Episode 95

7 7 7 Sirius Stargate

Align your consciousness with the power of the number 7 and the Sirius Stargate on this day of the 7th of the seventh month of this seven year. You will also receive an astrological reflective interpretation of the past month and what is coming up in the cosmic weather for this next week. Find clarity within the chaos.

Offerings to Nourish You in These Radical Times

Cancer Dark Moon Women's Wisdom in West Asheville 16th July 7:30-9:30 pm

We are the Magdalenes retreat in honor of Venus Rx and Mary Magdalene's Feast Day in West Asheville 22nd July 12-7 pm

8:8 Lion's Gate 8:8 Global Ceremonial Teaching (recording available)

Ma Magick Join in this Moonthly Membership Lunar Council for Wisdomkeepers here

Book Your 1:1 Divination Session with Ra Ma for crystalline clarity

Receive Your Gift from Ra Ma: Weekly Venusian Love Notes and the 7 Keys to Cultivate Your Unique Daily Practice

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Visit EarthSeed Temple Arts and Ra Ma's mystery school to learn more

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Ra Ma:

Welcome to stars, stones and stories. I am your host Rama and together we are weaving Ancient Future wisdom as we birth the New Earth. If you're into astrology, cosmology, living mythology, earth based spirituality and ancestral healing, you are home. If you've stumbled upon this podcast and are new to these topics, this is sovereign sanctuary to expand and deepen your wisdom. As a cosmic priestess, I witness many at the threshold of great transformation. I specialize in astrological divination, sacred site activations and priestess arts for the Aquarian Age. You may learn more about my work and budding Mystery School at Earthseedtemplearts.com Or follow Earthseedtemplearts on Instagram. This community is your opportunity to claim your story, your unique identity and power knowing that you are the hero of your own journey. You are a hologram for the collective and you matter. The world needs your gifts and creativity now more than ever. Crystallize your medicine.

Ra Ma:

Oh great ancient ones, great ancestors, we call to you. May you hear the voices of your descendants traversing through time and space. We humbly ask for your support, your wise medicine ways and your genius solutions in these times. Dear ancestors, we wish to partner with you for we know we cannot do this alone. As we traverse the mystery we ask that you, our starry ancestors are with us each breath of the way. May we have clarity of mind and Crystaline vision to see through the dark. May we walk our paths of high holy truth as that is what is needed now more than ever. And so it is.

Ra Ma:

Welcome to the 777 Sirius Stargate. On this day of recording this transmission, this seventh day of the seventh month of the seventh year 2023 which adds up to this powerful potent number of seven numbers are sequences and they are ultimately keys to unlock doors to unlock gateways. And on this day, we are at a place in our astrology where the sun is aligned with the star of Sirius.

Ra Ma:

The Sirius star system, the Dog Star, some called the gods star, sparkling or scorching is the derivation of the word. And for the Egyptians. Sirius is known as Sopdet. Sopdet, the home of Great Mother Isis herself, Sopdet the celestial goddess the brightest, visible star only outshone by Venus, a space, a place of high vibration, deep love and transcendental teachings for the planet Earth. A place where we may receive broadcasts from Sirius that awaken our souls, open us to our spiritual gifts align us with our divine service.

Ra Ma:

We can imagine we can open our sensory system to perceive the ancient Assyrian light transmitting to us through earth and these ancient future times. The Egyptian calendar was based on lunar cycles of about 30 days, and the helical rising of Sirius was aligned in a way so that it tracked the flooding of the Nile. The Nile World, who processed the power to judge men and cut them down with moon shaped sickles. In Greece, a temple dedicated to Artemis and Athena, seven carted stood as the columns of the temples. These carted were Moon priestesses, the seven high priestesses who are the Pillars of Wisdom called The Seven mothers. In Greek mythos, the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades were a flock of doves born to Aphrodite, a Greek goddess who has ties to Hathor in old Babylon. The New Year originally began with the rising sign of the Pleiades, rather than the more traditional sign of the Ram. And we can see this connection to the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades and the seven Hathors within your physical body. You have seven main chakras, seven main wheels of light energy portals, seven gates, and in many indigenous wisdom traditions, we often look to the seven generations that have come before and the seven generations yet to come. There are seven laws to the Age of Aquarius, the Divine Law of Attraction, the Divine Law of resonance, the Divine Law of co creation, the Divine Law of harmonic Association, the Divine Law of design, the Divine Law of order, and the Divine Law of manifestation.

Ra Ma:

Ultimately, seven is a number of trust and openness. And so I asked you how may you trust the process of your life and allow your experience to open before you like the pedals have arose. In yogic philosophy seven is the auric body the electromagnetic field of the energy that surrounds and protects your physical manifestation. The aura is also a container for our pranic body, our breath body, our vital life force, a seven frequency guides to utilize the auric field as a platform of elevation of mercy of security of love, to ultimately uplift others. This frequency is very much aligned to the planet Venus. And if you desire to strengthen the auric field, you are encouraged to wear natural fibers and to wear the color white and meditate often. In honor of the 777 gateway. I invite you to affirm "I am a vibrational match to all of my desires. I am a vibrational match to all of my desires. I am a vibrational match to all of my desires."

Ra Ma:

As we gather around on this Venus day on this gateway in honor of the Sirius star system, and the beginning emergence of that Lions Gate portal as we prepare for this most potent Venus retrograde in Leo which we are already immersed within that front end shadow. I encourage you to utilize this summer to reflect and review and to come home to yourself in so many ways, to come home to your heart, to come home to your authenticity. Now is the time.

Ra Ma:

It is such an honor and a joy to circle back around with you all through stars, stones and stories. I took an inadvertent unplanned summer sabbatical. And I've been away from recording for you for the past four weeks. And it has been such a nourishing journey for me to take time off from writing and podcasting and to really go deep within, into a place of quiet. As many of you know I was on pilgrimage and come at with a beautiful group of women and my daughter. And it was amazing and I welcomed in my solar return and now I'm preparing for the first pass of my Uranus opposition. So it is such a personally profound time for me. And I was working so hard to prepare content for you all before I left for my pilgrimage. And although I had everything organized and aligned, every time I sat down to record, the words would just not flow. And I tried and I tried and I tried and I finally surrendered. And I said, I let go and let go, and it's all going to be okay. I can just let go and let it flow. And so for the month of June, I've been very quiet. And I allowed my time in Kemet to be a time to really come into a deeper communion with the land and the Neteru,, the spirits of nature, when we consider Neter, the realm of the Neter. Neter is something that is beautiful, and also connected to the gods and the goddesses of ancient Egypt, this ancient future land, and these gods and goddesses up here and archetypal forms to connect us to the various aspects of nature. The whole Egyptian cosmology exist to align you with your connection to the powerful elements.

Ra Ma:

And what a beautiful way to participate in such a journey as to swim in the holy waters and bask in the sun and breathe in the air and walk on the land and allow tears to be shared and stories to be shared, and songs to be sung. It was a powerful time to travel in Egypt. And I am so grateful. So grateful for these pilgrimages, and I already have people curious about what is coming up next. And I wish to say that yes, there will be pilgrimages offered in 2024. Definitely to Egypt, and we shall see about other locations, I encourage you to make sure you're receiving my weekly Venusian Love Notes if you are interested in future pilgrimages, and I plan to have all the details out about my 2024 pilgrimages by this September.

Ra Ma:

And so in this episode, we will explore what is coming up astrologically. However, I wish to take you on a bit of journey of what we missed while I was abroad, and what I had hoped to deliver to you all before I departed. So we're going to briefly review some of the major transits of June into early July.

Ra Ma:

On Sunday, the 11th of June, we had mercury shift into one of its home signs of Gemini. So this planetary frequency of communication, perception and reasoning shifted from earthy and stable Taurus into airy and mutable Gemini. Mercury traveled through the sign of Gemini until the 26th of June, where it then shifted into sweet and sensitive and tenacious cancer, this water cardinal sign that knows how to take action. And so we've had this opportunity this summer to really express our true nature and to commune with our Beloved's in a sociable and lively way but also in a very sensitive and nourishing way that can ultimately create safety for deep dives in conversations.

Ra Ma:

On the Sunday, the 11th of June, Pluto also shifted retrograde in Capricorn. Now Pluto retrograde the first of May of this year at zero degrees 22 arc minutes Aquarius and as it has shifted into the sign of Capricorn, we are collectively reviewing the major lessons and themes that we've been experiencing with Pluto and Capricorn since 2008.

Ra Ma:

Between this year of 2023 and through the end of the year of 2025, Pluto will shift back and forth between the sign of Capricorn and aquarius, bridging this gap in consciousness bridging this gap in ages a shift in age. When I say age, I mean a paradigm, a way of culture exhibiting itself in collective reality on the earth and a way that we as humans are going through a deep process of transformation. Where Pluto lives, there is a great potential for the rising of Kundalini, an opportunity for regeneration and renewal. And therefore we have these paradigms closing and ways of relating through collective reality that are no longer working. Essentially an old age is dying and a new age is coming to light. Now Pluto will station direct at 27 degrees 53 arc minutes Capricorn on the 10th of october this fall. And really between now and the end of October, we have some pretty intense astrology happening we have a lot of planets retrograde, including this Venus retrograde we're preparing for. And in August we'll have another Mercury Retrograde once we clear those then we're preparing for the Fall eclipse season. And I share this with you because yes, the astrology is pretty intense right now and that means what can you do in your life to navigate through the intensity in a very conscious way.

Ra Ma:

I invite you to affirm, "I am connecting with the star beings to receive cosmic guidance through transition of the ages. I connect to my true home which is the living and breathing multiverse."

Ra Ma:

Now on Saturday, the 17th of June we also had another planet shift retrograde and that is Saturn, this beautiful planetary force that acts as a bridge between the body and the spirit and teaching you how to be here now. Saturn shifted retrograde at seven degrees 13 arc minutes Pisces and as a refresher, Saturn entered into the sign of Pisces on the seventh of March of 2023. Saturn will shift direct at zero degrees 30 arc minutes Pisces on the fourth of November.

Ra Ma:

So between now and November, this Lord of the material world is distilling transpersonal, the real opportunities for you to develop your boundlessness. During a Saturn retrograde you are invited to be more patient and to avoid rushing or forcing activities, particularly around business, and particularly wherever those early degrees of Pisces or Virgo live within your chart. And you could even consider the early degrees of Gemini and Sagittarius as those are all of the mutable signs. So until early November, I encourage you to double check your dealings particularly in business. You are being guided to find the gifts through the boundaries that Saturn offers you. Meditate on the microcosm and the macrocosm. Knowing there's a divine order to all of creation.

Ra Ma:

We had a very beautiful Gemini New Moon conjunct the asteroid goddess Juno and that was on Sunday the 18th of June and that new moon aligned at 26 degrees 43 arc minutes Gemini conjunct the silver gate of man opposing the Golden Gate of God married to the asteroid goddess Juno, who on a higher level, Juno relates to tantric sexuality, bliss, magic and rejuvenation. So this new moon offered a special frequency and a window of high potency energies to prepare you for the solstice point that came just a few days later. And as I'm recording this podcast for you on 777 We are still operating under the foundation of this Gemini New Moon that really asked you "what am I being called to rebirth? Where am I committed? How do I magnify Bliss in my life? What magick Am I here to create?"

Ra Ma:

And I wish to remind you, that what you already know deep within the cells of your body that there is plenty here on planet Earth. As you flow with the river of abundance, you see the divine light in all of creation. On Wednesday, the 21st of June, the sun shifted into the sign of cancer, as we welcomed summer solstice in the Northern hemisphere and winter solstice in the Southern hemisphere. The great Wheel of the Year turned and this time of summer solstice, also known as Lithia, ignites the zenith of the sun and these rays of light exists to remind you of your own unique power and purpose. This solstice was quite unique as the sun aligned in Cancer and the moon aligned in Leo offering this role reversal, as the moon is ruled by cancer and the sun is ruled by Leo or vice versa. The sun rules over Leo and the moon rules over the sign of cancer. Meanwhile, a stellium within the Zodiac of Leo was awakening each one of us and our divinity and our eternal codes of nobility. Although we are already immersed within summer solstice, you are still welcome to celebrate this time of the zenith of the sun, perhaps choose one night to stay up all night and watch the sunrise welcoming the stable solar force that emanates from deep within.

Ra Ma:

As above so below, as we see through this powerful Wheel of the Year. The Festival of attainment is also the celebration of the return of the dark. So once we reached the summer quarter point in the Northern hemisphere and the sun shifts into cancer, we also begin to welcome days that become shorter and shorter and an increase of darkness. Meanwhile, the fertility of the land is ripe. Greens are abundant, herbs and flowers are bountiful, baby animals are growing. And so this reminds us to celebrate to enjoy our lives. As the sun is at the height of its power, we are welcoming the duality of all things. The light, the dark, the Yin, the Yang, the masculine, the feminine, and offering some form of ritual at some point throughout the summer or if you live in the southern hemisphere the winter is a beautiful way to bring in that which you honor the most about your life at this time.

Ra Ma:

On Friday, the 30th of June, Neptune also shifted retrograde at 27 degrees 41 arc minutes Pisces. Neptune, the planetary archetype of unconditional love ruling the dreamscape and the unconscious, Neptune wishes to merge, to dissolve boundaries and in Pisces Neptune allows you to connect with your limitless potential. So as Neptune is now retrograde, you may feel called to reevaluate your far reaching visions. Neptune will station direct at 24 degrees 53 arc minutes Pisces on the sixth of November between now and then you may allow your inner compass to be the anchor of support, trusting your inner resources to guide your dreams to realization. And finally, on the third of July, we had a very potent Capricorn Full Moon.

Ra Ma:

At 11 degrees 18 arc minutes aligned with the holy day of Guru Purmina, a time to honor your teachers and the teachings that have fed you throughout your incarnation. As this Full Moon opposed mercury and cancer and squared Chiron and Aries. A moment was opened with this lunation for your deeper healing. And so for many of us, we were feeling extra tender. Guru Purmina is a traditional time to honor the academic, the spiritual mentors, any being that has assisted you in this incarnation. Every beings first teacher is their mother and quite often the second teacher is the father.

Ra Ma:

We are still within a window where you may give gratitude to these beings who have passed on their wisdom to you. Guru is the frequency of that which brings consciousness from the darkness to the light through mystery invoking clarity.

Ra Ma:

And as we turned towards this weekend, on Sunday, the ninth of July, Mars comes to meet the fixed royal star of Regulus. Regulus is the most royal star among all of the fixed stars and is known to be the heart of the celestial lion astrologically, the heart is ruled by the sun as is the lion. So Regulus is this most royal part of the Royal constellation. And we are really opening up our consciousness to this lion, lioness season as we're opening this Sirius Stargate. And soon the Lions Gate portal.

Ra Ma:

These lion, lioness teachings that connect to your kingly, queenly codes of creation to the most noble part of yourself, the most sovereign part of yourself in really, truly knowing that any one who is a leader is ultimately in divine service. And so we are entering a portal where we are encouraged to connect to our divinity, and through our divinity to connect to our purpose, and through a knowing of our purpose to actualize our service within the world within this earthly plane.

Ra Ma:

So on Sunday, the ninth of July, there's an opportunity for you to take some form of embodied action towards your life as an expression of divine service. And on Monday, the 10th of July, Mars shifts into the sign of virgo and Pallas Athena also shifts into the sign of virgo the sign of the great celestial mother that aligns with service. So this theme of service is coming on very strong for us in this upcoming week. And service can look and appear in so many different ways. True service comes from a space and a place of devotion, devotion, offering of yourself. of your time, of your being, of your arms, which are an extension of your heart space of your mind, of your voice. Offering in a way that comes from true love and that deep knowing that your potential is infinite and your reserves are infinite.

Ra Ma:

On Tuesday, the 11th of July, Mercury shifts into the sign of Leo, shifting our collective communication to be more creative, more spontaneous, more expressive, more fiery, more fierce, more passionate. So we're coming into a couple of weeks where you're really encouraged to be strong and confident and clear in your messaging and put yourself out there in all the ways that you're called to. As we're working through these transits. We're also waning right now. We're waning with the Pisces Moon, we're waning from that Gemini New Moon and this is a time of great reflection and in preparation for Venus retrograde season, so we'll be exploring these themes around the Venus retrograde in more depth in upcoming episodes. And in the meantime, I encourage you to book a one on one astrological divination session with yours truly. Book it now to align yourself with Crystaline clarity within the chaos for this Venus retrograde season and the summer of 2023. And what you can do now to prepare yourself for this upcoming fall.

Ra Ma:

I have a few other offerings I'd like to share with you. On the 16th of July I'm offering in person and West Asheville, the cancer Darkmoon women's wisdom circle, that will be from 7:30 to 9:30pm. Also in person on the 22nd and 23rd of July, that's a Saturday and Sunday. I am offering a two day we are the Magdalene men's retreat and it is going to be so potent and powerful where we dive deep into this Magdalene cosmology into this Venus retrograde you will experience Kundalini yoga and meditation and breath work, sound healing, toning, stone medicine and so many other transmissions will be shared on this weekend in honor of Mary Magdalene feast day and the exact alignment of Venus retrograde. So that will be a two day retreat each day is from two to 7pm.

Ra Ma:

And then finally, as I mentioned on the eighth of August from eight to 10pm, Eastern Daylight Time will be the Lions Gate eight portal, a ceremonial teaching taught online, live and recorded. You may sign up for any of these offerings by clicking the link in bio or going straight to my website Earthseedtemplearts. Also I want to encourage you if you are not already a Ma Magick member of this beautiful inner circle, you are invited to join us within that portal as well for deeper support through all of these astrological shifts, and through the cycles and the tides of the moon.

Ra Ma:

I'm so grateful to be back with you all and look forward to deeper transmissions over the coming weeks. If you find yourself in the Chicago area in September, I will be presenting at the pyramid conference and so also within the link in bio I will... within the show notes I will share with you how you can sign up for the pyramid conference. And please say that I send to you so that you are aligned with my guestlis. May there be peace to the east. Peace to the south, peace to the west and peace to the north. May that peace anchor deep within the heart of Mother Earth and spiral out through the infinite cosmos threading right back into the center of your heart.

Ra Ma:

And may you affirm "I am a vibrational match to all of my desires. I am a vibrational match to all of my desires. I am a vibrational match to all of my desires." And so it is. Ashe.

Ra Ma:

Thank you so much for sharing sacred space. I invite you to dive into my offerings of alchemical astrology Mystery School teachings and global pilgrimages at Earthseedtemplearts.com. Ensure you are receiving my weekly Venusian Love Notes delivered each Friday to your inbox and you can sign up for those at Earthseedtemplearts. You may follow me on YouTube at Earthseedtemplearts, Instagram @Earthseedtemplearts and also @starsstonesandstories on Instagram where you will receive regular insights and updates about our current cosmic weather.

About the Podcast

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Stars, Stones and Stories: Ancient Future Myth & Astrology
Crystalize Your Medicine

About your host

Profile picture for Ra Ma

Ra Ma

Discover Your Star Heritage through Goddess Astrology, Healing, Magic, and Pilgrimage within GOLDEN GATE ESOTERAKA.

RaMa Danielle-Marie, the pillar of this Ancient Future Mystery School is an interdisciplinary artist, international woman of medicine, alchemical astrologer, cosmic high priestess, doula, childbirth educator, herbalist, gridkeeper, pilgrimage steward, sound healer and yogic scientist. She has studied the art of starkeeping for over 30 years and holds a Master of Arts in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology with Merit through The Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture at the University of Wales.

RaMa practices Goddess Astrology, her alchemical blend of Ancient and Modern Western techniques that activate the Ancient Future Feminine frequency within you. RaMa is dedicated to aligning the spiritual realms with academic intelligence. Her astrological practice leans upon yogic philosophy and an extensive practice of mediation, sound healing, ancestral healing and Daoist stone medicine.

RaMa offers Quantum Healing Hypnosis journeys as taught by Dolores Cannon, serving as a consciousness midwife. She leads annual pilgrimages upon the Magdalene Trail to Egypt, Avalon and the South of France.

GOLDEN GATE ESOTERAKA Ancient Future Mystery School houses a living library of courses like RaMa's signature EarthSeed and Skywalkers. A thriving private online community is woven through The Chalice. Initiates are led on a path of deep internal self-discovery with programs like Goddess Astrology and Grail Quest.

You may discover more at ancientfuturemystery.school where every offering is a living prayer for you to Cultivate Deep Roots and Make Miracles with the Cosmos.