, in our time. And as we surrender to that, we can lose a fear of dying of fear of death. And I believe that is part of the higher message of the Egyptian cosmology. And I believe that that's also part of the fear mechanism that is happening on the planet right now, is that many, many, many people are afraid of dying. And the reality is, there's only one thing that all of us on Earth can be certain of, and that is that we're going to die. So how do we wrestle with living our lives to the fullest, and being afraid of dying? Part of that journey is how do we surrender, knowing that we will only die when it's truly our time, so that we can live these lives fully engage, adventurous, feeling carefree, feeling trust in the divine feeling held. And for me, this has been one of the greatest takeaways of this total solar eclipse, conjunct the Great Attractor, I've absolutely gone into a deep, deep void and learned so much about myself. And where I need to surrender more in my life where I need to trust more in my life, where I need to absolutely rest more in my life. And that was part of the medicine of this eclipse was it like took me down on such a level. And I want to be clear, like I was able to function like I was dressed and I was talking and I was going out to sights. But on another level, there was a part of me that was like, cocooned up, like, in a chrysalis, and just completely like paralyzed. And in that time and space, so much left to me and so much in that leaving, the so much potential has been created. So I share this with you in hopes that it inspires you in your own life, and in the spaces in your own world where you too need to surrender so that you can trust in how innately you are held and protected and ultimately loved. And this brings us to the Gemini Full Moon, which was exact in Cairo on Sunday, December 19. Around 635 In the morning, however, in other parts of the world, the full moon occurred on Saturday night, December 18. And this Full Moon was so important Important on many levels, as for one, it was a culmination point from the total solar Sagittarius Eclipse conjunct the Great Attractor. And in November we had very particular alignments connecting with the galactic center. And then we have this Full Moon in Gemini, that is at 27 degrees 28 arc minutes Gemini directly opposing the Sagittarius sun at 27 degrees, 28 arc minutes. And this is exactly aligned with the galactic center.

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And we know the galactic center to be this Cosmic Womb, we could say that the great attractor is this Cosmic Womb of many galaxies coming together. And the galactic center is the Cosmic Womb of our galaxy of the Milky Way galaxy. And so it is a very important source point to access other source points. And with the full moon opposing this right after this total solar eclipse conjunct the Great Attractor, we have this strong, strong theme of divine feminine frequency that came in through the month of December, and really created the space for this brand new beginning. And as we know, life is created in darkness, life is created. That womb space is a very dark, creative space of pure potential of limitless frequency. And simultaneously, it is a place of stillness. Consider a baby developing in utero. There is only so far, the baby may travel physically, however, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, so much is being developed through connection to the great mother. And in many ways that was our collective and perhaps for you your personal experience through this month of December. As I've shared some of my story with you, I think you can see how I was absolutely having that kind of experience, particularly on a physical level where, at times my body wasn't able to do what it would normally do. However, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, I was absolutely traveling through many, many realms, and really coming to witness myself in a whole new capacity to see my strength and a whole new capacity. Because when we strip away all that is not pure and real and true, it brings us into our original essence. And there was also a really strong connection with Jupiter in this chart. Now, as I was in Giza, during the exact alignment, I was in ceremony at the Sphinx and within the Great Pyramid itself. I cast the chart for this and Jupiter rule to this chart from Giza and we could consider the Great Pyramid as a receiver and a transmitter for all of Mother Earth, out into the cosmos. And that has always been my connection with the Great Pyramids is that they are broadcasting across the earth, they are receivers, they are transmitters of intergalactic frequencies that want to come through earth. And we could also say there are many forces out there, that are there are many powers that be that wish to distort these frequencies, that wish to redirect them. And so when we're able to gather in these spaces on very particular alignments, it's very sacred, it's very holy. And with Jupiter being the chart ruler, and also ruling the sun. We must take a look at Jupiter in this chart and Jupiter was at the 29th degree of Aquarius and a year prior on winter solstice, Jupiter had just entered Aquarius, actually, I believe it was the day before on the 20th. And so we have Jupiter coming to its culmination of its year long journey in the sign of Aquarius, also training the Moon in Gemini and sex tiling the sun. So bringing in beneficial energy to both the Sun and the Moon and Jupiter as that planet of expansion and wisdom and in Aquarius bringing us greater opportunities with technology really shifting, our connection with technology, also shifting our connection with medicine at large, with our relationship to the collective frequency, to humanity. And Jupiter during this alignment was opposing Regulus, the fixed star Regulus which is one of the very elevated important stars from ancient times. Another significant alignment here is when we have 28 degrees Gemini and 20 degrees, Sagittarius activated, we have on this full moon, the moon is at the gate of man this is the silver gate, and the sun being on the galactic center is also stationed at the gate of God the Golden Gate. And these are two very important gates in astrology. We could say that every human being as they're coming into their incarnation, they leave the gate of God, that Golden Gate and they come through the gate of man, the silver gate into incarnation into their human frequency. So with this activation, there is this great opportunity for humanity to really become more consciously aware of the human journey, which we could even say is a star's journey from cosmic reality into the human third dimension. The Sabian symbol for the galactic center is an old bridge over a beautiful stream that is in constant use. And it is the enduring elements in a society which reveal its ability to significantly link the genius of its individual to the everyday needs of the collective. This is a mastery over the material realm. How tradition can connect us with nature, and how our highest division can bring us into new potentials. And the star sparks for this connects us to a witches ritual dagger, being surrounded by every distraction imaginable, yet, being able to hone in on the most important pivotal point a frequency every single time coming into that zero point, an uncanny instinct on how to penetrate through the chaos, through the distortions, into the exact moment using the subtle magical faculties tapping into the Lost Arts on a victory of the light in deep and veiled forms. So this lunation was quite powerful. And here we are, as I'm recording this on Venus Day, December 31st. We're in the waning moon frequency of this entire lunar cycle that I've been speaking of, from that total solar eclipse conjunct to the Great Attractor, to this Full Moon and Gemini opposing the galactic center. This astrology is truly in my opinion, the definition of phenomenal. It is a potent opportunity to open a whole new book in your life, and given how much intensity we've been through in 2021, personally and collectively, we have had many opportunities through the year of 2020, 2021, even 2019 and 2018, to strip away that which is no longer authentic, and then go into the void. And really hang out in that liminal space and from that space, begin to rebirth and renew and rejuvenate. And this is a process, it's a process, we're still within, we're still sorting out. This eclipse cycle is going to absolutely continue to unveil itself over the next six months. And we will see waves, we will see reverberations of it for years to come. So we don't have to understand all of the aspects at this exact moment. In fact, we may never fully understand the multitude. And it might be at that moment of death, that certain aspects really come into light on the significance of this total solar eclipse. I can say without a doubt, it is very important to astrology. And I would encourage you to think back through the month of December to take some time to journal to reflect, to pay attention to your dreams right now in particular, to be very curious and available to what wants to come through. And know that as we do start this year in the shadow of Mercury Retrograde this year being 2022. And Venus retrograde is actually a beautiful landscape to continue to reflect and review and we're in that month, the season of winter solstice for the majority of us on the planet, those of you in the southern hemisphere, of course, are in summer solstice instead. However, we can all take that time to reflect and to be a little more still. And to take things slow. And that was one of the greatest teachings for me out of this whole Eclipse was how to really become much more intentional, more slow, more precise, with my energy and where it's been directed in any point in time. The Galactic Center is, as I mentioned, this Cosmic Womb of our great mother galaxy. And from this Cosmic Womb, our Earth was born many other cosmic bodies have been born, many stars are born. And the galactic center has played into our astrology for all of time and space, we could say I've been tracking it for a number of years very intentionally, and it has really brought in these light codes we could say these new light codes where the earth is receiving upgrades in consciousness. Now, as mentioned, it is at roughly 27 degrees Sagittarius it's 25,000 light years away, in the center of our Milky Way galaxy. And for the ancient Egyptians, the Milky Way was always in conversation with the golden Nile River. So the Nile River, being the mother river of life, and the conversation is a constant communion with Source consciousness with all that is, it is life as a sacred dance, knowing that you are a creator or creatrix. Now, our solar system takes about 250 million years to orbit once around the galactic center and it was over 2000 light years wide. So this is a very important space.

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And the Scorpio New Moon that we went through in November of 2021. On that New Moon, Venus was conjunct or had literally just been conjunct the galactic center. So we've been having a lot of like reverberations of the galactic center coming through. Now for the Egyptians, the Akhet, the horizon speaks to the solstice points. And as we know, the Golden Gate of God is very much connected to the Winter Solstice point and the silver gate of man is connected to the summer solstice point. And it is through the horns of Isis, a human soul is incarnated into physicality. So this is very profound, connecting us as this Holy Family of humanity, and allowing the great mother that feminine frequency to remind us of our inherent royalty, here on Earth, and it is through this eternal marriage of Isis and Osiris, that we are activating the Hieros Gamos, that lives within each one of us. And that is that mystical marriage of the divine feminine and the divine masculine frequency. And that mystical marriage is what seeded this podcast stars, stones and stories.

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So if you've not yet listened to Episode One, please take the time to do that at some point, as I also tell, a variation of the Isis-Osiris story. And if you want to go deeper in the concepts of Hieros Gamos, I do have a masterclass on that where you can explore it. And as we consider Isis and Osiris and Horus, this Divine Trinity, this Holy Family, Isis is the original mother, Mary. And Yeshua, Horus is the original Yeshua. We would not have the stories around Jesus and Christmas, without Isis and Osiris and Horus. So this is the original source point. And very important in this season of Yule, of winter solstice, which is all about rebirth and regeneration. The Osiris codes of resurrection are what we are receiving on December 21, in the northern hemisphere, and we're going from that season of Samhain, where we have shed and dissolved and given thanks, and let go and honored our ancestors. And we come to the portal of Yule, ready, completely ready for the rebirth, for the resurrection, for the regeneration for the rematrixing. So this is a significant time of year for so much hope and possibility. And the season of Imbolc, which will be our next seasonal gate that we will shift into on February 1, brings us into that first sprout of potential. But for now, we are in this beautiful portal of regeneration and resurrection and renewal. And it's not a one day snapshot in time. This is a six week process of growth and evolution. So this is a powerful time to be really gentle with yourself to be very open, to take in more stillness and slowness. And to be very intentional and precise with how you move forward. Knowing that you are limitless, that we have been in this space of radical change and transformation.

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And the many layers that we've had to shed and dissolve what we've had to look at and overcome and knowing that yes, there is more so much more. We are in a marathon. And so with that at how do we really take on this attitude of, I'm going to see that which I think is impossible and I'm going to metamorphosis that into consciousness within my psyche, I am possible, I am capable, I am able. And instead of collapsing in the face of challenge, I am going to say thank you for the opportunity for growth, for seeing how far I may stretch. We, and you are greater than our obstacles, you are greater than your obstacles, you are absolutely an infinite being having a human experience that has the facade the illusion of being limited. However, we are limitless. And there are abundant forces of adversity. And that would love to hypnotize you to be asleep. Therefore, the greatest act you can participate in, is to continue to rise and meet any challenge, knowing that the forces of adversity exist to test your stamina and your strength and your willingness to achieve, not to stop you. Many people in the Western world think oh, there's a challenge, I'm going to collapse, I'm going to give up, I'm going to do something different. However, challenge is meeting you to give you grit so that you can continue forth. And it is this illusion of suffering that is absolutely a part of our divine dance. Anything is truly possible. And we live in this magical age where that is happening before our very eyes. The old paradigms are dying, left and right. And yes, part of our participation as humans in these times is to witness that which is dying, and to give gratitude to give thanks for the lessons learned and to integrate them into our psyches. Because this is part of the work. This is why we've come. And we've also come here to truly have an experience of miracles, to truly be open in our hearts, and our minds, our psyches and in our lives to witnessing and welcoming miracles. Knowing that time dances, it moves in cycles, and spirals and waves, and that you are weaving with a multitude of threads of consciousness through time and space, believing and knowing you're right on time, and you always have been to trust the process and your sacred unfolding. There's nothing to rush into. There's nowhere to go. This is the moment this is the flow and is a gift to be here alive. Right now, in these times on so many levels, we are witnessing humanity collapsing through climate change, through political imbalance, through some of the most massive distractions and destructions and divisiveness we've ever witnessed.

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However, simultaneously, we are absolutely building a new earth. This is not a new age. This is a new earth. And that is absolutely a part of the new age. But what I'm sharing with you is that this is beyond New Age rhetoric. This is part of a flow of creation that always has been knowing that death is our greatest teacher. The Void is where all truth lives. If you've ever had the great honour of witnessing someone die and be in the room with a being who takes their last breath. And if you are able to feel the frequencies that come into that space much like if you've ever witnessed a baby being born, there is a subtle frequency that comes into the space beyond just the soul of that baby. Just like in the death, there is a frequency that comes in beyond just the soul of that person who is vacating their physical body. These are liminal spaces where we have an opportunity to really feel the divine presence to feel that great void energy. And in this time, as we are leaving the old Piscean age coming more into this Aquarian Age, we are coming to a space to hear our answers, to perceive our truths with greater clarity than ever before. We are breaking up the status quo. We are embracing our mind to open to the limitless possibilities that are waiting to be seen. We are cultivating our magic living with purpose. Really harnessing our souls potential. And so we are in the midst of a cultural renaissance. Where right action supersedes all a time where we each one of us has the opportunity to awaken. You have the opportunity to awaken your personal mythos. To write your story for these times. How do you wish to go the distance. We are truly entering a quantum field. And now is the time to have all hands on deck on spaceship Earth. If you're looking to go deeper into this astrology, particularly what's coming up for us in 2022, I'd love to cordially invite you to join me for the 2022 masterclass, I'll be offering on Tuesday, January 11th. That will be from seven to 9pm. Eastern Standard Time, it is a virtual offering that will be recorded. So you can tune in anywhere in the world. If you can't come on live, the recording will be available for you. There will absolutely be time for q&a, as well as a PDF that you will receive with information about the upcoming year, and how to apply different transits into the various houses in your chart. And we're going to cover the Retrogrades of Mars of Venus of mercury, and the upcoming eclipses and some of the other larger transits that we'll be experiencing, particularly the United States Pluto return which will absolutely have a global effect. So it will be

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impacting us all over the world. I also have dark moon councils that I'm offering here in the Asheville area. So you're welcome to join in if you live in the Asheville area in Appalachia. And also, there are a number of courses that I'm crafting, and I'm super excited to get those out to you after I finished my dissertation, which will be the end of this month, and as well as some beautiful pilgrimages that are being seated. And I look forward to sharing more about those with you as well. So please make sure you're signed up you're receiving my Venusian love notes. They come out every Friday into your inbox. Make sure you've gone into your email provider and made my email address support@earthseedtemplearts.com part of your contact so you receive those emails. And you can always book a one on one astrology session.

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I'm now also offering tarot, you can add on Tarot to the end of an astrology session. Or if you desire, just a Tarot session that is also available, the astrology sessions can give you an opportunity to see what is coming up in 2022. For you specifically, it's always an honor to hold these spaces, I really, really believe in the power of what comes through. And if you're feeling the call, I'm available for that, and would love to connect with you. So you can go into the show notes, and you can see where you can book now, you can also go to my website, Earthseedtemplearts.com. And thank you so much for being a part of this community. Thank you for your patience and receiving episode 42.

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May you have a beautiful transition from this Gregorian year of 2021 into 2022. As the Wheel of the Year has already shifted into you'll we're already at that season of rebirth, and renewal. And may you really soak in the truth that you are limitless, and harness that pure potential that is right there available to you. And so it is we're going to culminate with a guided meditation that I've pulled from the archives that I believe will be super supportive to you during this transition. And I look forward to circling back around with you in episode 43. Blessed be.

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Take a moment and find yourself seated or come lay down free of distractions free of electronics, closing the door to the space you're in and doing whatever it is necessary to create a sacred, quiet space. And allow yourself as you sit or lie down, allow the body to become nice and heavy, deeply, deeply relaxed. Allow the breath to lengthen and deepen and find its own natural rhythm here and now. And as you do so, allow wave after wave of deep relaxation to enter in through the soles of the feet and travel up through the ankles and the shins and the calves and the thighs up into the pelvic bull and all the digestive organs up through the vertebrae. up into the lung as in the heart, up through the shoulders going down the arms down through the wrists out to the fingertips and cascading back up the arms. Gentle wave of relaxation coming up through the throat and then up to all of the muscles of the face and the head of the bones of your head and your whole body just deeply, deeply relaxing. Of the hair on your head deeply, deeply relaxing. Allowing the bones of you, to connect to the bones of Mother Earth. The place of mineral memory where your story, your ancestral story is stored. Welcoming in this wise holy part of yourself welcoming in your female lineage, your male lineage, all of your ancestral lineage, welcoming in the yin and the yang, welcoming in the unification that mystical marriage deep deep from within welcoming, welcoming all parts of yourself here and now as another deep wave of relaxation runs through your entire system, and you begin to feel yourself lying on the earth, in a hot desert, sun filled day.

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And this beautiful vulture bird comes and lands next to you. And as you're lying there, the vulture gently gracefully begins to pick away the parts of you that are no longer heal the parts of you that are ready to shed to dissolve, to let go. The parts of you that are deceased, that have forgotten, that have lost their way This vulture begins to pick away gracefully, easefully all of these parts of you. And you just allow as you lie here, you allow yourself to be picked away. You allow the muscles that carry the paradigms that are so far from your true essence to be picked away, to be devoured and consumed. And as you lie there, you begin to find yourself coming back to the very bones of who you are, just as your ancestors have done. And you find your bones lying there.

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So beautiful, like these beautiful quartz crystals. And the pure desert sun beams down upon them, activating them all the way from the Great Central Sun of all suns, the great cosmic sun of all suns, bringing in these codes of light of intelligence of healing these star seed codes filled with the great remembering you allow these bones of yours to be filled with these light codes. And this beautiful vulture begins to flap her wings. She begins to flap her wings and dance the sacred dance around your bones of your body. And as she does so, you begin to grow new life, new muscles, new blood, new skin, new hair, new teeth, new nails and you feel yourself filling out as you breathe in this hot desert sun and hear and feel the flapping of the vultures wings. You smell her scent upon you

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and your flesh is fully grown out and you are this new life and you find yourself being drawn to come into this fetal position. And you hug like this beautiful little rock in the center of this womb, of the Key of Life, The Ankh symbol, you find yourself... holding yourself like a beautiful brand new baby in this womb of life, womb of creation. With your cells of all of your body singing with this new light, these light codes from the great cosmic sun, of creation. And you allow you allow your senses to be washed over. By the intelligence of your ancestors, you allow your senses to be washed over by the intelligence of your descendants. You allow this wisdom to come through, you allow the support to come through in this moment, as you begin to hold within your three grills of wisdom, your womb, your heart, your third eye, you hold in the sacred space, you hold the vision, the prayers, the intentions, the seeds, the seeds of plenty, that you are here, to cultivate in the sacred life and the neck beds, she comes now to fly through the air all around you, blessing you and your auric field, you and your lineage blessing you. And you receive the sacred blessing, the sacred dance. You receive this holy purification and rejuvenation and regeneration. You receive and you give great thanks and you allow yourself to receive deeper and deeper and deeper.

t Saturn Pluto conjunction of:

May Isis heal me as she healed her son Horus of all the pains which were brought on him. Thou great Enchantress, heal me, save me from all evil, things of darkness from the epidemic and deadly diseases and infections of all sorts that sprang upon me as thou hast saved and freed Horus. Free me from all possible evil, hurtful things of darkness from epidemic and deadly fevers of all kinds. And so it is.

About the Podcast

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Stars, Stones and Stories: Ancient Future Myth & Astrology
Crystalize Your Medicine

About your host

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Danielle Marie

Awaken Your Star Heritage through Goddess Astrology, Cosmology, and Pilgrimage within GOLDEN GATE ESOTERAKA.

Danielle Marie, also known as RaMa is the pillar of an Ancient Future Mystery School. She is an interdisciplinary artist, international woman of medicine, astrologer, cosmic high priestess, doula, childbirth educator, herbalist, gridkeeper, pilgrimage steward, sound healer and yogic scientist. She has studied the art of starkeeping for over 30 years and holds a Master of Arts in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology with Merit through The Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture at the University of Wales.

Danielle practices Goddess Astrology, her alchemical blend of Ancient and Modern Western techniques that activate the Ancient Future Feminine frequency within you. Danielle is dedicated to aligning the spiritual realms with academic intelligence. Her astrological practice leans upon yogic philosophy and an extensive practice of meditation, sound healing, ancestral healing and Daoist stone medicine.

Danielle offers Quantum Healing Hypnosis journeys as taught by Dolores Cannon, serving as a consciousness midwife. She leads pilgrimages upon the Magdalene Trail to Egypt, Avalon and the South of France.

GOLDEN GATE ESOTERAKA Ancient Future Mystery School houses a living library of courses like Danielle's signature EarthSeed and Skywalkers. A thriving private online community is woven through The Chalice. Initiates are led on a path of deep internal self-discovery with programs like Goddess Astrology and Grail Quest.

You may discover more at ancientfuturemystery.school where every offering is a living prayer for you to Cultivate Deep Roots and Make Miracles with the Cosmos.