Episode 7

We are the Magdalenes

In this episode we explore Magdalene consciousness, healthy legacy and lineage in the Aquarian Age, the Solar Gate of Llamas, the Lion's Gate portal and the upcoming Aquarius Full Moon on August 3rd. We culminate with a guided journey to integrate this wisdom.


listener love 05:58

healthy legacy and lineage in the Aquarian Age 09:50

current astrological influences 19:03

a crystal capture of the Lion's Gate Portal 52:49

guided meditation 57:48

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Ra Ma:

Welcome to stars, stones and stories. I am your host Rama and together we are weaving Ancient Future wisdom as we birth the New Earth. If you are into astrology, cosmology, living mythology, earth based spirituality, Kundalini technology and ancestral healing, you are home. If you stumbled upon this podcast and are new to these topics, this is sovereign sanctuary to expand and deepen your wisdom. As a cosmic priestess, I witnessed many at the threshold of great transformation. I specialize in astrological divination, sacred site activations and priestess arts for the Aquarian Age. You may learn more about my work at Rama tribe.com Or follow Rama tribe on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and support the work at patreon.com/Ramatribe. This community is your opportunity to claim your story, your unique identity and power knowing that you are the hero of your own journey. You are a hologram for the collective and you matter. The world needs your gifts and creativity now more than ever, crystallize your medicine.

Ra Ma:

Welcome to episode seven. Seven is one of my favorite numbers. So I'm really grateful to be here with you. And I just love this episode and I hope you will too. We're going to dive into Magdalene consciousness, healthy legacy and lineage and the Aquarian Age, the solar gate of Lamass, Lughnasadh, the Aquarius Full Moon and the Lions Gate portal will culminate in a guided journey to assist you with integrating and anchoring all of this wisdom.

Ra Ma:

Ancestors, ancestors, ancestors we call to you, we call to you we call to you. We're so grateful for your lives. And we know we cannot do this alone. We cannot do this without you. So we welcome you. We welcome your backing and your genius solutions to pour forth like sweet Ambrosial Nectar from the other world. Thank you, ancestors, thank you for your gifts, your trials. Thank you for providing the shoulders upon that which we stand upon. Thank you for your support, seen and unseen in these times. And we welcome in the powers and spirits of the east the element of air, the powers and spirits of the South, the element of fire, the powers and spirits of the West, the element of water, the powers and spirits of the North, the element of Earth. We welcome all of the directions and all of the keepers of the directions. We ground into Mother Earth, and from this anchored space, where we are connected and fully immersed in our sense of belonging. We gaze up into the cosmos and we welcome in all the planetary beings, the luminaries, all the goddess and God asteroids, our starseed nations and our guides and our guardians of the holiest in the highest calibers. So walk with us in the secret journey of life

Ra Ma:

thank you for being here. So far over 700 people have dropped into this tribe with 27 countries represented. I offer my love to Spain, Singapore, New Zealand, Nepal, Israel, Hong Kong, Greece, Germany, Egypt, Austria, Netherlands, Italy, Hungary, Brazil, Ghana, France, Switzerland, Japan, Mexico, Denmark, Australia, the UAE, Thailand, Ireland, Canada, the UK, and the United States. I believe that any podcast is a form of collaboration. Your experience as the listener matters deeply. Please, I invite you to direct message me on social media on Instagram, Facebook, I'm at Rama tribe, and at stars, stones and stories. Or you can email me Satnaam@Ramakaur.com. And drop me a message let me know what you love about the show what you wish there was less of any particular show submission ideas you have or specific questions that I may address in future episodes. I would really love to hear from you. And I'd like to offer a listener shout out to Laura in San Francisco. Thank you so much for sharing your love around what you're learning around Egyptian cosmology and Greek mythology. How you're diving into your own healing well of potential, keep it up. And thank you for sharing this podcast with your sisterhood. Some of you write to me asking how you may support the show and that you can't believe that I put so much together for a podcast. And I would love your support by sharing the podcast. Share your favorite episode with at least three new friends or family members loved ones. And if you're interested in financially supporting the show, I have a Patreon page. It's patreon.com/Ramatribe. And also on my website Ramatribe.com/astrology I have a number of services available if you're interested in a private paid reading. I really love holding space with people and diving into their charts. It's just a launching pad for such a beautiful collaboration between you between the other worlds and my own education and intuition. So if you're interested, I'd love to connect with you in a private session. Also, stay tuned to my events page for virtual gatherings, for in person gatherings in the western North Carolina area and for upcoming pilgrimages. My fingers and toes are crossed that we will make our Egypt pilgrimage manifest this December of 2020 and there will be future pilgrimages coming up for 2021. So stay tuned, healthy legacy and lineage in the Aquarian Age is all about Coming to center. We are past the time and space where we can look beyond ourselves. There is no looking outside for answers, the age of the Guru is dead. In the Kundalini Yoga technology we are taught Guru is one who brings you from darkness, to light. And as we chant Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo, as we bow, we are bowing to that highest wisdom from deep deep within. We are culminating The Age of Pisces, which was an age of

Ra Ma:

top down leadership, where information was obscure, and were one who wanted to receive even a given meditation. It could take many, many years of devotion to one particular teacher before you even get one mantra or one meditation. We have graduated from that space, and we sit here and now in between these ages, we're in the Aquarian Age, but we've just entered and so we're in a transition time, the Age of Aquarius is a time where each human being becomes more subtle, more light filled, more in alignment with the divine. As we become more subtle, we become more intuitive. Every human being becomes more intuitive, even those whom never even considered themselves intuitive. It is a human's birthright to be intuitive. And in the Aquarian Age, we are coming to the realization of our sovereign, right to be intuitive. We have a truth detector from deep within that has become activated. Each one of us is our own ultimate teacher. Each one of us is on such a unique journey, that no human being incarnate could actually understand the intricacy and the complexity of our souls mission. And with that, in the Aquarian Age, there is such a fine line between honoring a teacher and putting one on a pedestal honoring the lineage and yet seen and your own divine sovereign truth. And so in this time, we're learning what this means to have healthy legacy and lineage in the Aquarian Age. The days of listening to a teacher blindly, have passed. In this age of experience, it is important to acknowledge whom we have learned from whom has shaped us and whom we owe our growth evolution to. Quite often, it's many different teachers, not just one, it can be beans that perhaps we've never known. In human flesh. Teachers can be trees and rocks, and the very air that we breathe, so many different aspects of creation have the opportunity to be a teacher to us. In many ways, our mothers are our first teachers, whether we are adopted, or we never really come to know our mothers, we develop in her womb. And in the mother's womb, we receive a lot of information about the world as we know it. We receive emotional codes of information, we receive sounds and feelings and senses. We taste the food our mother ingests. We ingest. We go with her everywhere. We hear her conversations, and we feel her we feel her reaction to the conversations that she has around her. So we learn early on how safe the world is according to our mother's lens. And then, for many of us, our mother raises us at least in the first few years of life. And so through this we continue to be shaped by our mother through this womb consciousness journey. So the mother The mother frequency is very important here on Earth, as is the father frequency. It is believed in the next three years of life the father imprints the child more from the age of three to six. And this is where this essence of the divine feminine and the divine masculine began to really take root from within, on a 3D consciousness level. It is because of the mother line and the father line. It is because of this connection that it is important that we feed the lineages from which we come from. As we feed the lineage is we keep the wisdom alive.

Ra Ma:

In this time that we live in, there is not one lineage that is free from oppression or from trauma or from drama. Every lineage has oppressors in it. Every lineage has tyrants in it. Every lineage has victims in it. Every lineage has wisdom keepers in it. Every lineage has teachers in it. Every lineage has indigenous blood within it. And in this Aquarian Age, it is important that we find ways to connect deep deep deep back into the lineage to find the parts of ourselves where we've been wisdom keepers. Where our indigenous roots lie it is important we also face the other aspects of our lineage. And we feed we feed our lineage. We give thanks, we give gratitude for the lessons that have brought us to where we are now to the shoulders of those whom we stand upon in these times. In honor, I wish to offer gratitude to the lineage of teachers I have come to known in this lifetime, who have shaped me in such a powerful way and I offer these I offer gratitude to these beings in no specific order. And this is not the full list but this was the list I came up with and so I know once I speak these names, many more will come up from my psyche at a given point. I give gratitude to the teachers and the mentors who have helped shaped who I am today. I give gratitude and thanks to elder Malidoma Some, to Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, to Hank Wesselman, to Dr. Aviva Romm, to Gail Faith Edwards, Susan Read, Vaughn Benjamin, Dimitra George DK Brainard, Tish, Dr. Bernadette Brady, Dr. Dorian Greenbaum, Tom Kenyon, Jeffrey Yuen, Omileye Lewis, Michel Odent, Ana Paula Markel, Dr. Robert Mohar, Frida Kahlo, Ana Mendieta, Mumia Abu-Jamal, William Brayton, and Tom Hacksaw.

Ra Ma:

As I've said before, in 2020 astrologically, we are literally free falling, particularly with Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Pallas Athene all in Capricorn. They're dismantling the structures of the status quo in different ways. Really bringing up to the surface what has been hidden that which no longer serving us personally ancestrally collectively, there is a sacred death occurring within each one of us. We live in a time where I believe we are like the volunteers of our lineages. We came here intentionally knowing that we were going to be doing some immensely heavy lifting We are dismantling generations of trauma and abuse through victim and tyrant consciousness. This is massive work. It is part of the reason why things feel so sober in these times. Because this work requires

Ra Ma:

a commitment, a devotion to sobriety. There are no simple solutions or quick fixes in this ever multiplying world of complexity. And at the same time, the way through, happens to be quite useful and elegant. There is a perfect plan in place for the planets to activate each one of us. We must be willing to sacrifice that which feels most dear, that which we may be the most attached to, we must be willing to shed to let go to dissolve, to die. To become ashes from these hot coals and from the ashes to rise, like the Phoenix Leo season is a time to shine with the radiance of the sun. As we connect with the solar frequency, the rising sun that kisses the eastern horizon every morning, the rising sun that connects us to the sun of all the suns to the Great Central Sun to the great cosmic sun. Leo season invokes 'I will', 'I will'... and connects with the solar plexus chakra the seat of our ability to manifest to protect this is a time of great passion of creativity, inspiration and opportunity to illuminate bright. This is the time to embody the royalty that you are inherently just by being human and breathing in life. This is the season of the Queen, the season of the King, the season of the true sovereign. A royal being is of divine service, sovereignty and truth. Leadership and the Aquarian Age demands this weaving of divine service sovereignty and truth honoring the authenticity from deep within the four chambers of the heart where the seed of truth sits. Within each human being. Each one of us you you have your own unique truth sovereignty to truly be sovereign is to dissolve the need of approval of any other being to be free and to fully embrace and embody that you are a creator here on earth and to take that responsibility with wisdom divine service to serve all that is holy and have the most High. Leo season is one of my favorite times of year perhaps my most favorite time of year. I love the radiance of the sun. And I love the cross quarter holiday that comes to light this time of year. Lamass, also known as a Lughnasadh. This is a time of year where we celebrate the midpoint between a summer solstice and fall equinox. This is the time of year that also is directly across the wheel. The seasonal wheel from Imbolc. In Imbolc, we plant seeds, as the ground is just beginning to stir. Yet they're still quite often snow and frost. And

Ra Ma:

now we are looking at the harvest of all that we have been dreaming. This is the celebration of the grain mother also was known as the festival of First Fruits. Summer is at its height. In ancient times, this was a tribal gathering time, a traditional time for traveling fairs, particularly for horse fairs in honor of Rhiannon, the horse goddess, the queen of the underworld, Queen of the Fae, a time of ritual games and of pilgrimage of walking across the land to sacred holy sites. This is the time that the sun creates union with Mother Earth. It is an especially a suspicious time for Handfasting means for marriages for confirmations. Gatherings would happen at sacred trees, ancient carns, Holy Wells on hilltops and other sacred places within nature. Fires were lit once on mounds such as Silbury Hill, which we find today and Avebury, the beautiful breasted mound near the stones, the sacred standing stones of Avebury, they bring this beautiful walk of unification between the divine feminine and the divine masculine. And as these fires were lit, they were to honor corn mother, as she gives birth to her harvest child, which is also the seed of next year's harvest. The grain mother, barley mother, corn mother, Danu, Demeter, Seres, great another Isis, Aset, the solar Queen goddess, the wise one of the Earth, the increaser of all divine feminine beings symbolizes the abundance of Mother Earth, she who has seed, she who has womb, she who has soil, she who is the great provider, she who is the provider of life, she who has the regenerative power, the regenerative Cauldron is central to Celtic spirituality. The regenerative Cauldron is central to many different indigenous cultures. through time and space, we are renewed by death, life, death, life again, and again. With this cross quarter holiday Lammas Lughnasadh we are the doorway to the inner realms as they begin to open once more. Fully opening the gates with sollen, which will come around All Hallows Eve. After all of the manifest energy and the activity of summer, we will begin to think fully turn inwards for regeneration and renewal of spirit. So that we may take time to rest and assimilate all that has transformed us throughout the sun's active masculine phase. And so this is also a time to begin to gather seeds that may be saved and planted. Next spring, it is a time to relish in the beams of the sun. And as a time to assimilate and gather our own harvest. The fruits of our active phase made manifest in the outer world. The intentions we have seated that which has come to light and that which still needs tending and honoring. We may begin and to assess our fruits and to take stock. We are reaping the harvest physically and metaphorically, spiritually and psychically and

Ra Ma:

with this, we come to the lunar gate of Lamass with the Aquarius Full Moon, which comes in on August 3. Moon day, August 3 at 11:59am Eastern Daylight Time. The sun in Leo opposes the full moon in Aquarius, each at 11 degrees 45 arc minutes. And as the sun and moon oppose one another, they square Uranus and Taurus any square is an opportunity for transformation. It is a time of intensity of restriction of constriction. Uranus is all about spontaneous genius solutions off planet frequencies, very electrical. When Uranus went into Taurus It marked the beginning of this necessary devotion to Mother Earth. So Uranus and Taurus is really asking us collectively and personally to awaken deeply to our connection to the earth to re awaken this where we have fallen asleep. And so this Aquarius Full Moon brings to light the spaces in the places where we need to connect and ground more to Mother Earth grounding is so important and these times there's some intensity with this Full Moon and Venus has cleared her shadow. She's direct in Gemini and she's conjunct the collective north node in Gemini so there's definitely a devotion, a higher call to connect ideas and concepts and share information with one another to connect with our local communities, with our tribes of people, our networks, to connect with our siblings and our neighbors and also to connect deeper then to that duality within that butterfly medicine. With this Full Moon, the Sun trines Mars and Chiron and Black Moon Lilith, in Aries. There is a lot of a lot of gifts, flowing fiery gifts. This is a passionate full moon. It is a time of really bringing light to areas to spaces and places particularly with this divine masculine frequency. This is a time from here through the rest of 2020 to really get in alignment with your father line to check in with your own self and where you can be more protective. You can be more resourceful where you can be more independent and really hold that space for yourself. So the Aquarius Full Moon is the lunar gate of Lamass and the Solar gate of Lamass is on August 6 And on this day Venus will still be conjunct the North Node. The Moon in Pisces will be conjunct Neptune retrograde and the sun will still be training Mars Chiron and Blackman Lilith and squaring Uranus and Taurus. So the frequency is going to be pretty similar to what we have with the Aquarius Full Moon. However, with the moon beginning to wane and Pisces conjunct Neptune retrograde in Pisces. This is a time to really check in with the dream, which has been a major theme throughout 2020 like keep coming back to that which we're visioning that which we're dreaming that which we are building for the long haul. And this time of year. Another reason why I love Leo season so much

Ra Ma:

is because we have this Lionsgate portal, which is fully activated on August 8. Eighth, eighth. The Lions Gate is deeply connected with the whole life cycle rising of the star Sirius. Many believe on July 26, we had the original date of the helical rising of this brilliant star Sirius, known as Sopdet by the ancient Egyptians and Sothis by the Greeks. Before the damming of the River Nile, the whole life cycle arising brought the annual flood of this golden, beautiful river. Ancient Egypt was so connected to the flooding of the Nile as this was when the land was fertile, and the harvest would be ready in divine timing. divine timing is not just a concept of the Ancients, it is still very much alive for each one of us and is truly a magical vortex. That is an inherent choice. This is part of our sovereignty as human creators. At any given moment, we have the ability to operate from this forcefield something I've been sharing a lot in my private sessions that I've really noticed. We all need to hear is that each one of us is right on time. You are right on time the fact that you are here now listening at this given moment, is an example of divine timing. The Lions Gate portal for me personally it's a time of year to really harness to grasp what it means to live in a frequency of divine timing. We're in the midst of Leo season and Leo season opened up on July 22, with Mary Magdalenes feastday. On that day, a crop circle appeared in the UK which marked the Venusian path forward it literally made a symbol of Venus. And what I speak about quite often is that Venus is a portal that many Ascended Masters have come through, particularly Mary Magdalene and Yeshua. Sopdet was the ancient home to Great Mother Iset, Isis and Mary Magdalene was a Priestess of Aset. So there's a lot of weaving, of breeding of consciousness happening within this Lionsgate portal, and we can go to the frequency of eight, eight. This is a manifestation gateway, a connection with our own inherent ability of prosperity of infinity. This is a time of year to receive the codes of light through the solar lens to receive the codes of light that come all the way from Sirius from the Stargate Sirius. Sopdet is a celestial goddess, the brightest visible star only out shun by Venus. Sopdet, Sirius is of the highest vibration, a source of deep love and seen by many mistakes as a source of spiritual teachings For Earth. For the beings of Earth. Sopdet connects with soul awakening gifts, divine service and ancient Assyrian light codes that transmit to Earth. The ancient Egyptian calendar was based on lunar cycles and the Heliacal rising of Sirius as the Nile flooded was timed by the cycles of the star.

Ra Ma:

And so today quite often we mark the Lions Gate particularly on August 8, however, the whole life cycle rising of Sirius will shift depending on where you are on planet Earth. And, again, this is a time to connect in with abundance with prosperity, knowing that true prosperity is more than money in the bank. true prosperity is health. It is the ability to enjoy life to celebrate that which you have to celebrate those whom you love to celebrate, and give gratitude. And the Lionsgate portal connects us to Leo, to the season of the heart. The four chambers of the heart, are the organ within the body as taught by the ancient Daoist, as I've learned through my teacher Jeffrey Yuen, that are literally a time travel device through time and space, taking us anywhere we may desire. And so this is an opportune time to deepen into our spiritual growth and to anchor our spiritual wisdom here on Earth. Now, it is a time of breakthroughs of miraculous healing and divine intervention. So as you continue to move through Leo season, I invite you to elevate your frequency with this Lionsgate portal with these light codes. And you can do meditations with the rising sun or with a setting sun in particular, to speak to the light codes and to ask them to go into your body and to work with the cells of who you are and to upgrade your consciousness to upgrade your consciousness to the highest caliber that you may safely hold at this given time. And as we think of these light codes of infinity 888 This ability to manifest to make the impossible I am possible. Eat connects us with the pranic body. With our lifeforce with our breath. This body gifts us the energy necessary for action and accomplishment. This is a powerful time particularly on August 8 to do breathwork, meditations, breathwork exercises and if you're interested in participating in some I have a YouTube channel at Rama tribe with a number of breath meditations that would be awesome to do on this Lionsgate portal. Eight takes us from that which is finite to infinity. And as we divide 888 into two we have 4444 being the number of stability and process for being an opportune time to build with consciousness about security, solid foundations responsibility, practicality, growth, calm and peace. And we're in a four year 2022 plus zero plus two plus zero adds up to four which is all about the neutral mind. Our ability to connect with that Guru deep within our psyche to balance the positive and negative charges to find the path of neutrality, which this year of 2020 is teaching each one of us in such a profound, profound way Meditation is essential to activate this neutrality and with the codes of 444. We may build this new Earth with consciousness.

Ra Ma:

And as we divide these light codes of 444 into two, we have 2-2-2 where we are being asked to trust the process. Two is a number of cooperation and balance, all about faith, encouragement. And finding that harmony, so necessary in any sacred union, particularly with the sacred union from deep within the divine masculine and the divine feminine. And as we divide 2-2-2 into two parts, we have 1-1-1 creativity and manifestation. One being all about independence, identity, confidence, the ability to tap into inner wisdom, intuition, manifestation, where thoughts become reality, where we are motivated by our ever increasing awareness and one connects us with our soul body. Our humility, our true self, our Satnaam our truth. We are the Magdalenes.

Ra Ma:

In episode six of stars, stones and stories, we explored Black Moon Lilith in Aries and Chiron in Aries. And we went on a journey with a Ka body. We spoke about Mary Magdalene, and her love for Yeshua and their sacred union of the divine feminine and the divine masculine coming together. And as they came together here on earth as they came through that Stargate of Venus, as they traveled through time and space, and fulfilled their sacred agreements here on Earth, their unification created codes of light. For us, in these times. We are the Magdalene means, we are here to live life on this sacred beautiful earth. As divine royal beings, as Queen, as king, as one who lives with divinity. from within. To crown thyself is to walk with the divine consciously, to be in service to the Divine, consciously, to be wrapped within your sovereign truth and to stand by your sovereign truth at all costs. This is to live knowing life that you are a creator. A divine creator, a divine spark, with immense infinite power. Harness this time of the Lions Gate, harness this power. To take the path of higher love requires courage and requires a deep bravery allow the radiance and the courage of Leo season to fill up every cell of your being. Be that pure channel and know and know that you came to earth to seed the future generations of the Holy Family. This dates back to Great Mother Aset to Osiris Ousire and their sacred child Horus, Heru. I learned from my dear brothe, my dear sacred brother in Egypt, Ahmed Khalifa I learned the phrase 'Anahur' that the Egyptians still say today, which means 'I am free', Anahur, Heru, Hor, Horus. I am free, I am sovereign, I am a child of the Divine unification. I am a Magdalene as the astrology of 2020 would have it. We are learning how much we are not in control in these times. This is my favorite time of year to steward pilgrimages on the land to connect great and deep into Mother Earth. And so, this year, I invite you to go on an inner pilgrimage. And as you go on this inner pilgrimage you may utilize this time to dissolve old grudges, to literally bonfire. All of your self sabotage mechanisms to choose the higher road to take personal responsibility

Ra Ma:

to dive deep into your own lineage work, knowing that wherever it feels most uncomfortable is where the true work is. To dissolve old fears, remember, fear stands for Fuck everything and run. And you've done that way too many times to count, you're ready to choose another path. Ground daily, anchor daily to Mother Earth, clear daily, purify daily. Acceleration is the name of the game for the rest of 2020. craft your intentions wisely. Each breath is an opportunity for co creation, you are the Sovereign of Your domain. You are a Magdalene because this Lionsgate portal is such a powerful and potent time of year to capture spiritual frequencies and transmissions and truly anchor them here and now into the earth plane into our 3d reality. I want to share with you a technique that I love to work with. And I think you're gonna love it too, it's very simple, you will need a quartz crystal of some kind or any kind of crystal will work however, I do highly recommend a clear quartz crystal. Even better if it's one that can stand up on its own, but no worries, whatever you have, will work. And if for some reason, you are not able to find one and you do not own one, or tend to one because we really don't own nature right. You can always find a local rock one in your yard in your neighborhood in your local forest. Any rock will do to be honest, however I do like clear quartz. So you're gonna take the stone and ask permission first. If you can work with the stone and see what the answer feels like. And if it is a no then you want to sit with that and see if maybe there are some offerings you can make on behalf of the stone so that the two of you can work together. Then you're going to clear the stone. My favorite way to clear stones is in running water freshwater, so not saltwater. Saltwater will actually damage crystals over time. Obviously not all rocks right because some rocks come from oceanic areas. However a lot of rocks will be damaged over time through the intensity of the salt. So river water tap water works fine. You can place the stone under some running water. Bear for 20 minutes and ask it to clear and the energies will clear. Then on the peak of the Lionsgate portal on August 8, I invite you to take the stone outside in the sun, perhaps at the beginning of the day as the sun is rising and let it stay outdoors all day until sunset. However, the peak of the peak would be high noon, to the early afternoon, and you're going to place the stone outdoors. And if it can stand on its own, allow it to stand on its own. And you're going to ask the quartz or the stone of your choice to capture the frequencies of the Lionsgate portal. And you can take a moment hold the stone at your heart, the portal of your heart of your authenticity of your sovereign divine truth. Hold the crystal there. Offer your gratitude. connect in with the Sirius Stargate, with ancient Sopdet, with Aset, whatever feels natural for you, with your own inner divinity and royalty.

Ra Ma:

Knowing that you deserve to be here, that you are needed on earth now that your particular medicine is needed. And you're gonna hold that crystal at your heart and offer up your gratitude and your prayers and then you can actually whisper into the stone that you would like it to capture the Lions Gate frequencies and that you invite only the highest and holiest calibers to come through and fill up the stone. And once this is complete, after the sunrise of the Lionsgate portal, you can then use the stone to charge sacred holy water. You can sleep with it under your pillow, you can meditate with it, the possibilities are truly endless. If it is just a solid quartz, you can actually place it in water as you charge. If it's a stone that might carry minerals that are challenging for the human body. You can direct it at a vessel of water and ask it to charge the water. So the stone will now carry these frequencies and be an ally and this will open up a whole new relationship for you around this Lionsgate portal.

Ra Ma:

Find a space where you can come lay down or sit undisturbed. I invite you to turn off all electronics and potential distractions. Make sure your body is comfortable. You've had a little sip of water and you're free from any hunger or other distractions. And as you find your seat really begin to soften through your body allow the bones to begin to connect with the bones of Mother Earth

Ra Ma:

take some nice long deep breaths

Ra Ma:

as you breathe imagine the ocean washing over you and allow mama ocean to just carry away any of your fears your worries, concerns and wash you purify you into this present moment.

Ra Ma:

Begin to visualize from the base of the spine and the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, red golden silver cords of light that are braided, going down, down down through all the layers of soil and sediment deep down into the core of Mother Earth. Or great grandmother hematite awaits you. Connecting you, with your mother line with the feminine frequency of all those who have come before you, activating your left hand side of your body connecting you with your father line with the masculine, the right side of your body, feeling threads of time and space, feeling the activation of your lineage knowing the healthy well ancestors are here to guide this container and to protect you. And knowing that you have the backing of your ancestral wisdom here and now feeling that support, feeling their encouragement, and they're also their genius solutions. And as you continue to breathe, whether you're seated or lying down, bring your awareness to your Ka body, to your energy double to that which is outside of your physical vessel to that which is the opposite gender of you to that which carries and balances all that you are here in this physical vessel on earth. No matter what your gender is. This call is here to help you weave and braid your divine feminine and your divine masculine frequencies. So as you're grounded and you're connected to Mother Earth, to your ancestors, and you've welcomed in consciously the wisdom of your car once more begin to welcome in mama ocean to wash over all of you to clear away anything from you. That is not serving you in this moment.

Ra Ma:

And you begin to see yourself seated or lying on the shores of the ocean herself. And it's dark however, the light is very quickly beginning to change as the sun is beginning to rise. As the sun is beginning to rise, you come in this vision to sit up and you gather yourself you create your sacred space here within your mind's eye. You tend to whatever you're called to here and now as you prepare for this rising sun of the Lionsgate portal

Ra Ma:

you begin to see the sun beams breaking across the ocean waves and so many colors rippling out along the horizon. You feel Mother Earth from your feet and the base of your spine. And as you feel the backing of your mother line and your father line and your car body here with you. You welcome in through the rays of the sun you welcome in the codes of light, and you gaze through your third eye beyond time and space all the way to sob tat. You gaze all the way deep into the heart of the Great Central Sun. deep into the heart of the great cosmic sun of all sons and you begin to consciously invite these light codes to fill up every cell of your body. You know, in this moment you are receiving transformative upgrades of consciousness deep into the layers of all that you are and all that you have ever been. And with this backing of your ancestral wisdom, this is mighty. This is potent. And this is powerful. You feel the regenerative cauldron of transformation, the beams of the Sun clearing and healing all that you are, you invite in these codes of frequency of 888, 444, 222, 111 you see layers upon layers of sacred geometry, perhaps the seed of life itself. And you see this being imprinted upon every cell of your being. As you draw your breath bring your awareness to your solar plexus chakra just above your navel and feel the energy there. Feel the codes of light going straight into the solar plexus center. Allow this energy to begin to fill up your entire body, purifying your entire chakra system. Continue to observe the rising of the sun and all of the colors. Feel this transmutation go up into the four chambers of your heart burning away the dross of anything in the heart that is blocking you and your lineage here and now. Tapping into the Power of divine timing. Knowing that you are ready to fully live in the realms of divine timing, you are ready for this great responsibility as a creator as a create tricks here on earth. You welcome and these codes of prosperity of great spiritual wisdom and you give a prayer and offering to anchor this wisdom to Earth at all times.

Ra Ma:

And when you're ready, you're going to begin to stand up in this division and open your hands the palms of your hands right raise your arms up and bless the sun and allow the sun to bless you offer your joy and your gratitude. Welcome in fully the codes of light the codes of power of transformation of manifestation of prosperity welcome in these codes all the way from the Great Central Sun into all of who you are and Mother Earth.

Ra Ma:

May you stay in service.

Ra Ma:

Stay tuned for Episode Eight, dropping on August 14, in honor of the Leo New Moon.

About the Podcast

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Stars, Stones and Stories: Ancient Future Myth & Astrology
Crystalize Your Medicine

About your host

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Danielle Marie

Awaken Your Star Heritage through Goddess Astrology, Cosmology, and Pilgrimage within GOLDEN GATE ESOTERAKA.

Danielle Marie, also known as RaMa is the pillar of an Ancient Future Mystery School. She is an interdisciplinary artist, international woman of medicine, astrologer, cosmic high priestess, doula, childbirth educator, herbalist, gridkeeper, pilgrimage steward, sound healer and yogic scientist. She has studied the art of starkeeping for over 30 years and holds a Master of Arts in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology with Merit through The Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture at the University of Wales.

Danielle practices Goddess Astrology, her alchemical blend of Ancient and Modern Western techniques that activate the Ancient Future Feminine frequency within you. Danielle is dedicated to aligning the spiritual realms with academic intelligence. Her astrological practice leans upon yogic philosophy and an extensive practice of meditation, sound healing, ancestral healing and Daoist stone medicine.

Danielle offers Quantum Healing Hypnosis journeys as taught by Dolores Cannon, serving as a consciousness midwife. She leads pilgrimages upon the Magdalene Trail to Egypt, Avalon and the South of France.

GOLDEN GATE ESOTERAKA Ancient Future Mystery School houses a living library of courses like Danielle's signature EarthSeed and Skywalkers. A thriving private online community is woven through The Chalice. Initiates are led on a path of deep internal self-discovery with programs like Goddess Astrology and Grail Quest.

You may discover more at ancientfuturemystery.school where every offering is a living prayer for you to Cultivate Deep Roots and Make Miracles with the Cosmos.